View Full Version : Kerry concedes, Bush re-elected

11-03-2004, 04:17 PM
Even though I supported Kerry, it's good to show some mutual respect. Congratulations to President Bush for winning a second term.

Death Engineer
11-03-2004, 04:31 PM
Regardless of the outcome, I am really glad there will not be a fiasco like in 2000. While I am a Bush supporter, I don't think anyone on either side wants to see the country go through that again.

Die Hard
11-03-2004, 04:34 PM
Good luck America!

Dangerous Dan
11-03-2004, 05:25 PM

that's how you lose in style, accept defeat, move on, and don't give the country a reason to quarl with itself

11-03-2004, 05:49 PM
BIGGS will be happy. :D

Only kidding. Well done to all.

11-03-2004, 07:27 PM
35 minutes till bush gives his speech=D

solid snake295
11-03-2004, 07:30 PM
sorry about your luck folks :P

11-03-2004, 07:52 PM
meh i really didn't care who won, but i guess bush works for another 4 years, lets just pray that nothing even remotely close to 9/11 happens again.

11-03-2004, 08:01 PM
Hate it for all you Bush haters & Bush Bashers here on Game Mecca. Got to admit by reading your post most of you guys hated BUSH. Still can't really see why. Hell Edog, my son got kicked of his Clan the CFs for having BUSH-CHENEY on his signature. No free speech for the Republicans?

Lets face it, BUSH supporters dominated the poles yesterday. He must be doing something right to get 4 million more votes then Kerry and go down in HISTORY for getting more popular votes then any other American President.

The Republicans also kept control of the Senate and added seats 3 extra seats also. Same with the HOUSE, kept control and added seats.

I can't really understand some of you guys, I guess brain washed by the liberal media.

Funny, the exit poles had Kerry winning the election at 5pm last night. What happened?

The reason Kerry lost is because the Liberal MEDIA (always reporting lies about BUSH) The Hollywood elite & Michael Moore (bashing and lying about BUSH) Hell Americans got tired of all that BUSH Bashing crap.

You guys did it to your selves, people got tired of the Democrat spin, lies and bashing & BS.

Take it for whats it worth and take a really good look at what happened yesterday. Majority rules.

Yours Truly,

11-03-2004, 08:24 PM
Even though I supported Kerry, it's good to show some mutual respect. Congratulations to President Bush for winning a second term.

Fair enough... :thumbs:

11-03-2004, 08:45 PM
You cant win minds and hearts of the american people by playing 'bash the other canidate every chance you get!
You win them by laying out a plan, being resolute and explaining why you think you could do a better job.
We won this race on Morals alone.
Guess we didnt hate Bush as much as the media told us we did?

What i would give to have seen the faces of Dan Rather Michael Moore Sean Penn Alec Baldwin and all the elite media when they finally realized their dog lost.
what a great day this has been. :thumbs:

11-03-2004, 08:52 PM
well you would be crazy not to say that it was close

11-03-2004, 09:01 PM
Thank God it is over with. :)

Now President Bush get to work and let's get this country back cooking.

11-03-2004, 09:07 PM
Hate it for all you Bush haters & Bush Bashers here on Game Mecca. Got to admit by reading your post most of you guys hated BUSH. Still can't really see why. Hell Edog, my son got kicked of his Clan the CFs for having BUSH-CHENEY on his signature. No free speech for the Republicans?


Take it for whats it worth and take a really good look at what happened yesterday. Majority rules.

Yours Truly,

don't know what crack you are smoking. for CF, they are an international clan, i am sure if edog was kicked it was probably after nicely being asked to remove the political poster. As for Bush, I don't see that he is doing anything for you. You are paying more than $2/gallon like everyone else, business is dying, and you don't make enough to get a worthwhile tax break, so have a piece of candy, while the bush buddies get a buffet of tax breaks. As for most popular vote, at 58 million he is easily beaten by the all the last 5 presidents voted into office. As for lies, spin, propaganda, etc, the republicans are just as guilty. They couldn't defeat clinton based on his policies so instead they spent millions investigating everybody he ever came in contact with, and then the trump card, sex in the white house. for michael moore, if you want to rip him then watch the video first. as for brain washing, that is an all too familiar claim from those that are brain washed. anyway our two party system in this country sucks. I would like to go green, if they stood a chance of winning.

11-03-2004, 09:28 PM
to be honest, i am really happy this thing is over. i have said it before and even though my reactions to some of the posts here were in bad taste, i still believe the better man won the election. it was a nail biter regardless of anything and it shows that americans are divided but i will say even though it may have been bad politics this election, we all reallllllllly want the same thing for our families. i believe we all need to be supportive of our military troops. this was a major reason i chose bush over kerry. over 80% of our troops wer supporting bush for a reason and with that, i feel we needed to keep the current president in office. i know bush may not seem to be the most intelligent man to you but i feel with all the posts here that were degrading toward a man were really bad and most of it was taken out of context. i think americans need to fight for what they want instead of thinking or relying on anyone. it is up to us as americans to make change. we are the people tat make things happend. we will always be bs'd by all parties when it coms to politics but that is the case for all people in the usa and every other country for that matter. i think the media should me ashamed for their munipulative manner and i feel the entertainers that used their power for manipulative bush bashing ought to be boycotted. i feel this not because they do not have a right to speak but because they did it in a bad way along with bashing the country i love america. i am happy on the turnout and respect all that voted. as the old man who was ahead of me said with a smle as he walked out at the election poll, "i did my duty, now i have the right to bitch" i said right on buddy :thumbs:

now i would like to take this time now to thank all the bush supporters here at gm who felt they must suport bush in the i hate bush threads. it was a bit disturbing at times with all the bickering and hatefull posts but we made it. our man won and we all feel for the right reasons. thank you from my heart for not giving up and sticking to your guns. edgod, god bless you for being so young and fighting for something you believe in at such a young age regardless of being kicked out of your clan. i feel that shows leadership when you against others for something you believe in regardless of others near you and their opinions. this is why many of us relected bush.

ofcourse, all of you bush bashers feel you deserve an apology for the way i reacted in reaction to some of your posts made here which may have mad you reac in another way to counter. i will not appologize for it i am sorry to say but i will say in respect that we have different views that i feel all of these threads brought out the worst in the mebers here at gm. where i am not going to say either of us was right with our views, they are views in which we as humans see the world and the way we live our life. our lives we live are so different and where ever you live, you may see things diffrent because of your religion, culture, surroundings, etc etc. i have heard many of your expressions toward me as hitler, and other evil thinkers/people but i take that with a grain of salt because you really do not know me or do i know you. all of gm know by now that i am a bit high strung and way outspoken to certain topics and i know that many here do not like that. i can say i am sorry for the way i come off at times but i ask for the same respect for you to see how i feel about our country or my country. again, i am sure we all want the same things in life like peace, finacial stability, 10"s (quick joke to break it up alittle) love, and for our children to be able to grow and live in the same. regardless of what country you live in, every person wants the same for their family. politics in every country do what they are suppose to do and keep us divided so we never become a big enough voice. as a proud american, i feel our country is in trouble but not because of either presidnt or any president. i feel we are in trouble because we the people take things for granted and then blame one person. we are at war and regardless of mine or your opinion, we need to secure our nation and do what is needed to win this war. their is a reason 80% and more supports bush and we need to consider that at the time of war. some of you may not see this war as serious which was what really got my blood boiling at times but i would just like to remind you of 9/11. i was there and it was real. it was not done by one person but supported by many nations. this is what we are fighting for and we are fighting all nations that can and may be part of it again in the future. i have said bush was the greatest thing and i have said i am not happy with either of the candidates but i feel i voted for the right person considering the choices at a time we americans face. although many of you feel safe but complain about the costs of many things but i feel if their were to be another attack on us which is their plan anyway, we would be in a lot of trouble if they suceeded. a lot of jobs were lost because of 9/11 and i would hate to think how many more wuld be lost if another attack came to be. i feel we may get hit agin but we are fighting and we can not as americans or humans allow that to divide us or weaken our goals that we can not move forward. we are americans and we are powerfull. we will succeed and move forward regardless of the views of others. we know america is the most powerfull nation around but without the people sticking together, we will be doomed. regardless of our opinions, we must stick together as americans like we did on 9/12/01

11-03-2004, 09:31 PM
Thank God it is over with. :)

Now President Bush get to work and let's get this country back cooking.

11-03-2004, 09:39 PM
don't know what crack you are smoking. for CF, they are an international clan, i am sure if edog was kicked it was probably after nicely being asked to remove the political poster. As for Bush, I don't see that he is doing anything for you. You are paying more than $2/gallon like everyone else, business is dying, and you don't make enough to get a worthwhile tax break, so have a piece of candy, while the bush buddies get a buffet of tax breaks. As for most popular vote, at 58 million he is easily beaten by the all the last 5 presidents voted into office. As for lies, spin, propaganda, etc, the republicans are just as guilty. They couldn't defeat clinton based on his policies so instead they spent millions investigating everybody he ever came in contact with, and then the trump card, sex in the white house. for michael moore, if you want to rip him then watch the video first. as for brain washing, that is an all too familiar claim from those that are brain washed. anyway our two party system in this country sucks. I would like to go green, if they stood a chance of winning.

Brother get real!!, I truly think when that corvette ran over you when you were a kid you lost half your brain. You never have been right since then.
Its funny how some really "smart" people are really "stupid". Dang, why am I wasting my time on my Liberal Left Wing brother?

President Reagan (republican and the most beloved American president) had the record for the most votes and BUSH broke that record.

Also your buddy Clinton didn't even receive 50% of the Ameican vote in either win of his.

If you conservative land preserve wackos would let companies drill for oit in Alaska and other places gas would not be $2 a gallon. A client of my (US marine in Iraq) emailed me today and told me gas is a whopping 3 cents a gallon there. He laso supports BUSH 100% and the war effort. God Bless The Troops!!

Hell by what you are saying above I think you are working for the Kerry camp.

11-03-2004, 09:43 PM
well you would be crazy not to say that it was close

Yea, I guess 4 million votes ahead of Kerry is considered close

11-03-2004, 09:46 PM
yeah, you lost it when that mule cracked your skull open when you were a kid....

i suggest you look up numbers before making up facts...

The following is a list of the individuals who have received the most popular votes for President. The figures are in millions.




Source: National Archives and Records Administration.

11-03-2004, 09:50 PM
[QUOTE=JIMINATOR]yeah, you lost it when that mule cracked your skull open when you were a kid....

It was a horse not a mule. lol

11-03-2004, 09:51 PM
yeah, you lost it when that mule cracked your skull open when you were a kid....

i suggest you look up numbers before making up facts...

Well brother, I was going by what our trust worthy news media was reporting early this morning

I will check on that when I find some time.

11-03-2004, 09:52 PM
Actually, EdoG was kicked out of CF because there are NO political sigs allowed in the clan at all. As Jim said, it is an international clan. When I was accpted two days ago, I had to remove my pro-Kerry sig, and I did. EdoG was asked several times to please remove his sig and he did not. So there is no political bias in CF.

Anyways, I'm just grateful that this election is over. Time to move on.

Hate it for all you Bush haters & Bush Bashers here on Game Mecca. Got to admit by reading your post most of you guys hated BUSH. Still can't really see why. Hell Edog, my son got kicked of his Clan the CFs for having BUSH-CHENEY on his signature. No free speech for the Republicans?

Lets face it, BUSH supporters dominated the poles yesterday. He must be doing something right to get 4 million more votes then Kerry and go down in HISTORY for getting more popular votes then any other American President.

The Republicans also kept control of the Senate and added seats 3 extra seats also. Same with the HOUSE, kept control and added seats.

I can't really understand some of you guys, I guess brain washed by the liberal media.

Funny, the exit poles had Kerry winning the election at 5pm last night. What happened?

The reason Kerry lost is because the Liberal MEDIA (always reporting lies about BUSH) The Hollywood elite & Michael Moore (bashing and lying about BUSH) Hell Americans got tired of all that BUSH Bashing crap.

You guys did it to your selves, people got tired of the Democrat spin, lies and bashing & BS.

Take it for whats it worth and take a really good look at what happened yesterday. Majority rules.

Yours Truly,

11-03-2004, 10:00 PM
Time to put up your pitchforks and put out the torches because the monster is dead. Your families miss you, Go home! :rolleyes:

11-03-2004, 10:30 PM
yeah, you lost it when that mule cracked your skull open when you were a kid....

i suggest you look up numbers before making up facts...

I thought those numbers looked a little out of wack especialy the one for Nixon and FDR, so i did a search, I think these numbers are a little more accurate

Try looking here (http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0781450.html)

Here is the count at the time of this edit

Bush 51% 59,019,626
Kerry 48% 55,437,263

It looks like Bush got the most votes of any candidate to date.

11-03-2004, 10:50 PM
I thought those numbers looked a little out of wack especialy the one for Nixon and FDR, so i did a search, I think these numbers are a little more accurate

Try looking here (http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0781450.html)
Dang...beat me to it. Go Oscar!!!!

PS.... I think Jim actually got his original numbers from Dan Rather instead of the National Archives....their records match what Oscars link has.

11-03-2004, 11:07 PM
damn, how dare they make up shi on the internet!!! ok, so it looks like the numbers I posted came out of someones ass. bush at 59 has the most ever, kerry at 55 has the second most ever...

11-03-2004, 11:11 PM
I looked at your #s and I too thought they were BS.

Thanks Oscar for posting the correct #s

Bro just messing with you, don't take it to heart.

Still love you bro.

Peace to all and lets move on

11-03-2004, 11:23 PM
i think the numbers mean nothing imo. every year there are more and more people voting so it doesnt have anything to do with approval as much as it has with the amount of people voting at that election. this year the turnout was more than ever and that is the reason for the high numbers. although i did not get stuck at an lines when i voted it did appear that others had to wait hours to vote. i think the fact that many people actually voted is a good thing.:thumbs:

11-03-2004, 11:28 PM
i think this is a good point here http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/nation/terror/20041103-0827-election-putin.html

putin has a lot of respect for gwb and he also was hoping for george.

11-03-2004, 11:36 PM
Hell Edog, my son got kicked of his Clan the CFs for having BUSH-CHENEY on his signature. No free speech for the Republicans?

Yours Truly,

CF as an international clan is neutral towards politics and religion. Individual members have freedom of speech to express their opinion in threads related to those subject matters. However, we feel that sigs and avatars reflect on the group, therefore we ask members to act neutral there. By disregarding this at multiple times, Edog put himself - to our regret - outside of CF.

11-03-2004, 11:45 PM
CF as an international clan is neutral towards politics and religion. Individual members have freedom of speech to express their opinion in threads related to those subject matters. However, we feel that sigs and avatars reflect on the group, therefore we ask members to act neutral there. By disregarding this at multiple times, Edog put himself - to our regret - outside of CF.

i am sure that most know that cf did not kick edog out for liking bush. i knew that aftr edog let me know he was out of cf for having bush in his sig. i hold no bad judgement on cf becaus ethey have some great people in their clan and are usually very respectable people toward others. if cf has a rule, al of their members must follow it. i am sure many agree with me on that.

i do respect edog at the same tme to sticking to what he believd in. i am sure he knew it was a rule for cf not to have a bush or kerry sig. i have respect for the kid for being so young and yet making a descision regardless of the outcome. that is honarable regardless of who he supportd and being so young it is important not to start going against his own feelings or beliefs.

edog, you get my respect for that.

gm-members should also respect any clans rules rgading their clan and hold no judgement toward cf. their histoy is positve toward gm and will continue to earn respect in all the games they play.

11-03-2004, 11:49 PM
I would like to go green, if they stood a chance of winning.

And that's the whole problem, Green doesn't have millions to spend for a $200,000 job.

A lot of people wont vote for them because they'll lose. When if they are the choice that best represents your opinions, then you should vote that way. win or lose. If you don't like the republicans, or democrats, then you have to either change them, or express your dissaproval by voting against them!

I saw Bush as a poor President, I saw Kerry not worthy, I saw Cobb talking about the issues that were important.

I hope Bush does a better job and puts a effort into uniting the country, if he does, then I'll support him.

I you want a change, then YOU have to do something about it Jim, whether or not you fail.

Time to put up your pitchforks and put out the torches because the monster is dead. Your families miss you, Go home!

:rofl: GG Shogun!

11-04-2004, 12:14 AM
Hate it for all you Bush haters & Bush Bashers here on Game Mecca. Got to admit by reading your post most of you guys hated BUSH. Still can't really see why. Hell Edog, my son got kicked of his Clan the CFs for having BUSH-CHENEY on his signature. No free speech for the Republicans?

Lets face it, BUSH supporters dominated the poles yesterday. He must be doing something right to get 4 million more votes then Kerry and go down in HISTORY for getting more popular votes then any other American President.

The Republicans also kept control of the Senate and added seats 3 extra seats also. Same with the HOUSE, kept control and added seats.

I can't really understand some of you guys, I guess brain washed by the liberal media.

Funny, the exit poles had Kerry winning the election at 5pm last night. What happened?

The reason Kerry lost is because the Liberal MEDIA (always reporting lies about BUSH) The Hollywood elite & Michael Moore (bashing and lying about BUSH) Hell Americans got tired of all that BUSH Bashing crap.

You guys did it to your selves, people got tired of the Democrat spin, lies and bashing & BS.

Take it for whats it worth and take a really good look at what happened yesterday. Majority rules.

Yours Truly,

I see a divided nation. I also see how keeping the Country scared all the time for no reason, wins votes. Not sure what you seem to be seeing....

11-04-2004, 12:20 AM
i am sure that most know that cf did not kick edog out for liking bush. i knew that aftr edog let me know he was out of cf for having bush in his sig. i hold no bad judgement on cf becaus ethey have some great people in their clan and are usually very respectable people toward others. if cf has a rule, al of their members must follow it. i am sure many agree with me on that.

i do respect edog at the same tme to sticking to what he believd in. i am sure he knew it was a rule for cf not to have a bush or kerry sig. i have respect for the kid for being so young and yet making a descision regardless of the outcome. that is honarable regardless of who he supportd and being so young it is important not to start going against his own feelings or beliefs.

edog, you get my respect for that.

gm-members should also respect any clans rules rgading their clan and hold no judgement toward cf. their histoy is positve toward gm and will continue to earn respect in all the games they play.
Personally I think it is a violation of his rights. This is a gaming forum and for a gaming clan to tell you what you can have in your signature is absolutely ridiculous. I would never join or stand for a clan with such rules, as a matter of fact CF loses my respect for having such a rule.

11-04-2004, 12:42 AM
Pangiotis, you are a great guy I am behind you 100%
Im sorry to hear Edog got kicked for such a dumb rule. Yes, I believe it's dumb because it is.

11-04-2004, 12:47 AM
Personally I think it is a violation of his rights. This is a gaming forum and for a gaming clan to tell you what you can have in your signature is absolutely ridiculous. I would never join or stand for a clan with such rules, as a matter of fact CF loses my respect for having such a rule.

Thanks Slice for agreeing with me, and thanks BiGG for respecting me for keeping the Bush banner in my sig.
Good job Bush for regaining the White House and good job to Kerry for a strong election :thumbs:

Dangerous Dan
11-04-2004, 12:49 AM
I see a divided nation.

but a nation that also understands the honours the democratic system and will willingly accept their re-elected presedent on the basis of votes and electoral college system.

we don't want a cicil war like good old ficticious "John Titor" said there would be between the republicans and democrats :hmmm:

He Is Legend
11-04-2004, 01:11 AM
Bush won


11-04-2004, 01:18 AM
but a nation that also understands the honours the democratic system and will willingly accept their re-elected presedent on the basis of votes and electoral college system.

we don't want a cicil war like good old ficticious "John Titor" said there would be between the republicans and democrats :hmmm:
I will accept it only because I have no choice. I'm not so sure that it can fill your definition of "willingly" though.

11-04-2004, 01:38 AM
The people have voted, what else can you say, really?

11-04-2004, 01:57 AM
After hearing this morning that Kerry conceded and accepted losing the election and also calling of his attack dogs and lawyers he earned my respect.

I honestly think diferent about him now and also respect him.

He is a good man and did the honorable thing and did not drag the country down by the dreaded 'recount" road

Thumbs Up To Senator Kerry!!!!

11-04-2004, 02:02 AM
I agree that John Kerry acted honorably in accepting defeat. Not at all like Al Gore in the last race. Kerry did the right thing. :thumbs:

11-04-2004, 03:25 AM
Thanks Slice for agreeing with me, and thanks BiGG for respecting me for keeping the Bush banner in my sig.
Good job Bush for regaining the White House and good job to Kerry for a strong election :thumbs:

wait... he got kicked out for expressing his opinion?

thats a bit of a shame...... CF loses my respect too..

11-04-2004, 04:48 AM
I see a divided nation. I also see how keeping the Country scared all the time for no reason, wins votes. Not sure what you seem to be seeing....
he didnt win the votes on a campaign of terror as you would like to think.
no what won his votes were the party spliting abortion and gay rights issues. Democrats and Republicans within their own partys were split on this issue.

11-04-2004, 05:08 AM
he didnt win the votes on a campaign of terror as you would like to think.
no what won his votes were the party spliting abortion and gay rights issues. Democrats and Republicans within their own partys were split on this issue.
just out of curiosity, how did you manage to find this website? You don't appear to be a gamer, or are you? :hmmm:

11-04-2004, 05:15 AM
i can not belive this thread is still going on. i thought these would end after the election was over. anyway, doesnt anyone tell jokes anymore?:confused:

11-04-2004, 05:17 AM
did bush suddenly become a furry bundle of love, wanting equal rights and justice for all people and all religions? :hmmm:

11-04-2004, 05:18 AM
But what I REALLY wanna know is who's gonna win in the big Burger King bout........Regular chicken or spicy chicken sandwhich? I'm all for spicy!

11-04-2004, 05:55 AM
But what I REALLY wanna know is who's gonna win in the big Burger King bout........Regular chicken or spicy chicken sandwhich? I'm all for spicy!

:funny: :thumbs:

11-04-2004, 06:59 AM
While I congratulate GWBush and the base that supported him, I also congratulate those that may have supported other candidates, for what ever ideals or reasons they may have had! For it is with these ideas and intentions in mind, that the elections, and our guarantee of freedom of speech and as part of these intentions, our ability to cast a vote, and which was utimately only made possible by the wisdom and the sacrifices of our many forefathers and of course by that our US Constitution ! Our freedom of voice for our freedom of choice!

And while some of us have disagreed on choice of leaders, or the myriad of issues or our perceptions on what direction our country should be taking, I am still heartened by all our various discourses/discussions! These discourses have contributed greatly to making this country trully the great country that it is! And while I feel the outcome of this election was far more based on the swaying of pps conceptions than on the many issues of real substance! I also see that, as the challenge we all must face, just as sure as we and time must now go forward !

And while we congratulate Pres. Bush, We will be faulted and greatly amiss if we do not hold all our present leaders to account no matter who, or what partys that they may ultimately be from !!

Long Live Democracy !!

11-04-2004, 07:30 AM
Personally I think it is a violation of his rights. This is a gaming forum and for a gaming clan to tell you what you can have in your signature is absolutely ridiculous. I would never join or stand for a clan with such rules, as a matter of fact CF loses my respect for having such a rule.

It's a shame to see that you feel that way, however, like Aries said so eloquently, CF is an international clan and while posting in political threads members are free to express their opinions, but a signature shows in every type of thread. We wish to retain our neutral image. You could say it is a separation of gaming and politics, like the United States has a separation of church and state. Some clans even have a rule that their members are not to post in political threads. I respect that because the behavior of one member reflects on all other members of the clan... :thumbs:

11-04-2004, 11:44 AM
I think he's Sirc. :hmmm:

11-04-2004, 03:28 PM
LOL! It just occurred to me looking at your sig what BIGG meant in one of his posts. He mentioned something bizarre about the price of oil being so high because people spend all day playing pool. LMAO! I'm sorry for being slow, but now I understand. Sorta. Well actually I do understand the fact that he was taking a personal shot at you. But how he tied playing pool into the price of oil still baffles me.

Damn you billiards players! You are no doubt the reason that Iran and North Korea are developing nuclear weapons too! How can you possibly sleep at night? :P

My pool cue is a diesel, that darn gas guzzling thing... :P

11-04-2004, 04:20 PM
thundar, the attack was not personal but since you made the post i responded to regarding oil and i was trying to explain that americans were not paying attention and blaming bush for the oil prices. now if it was schism that made the post i would of used masturbating to boys as an example:D . Thundar, do not take it personal and if you have read my first post of this thread you would see. schism is just starting trouble because his state voted against gay marriage and he is pissed off. and for the record i am not against that and think the law is against the constitution.

ok people the elections are over:)

11-04-2004, 05:12 PM
thundar, the attack was not personal but since you made the post i responded to regarding oil and i was trying to explain that americans were not paying attention and blaming bush for the oil prices. now if it was schism that made the post i would of used masturbating to boys as an example:D . Thundar, do not take it personal and if you have read my first post of this thread you would see. schism is just starting trouble because his state voted against gay marriage and he is pissed off. and for the record i am not against that and think the law is against the constitution.

ok people the elections are over:)
I was just joking!!! See the :P ? LOL! Nah, It's all good, it's over and done with.. :)

11-04-2004, 07:51 PM
I have to agree. He wasn't meddling an any other country's affairs. He wasn't saying anything derogatory. He simply expressed his support for an American presidential candidate. He's an American. How can that possibly interfere with an international clan's daily activities? Was he bickering with other CF members about it? And if so were they even American? I'm confused. I have never heard of a clan that exercises so much control over a person's opinions or personal expression.

Yes I know it's CF's business what they do and don't do. But when you shackle your members like this be prepared to be criticised. :down:

I seem to remember Aries keeping us all updated on how many medals his country was winning in the past Olympic games. How was that different? :rolleyes:
all he had to do was remove the banner from the sig, no questions asked, he can still express himself in the off topic forum the way he wanted to, but cf feels that politics should be kept out of the clan, i dont care much for politics or who won yesterday (because it doesnt immidiately affect me directly) the Olympic games are GAMES just like ssam (only more people play) and there haven't been any wars over GAMES (where people actually die) so aries was expressing his heritage and patriotism towards his country, edog could have as many amercican flags in his sig as he saw fit, but things relating to politics or the election are different and he should have kept his opinions about politics to himself.
And as once Aries said to me "politics (and something else) are the cause for war and suffering"
Edog got kicked out of a clan (that was dwindling down anyway) so no big deal.
Also one of our rules is that a member should obey all the requests made by the leaders.

11-04-2004, 10:45 PM
I was just joking!!! See the :P ? LOL! Nah, It's all good, it's over and done with.. :)

Does ANYONE know when ANYONE's joking anymore?? :P

11-05-2004, 01:41 AM
It's a shame to see that you feel that way, however, like Aries said so eloquently, CF is an international clan and while posting in political threads members are free to express their opinions, but a signature shows in every type of thread. We wish to retain our neutral image. You could say it is a separation of gaming and politics, like the United States has a separation of church and state. Some clans even have a rule that their members are not to post in political threads. I respect that because the behavior of one member reflects on all other members of the clan... :thumbs:
For your clan members to shun a member because he is expressing his own personal opinion on a major event such as the presidency is disturbingly wrong, and there is nothing you can type to justify the reasoning. Voting and supporting the Democratic process in the United States of America is a highly respected right. Signatures on any forums belong to the individual not a clan. Now if the private forum owners (GM Administration for example) made it a rule that no political advertising was allowed in your signature then of course that is a differant issue.

11-05-2004, 01:59 AM
i think its disturbingly wrong that someoen won't comply with a simple request to change their signature, just doing it sounds simple enough, if aries doesn't like it then he has the ability to ask the member nicely to remove it and in the member refuses then we kindly excuse him from the clan, its not like there was any major political rivalry, just simply keeping one's opinions to themselves.

11-05-2004, 02:45 AM
If I ran a clan it would not bother me one bit neither would I impose a rule that no one could express their political preference with a banner on thier signature. Who the hell does it really bother if edog supports Bush? maybe Michael Moore?

I do think we still live in American land of the free.

I thought Clans stuck together and supported one another. What make America is that we all can be diferent and think diferent and vote for who ever we want to.

Mabey you guys should make a clan for democrats only and one for republicans only.


11-05-2004, 02:56 AM
or we can all be the same, if it was a Kerry banner edog would still be excused from the clan, no one else in cf had banners and edog can support bush in a better way than having a sig promoting him on a GAMING forum, al he had to do was remove it, but i assume that edig didn't really want to stay in a clan that is slowly losing its many members.
PS nothing is free, not this country, not anything in this world.

11-05-2004, 02:58 AM
i think its disturbingly wrong that someoen won't comply with a simple request to change their signature, just doing it sounds simple enough, if aries doesn't like it then he has the ability to ask the member nicely to remove it and in the member refuses then we kindly excuse him from the clan, its not like there was any major political rivalry, just simply keeping one's opinions to themselves.
Why should anyone have to keep their opinion to themselves? That is just nonsence. You mention comply. Was Edog informed upon membership to CF that he was not to display any political propaganda in his signature or elsewhere in the forums? Or do we just make the rules as we go along in CF?

11-05-2004, 03:01 AM
Why should anyone have to keep their opinion to themselves? That is just nonsence. You mention comply. Was Edog informed upon membership to CF that he was not to display any political propaganda in his signature or elsewhere in the forums? Or do we just make the rules as we go along in CF?
Edog was informed several times and he just wouldnt let go, at one point you have to let go (or i get bored), so he chose politics over a clan, one can't possibly have enough time to be in a clan AND be involved in politics

11-05-2004, 03:05 AM
Edog was informed several times and he just wouldnt let go, at one point you have to let go (or i get bored), so he chose politics over a clan, one can't possibly have enough time to be in a clan AND be involved in politics
There you have it folks the real reason why CF is on it's downfall....

11-05-2004, 03:10 AM
so what if we are in a "recession" right now, when serious sam 2 comes out, CF will start recruiting again and more people will become interested in playing for and with a serious sam clan, it has nothing to do with politics and i have alot of trouble beliving that edog is THAT pro-bush in real life outside the forums.

11-05-2004, 03:12 AM
If I ran a clan it would not bother me one bit neither would I impose a rule that no one could express their political preference with a banner on thier signature. Who the hell does it really bother if edog supports Bush? maybe Michael Moore?

I do think we still live in American land of the free.

I thought Clans stuck together and supported one another. What make America is that we all can be diferent and think diferent and vote for who ever we want to.

Mabey you guys should make a clan for democrats only and one for republicans only.

Maybe you should make your own clan and run it, then start judging other clans :rolleyes:

Sorry, but the leaders of CF are fine people, they deserve better than the guff that they're getting. Edog obviously didn't want to be part of CF and he's gone, and good luck to him. But to see you people judging the descision of Sepra and Aries is :rolleyes: :down:

Good luck when you get a real job and your boss tells you not to do something.. 4-5 times and you wonder why he fires you.

Eternal Knight
11-05-2004, 03:15 AM
Hey guys, I know I have no clue who is who but I believ that quarrelling over a non-violent or obscene picture and then booting the person with that picture is just not a rational idea. Is there nothing greater to quarrel about than a picture?
Just my 2 cents.

11-05-2004, 03:23 AM
Hey guys, I know I have no clue who is who but I believ that quarrelling over a non-violent or obscene picture and then booting the person with that picture is just not a rational idea. Is there nothing greater to quarrel about than a picture?
Just my 2 cents.
nice Execution :rolleyes: ;)

11-05-2004, 03:27 AM
Edog was informed several times and he just wouldnt let go, at one point you have to let go (or i get bored), so he chose politics over a clan, one can't possibly have enough time to be in a clan AND be involved in politics

Believe me EXE it's not easy to be involved in clans and politics at the same time.

I find it interesting though that I started this thread as a congratz message to President Bush. I think now that the election is over we should move right on. It's interesting now that people are debating the subject of EdoG being kicked out because of his political sig. As was mentioned many times, there are other ways to express your political opinion than with your sig or avatar. Posting here in the Off Topic forum for example. It has also been mentioned that CF is an international clan, and that for a member to promote their political opinions or their religions in their profiles makes it appear that that is the opinion of the whole clan. And EXEcution is right, if EdoG had a Kerry/Edwards sig he still would have been asked not to have it. In fact when I was accepted into CF I had a Kerry sig, and I was asked not to have it. So I did remove it, simple as that, because there were other ways for me to show support for Kerry. But when EdoG was politely asked he did not comply. Few times he ignored the leaders and chose the election over the clan, so he was kicked from the clan. CF does not take sides when it comes to politics or religion.

But back to the real topic, Bush won the election. And whether you voted for him, Kerry, Nader or someone else, let's just be glad this election is over, and let's just move on.

11-05-2004, 03:28 AM
nice Execution :rolleyes: ;)
THANX! :thumbs:

11-05-2004, 03:42 AM
Maybe you should make your own clan and run it, then start judging other clans :rolleyes:

Sorry, but the leaders of CF are fine people, they deserve better than the guff that they're getting. Edog obviously didn't want to be part of CF and he's gone, and good luck to him. But to see you people judging the descision of Sepra and Aries is :rolleyes: :down:

Good luck when you get a real job and your boss tells you not to do something.. 4-5 times and you wonder why he fires you.
That analogy is complete crap and you know it Pure. That wasn't their decision to make for somebody else, regardless if they were a member of the clan or not. What the hell are they running a dictatorship?

11-05-2004, 03:49 AM
That analogy is complete crap and you know it Pure. That wasn't their decision to make for somebody else, regardless if they were a member of the clan or not. What the hell are they running a dictatorship?
we say, you do
some people like that :cool:

11-05-2004, 03:49 AM
Believe me EXE it's not easy to be involved in clans and politics at the same time.

I find it interesting though that I started this thread as a congratz message to President Bush. I think now that the election is over we should move right on. It's interesting now that people are debating the subject of EdoG being kicked out because of his political sig. As was mentioned many times, there are other ways to express your political opinion than with your sig or avatar. Posting here in the Off Topic forum for example. It has also been mentioned that CF is an international clan, and that for a member to promote their political opinions or their religions in their profiles makes it appear that that is the opinion of the whole clan. And EXEcution is right, if EdoG had a Kerry/Edwards sig he still would have been asked not to have it. In fact when I was accepted into CF I had a Kerry sig, and I was asked not to have it. So I did remove it, simple as that, because there were other ways for me to show support for Kerry. But when EdoG was politely asked he did not comply. Few times he ignored the leaders and chose the election over the clan, so he was kicked from the clan. CF does not take sides when it comes to politics or religion.

But back to the real topic, Bush won the election. And whether you voted for him, Kerry, Nader or someone else, let's just be glad this election is over, and let's just move on.
I am sorry for you that you conform to peoples desires so easily. For you to actually remove your signature they had convinced you that it was wrong, no matter how nicely they put it. If somebody asked me to remove something from my sig I would tell them to pound tar. Did they ask Edog to have his family remove any bumper stickers from his families vehicles that he might have as well? Give me a break already. Why is it that so many people let the wool get pulled over their eyes with out a fight?

11-05-2004, 03:50 AM
I am sorry for you that you conform to peoples desires so easily. For you to actually remove your signature they had convinced you that it was wrong, no matter how nicely they put it. If somebody asked me to remove something from my sig I would tell them to pound tar. Did they ask Edog to have his family remove any bumper stickers from his families vehicles that he might have as well? Give me a break already. Why is it that so many people let the wool get pulled over their eyes with out a fight?
because fighting is wrong and we should accept things for what they REALLY are

11-05-2004, 03:54 AM
That analogy is complete crap and you know it Pure. That wasn't their decision to make for somebody else, regardless if they were a member of the clan or not. What the hell are they running a dictatorship?
It's their clan, they run it how they want to. They have 3 people calling the shots and that's how it is.

I remember when you ran the Gods, and nobody told you how to run your clan

11-05-2004, 03:55 AM
we say, you do
some people like that :cool:
You are right, the stupid ones. My hats off to Edog for standing up in what he believes in and has every right to. I am sure he will find a more reasonable clan very easily.

11-05-2004, 04:02 AM
good grief.... it's like this. politics is a highly charged subject. if you are in a clan, then you represent the clan. if you have a whole bunch of clan tags and then throw a political banner under them, then that will probably give some people the impression the the clan has political affiliations and chances are that you are going to irritate someone....

11-05-2004, 04:50 AM
THANX! :thumbs:
uhh, dont give EXE the credit fo that posdt cuz Eternal Knight said it
put on glasses or sth foolz :P

11-05-2004, 04:51 AM
You are right, the stupid ones. My hats off to Edog for standing up in what he believes in and has every right to. I am sure he will find a more reasonable clan very easily.

11-05-2004, 04:54 AM
good grief.... it's like this. politics is a highly charged subject. if you are in a clan, then you represent the clan. if you have a whole bunch of clan tags and then throw a political banner under them, then that will probably give some people the impression the the clan has political affiliations and chances are that you are going to irritate someone....
LOL, nice Budah. So what it's highly charged. So what if one of it's members had political affiliations. So let's keep it hush hush instead? We are not talking about freaky sex here, we are talking politics. When did it become a taboo subject?

11-05-2004, 05:43 AM
Slice now I understand why you have been slacking, Being in a clan and politics is hard (I know you didn't say it) and all but the election is now over so will you please please please start setting your players in the fantasy league? I've talked to the football gods and they have agreed to let the Dolphins win a few this year if you will. :D

11-05-2004, 06:08 PM
LOL, nice Budah. So what it's highly charged. So what if one of it's members had political affiliations. So let's keep it hush hush instead? We are not talking about freaky sex here, we are talking politics. When did it become a taboo subject?

All we are asking that our members not be a walking billboard/banner for anything political or religious regardless what side one chooses to support. If someone has a problem voicing their support intelligently without using their sigs, then that would be their personal problem, not that of the clan... :rolleyes:

11-05-2004, 06:19 PM
lol thundarrr, just stop trying cuz you wont convince anyone to think that ;)

11-05-2004, 06:37 PM
lol thundarrr, just stop trying cuz you wont convince anyone to think that ;)

Nitro's talking out of his ass again, cuz I can hear the words, yet his lips aren't moving :rolleyes:

11-05-2004, 07:47 PM
good grief.... it's like this. politics is a highly charged subject. if you are in a clan, then you represent the clan. if you have a whole bunch of clan tags and then throw a political banner under them, then that will probably give some people the impression the the clan has political affiliations and chances are that you are going to irritate someone....
thats exactly what i was trying to say but my brain dont work as good as jims
jim will be my voice from now on :thumbs:

11-05-2004, 07:49 PM
lol thundarrr, just stop trying cuz you wont convince anyone to think that ;)
Dear Greatest Sam Player ever,
get off the shrooms man, ITS OUR CLAN POLICY, WE THINK THAT not anyone else.

11-05-2004, 07:58 PM
thats exactly what i was trying to say but my brain dont work as good as jims
jim will be my voice from now on :thumbs:

I like making it with goats!!


11-05-2004, 07:59 PM
Dear Greatest Sam Player ever,
get off the shrooms man, ITS OUR CLAN POLICY, WE THINK THAT not anyone else.

don't mess with nitro, he'll throw a serious ass whoppin on you! :eek:

11-05-2004, 08:04 PM
don't mess with nitro, he'll throw a serious ass whoppin on you! :eek:
well now that you quoted me i cant get rid of my message
damn im gona get pwned :bawling:

11-05-2004, 10:57 PM
Thank you all who have defended CF and for those who oppose, I also see your points. However, by commiting yourself to a group of any kind you agree to comply to the requests of leaders/representitives/administrators or whoever is in charge. If your in school and two kids are whispering back and forth and the teacher corrects them, should they lash out saying they have freedom of speech and imply school regiment is a dictatorship? No, because there are appropriate times to chat about things (recess, in between classes etc) and there are inappropriate times. Guidelines are everywhere whether your in a school, a library, a courthouse, a museum or a clan. When you enroll in something there are rules to follow, no matter where you go and there's no difference. I'm not here to defend CF because honestly, it's not worth my time and effort to convince anyone, I'm just simply making a point.

I'm asking for all CF's to refrain from any further discussion in this matter. Everyone's heard your defenses and and it's in the past. EdoG is a great kid, there's no doubt about that. This was just an unfortunate turnout.

11-05-2004, 11:29 PM
Slice now I understand why you have been slacking, Being in a clan and politics is hard (I know you didn't say it) and all but the election is now over so will you please please please start setting your players in the fantasy league? I've talked to the football gods and they have agreed to let the Dolphins win a few this year if you will. :D
You are right, it is so difficult to be in a clan and politics at the same time. (whew, wipes the sweat off his brow) I can't believe I find time for all the other unimportant stuff like running 2 hotels, taking care of my other homes, washing all my cars, cutting all my lawns, tending to 3 swimming pools, and somewhere in there managing to visit with my family and friends and sleep. :P I will see if I can find some time tonight to go over my players and dump most of the Dolphins. :D

11-06-2004, 12:38 AM
Dear Greatest Sam Player ever,
get off the shrooms man, ITS OUR CLAN POLICY, WE THINK THAT not anyone else.