View Full Version : great sci-fi book series....

11-05-2004, 06:55 AM
i don't know how many of you like sci-fi (or know how to read for that matter.... :P) but if you like space type series then you might like to take a look at the books by alastair reynolds. a great new author, the books are great. very deep and satisfying. (the first is revelation space). It is a pretty nice difference from all of the run of the mill "lost identity revealed, superpowers save the earth from evil" fantasy series books that is pretty much all you see nowadays....

11-05-2004, 07:07 AM
I'm always looking for good sci-fi books so I'll check it out.
I take it you have read Orson Scott Cards: Enders Game and spinoff books?
Also Fall of Reach by Eric Nylund is a great read (Its based on Halo)

11-05-2004, 07:25 AM
yeah, i have read most of scott cards books, not sure what I think of him though. he certainly is a great writer, creates a lot of empathy in his characters. at the same time though it seems like he tends to get bored part way through a series, example the homefall (?) series, he builds a story for about 4 books, then changes everything for the last two. like that was kind of a sucky conclusion. anyway I have tended to avoid any of the "adapted" books, i am sure it is probably great, but I have been burned on far too many of those.... :D