View Full Version : EU ready to take an active role in Iraq..

11-05-2004, 01:42 PM
* Nevermind *

11-05-2004, 01:53 PM
If EU is kicking in 21 million, I wonder what the USA is spending?? :hmmm:

Die Hard
11-05-2004, 01:55 PM

11-05-2004, 03:33 PM
21 million is peanuts. we will drop that on Fallujah by the end of the week. i guess it's better then nothing though and i do see some improvement. as far as france goes, they im my heart are our enemy also and we should bann any product or company that relates to that non ally. they think they are better, we will show them. we should of went into ww2 after the germans took them out. chirac will ruin that country. and when they bash america, they can kiss our ass. i for one will not use or buy any product of france and neither will my family members. they will eventually feel the impact. they can rely on their allies like that terrorist they have there brain dead.

i say screw them all and we should just stop foreign aid to all countires that have not backed us. we could pay off our bills and take care of our own people. between the money we were spending having our bases in germany we will be saving money when they are completely closed. americans get mad when they see how much money is wasted on war when they should calculate what we give to these ungrateful countries. i hope bush sticks to his guns and says screw the corrupt un.