View Full Version : Nailah's 3-3 explanation.

11-05-2004, 03:51 PM
I've been getting alot of ingame tells on HOW TO nailah's 3-3. To much time to keep explaining so here is what I know.
Setian Scouts do drop it, but not the ones that roam freely in Stygia or Atum. I myself befor I found this info killed at the very least 500 of them without success.
The trick is this. Agro any of the Setian forts in Atum and the train comes with Strutters Skryer's Warriors and of course Storms.
How do I?.... I've found it easier to do alone with my sight necro. I camp outside fort. After all is calm and im fully buffed and healed I run in and try to just aggro one red. (Tremeling, Stormlord or Warrior) I then drag him out and kill him and any adds that come. Then i sit for about two minnutes tops and wait for train. I stand close enough to aggro a few Storms on the way in(reason is it thins out the aggro a bit for second pull). You don't have much time befor it resets so as soon as you can kill the first few you aggro on way in run back in just enough to aggro rest of storms that came in on train. Run back to your safe spot to kill rest.. if you stay at entrence to kill the Storms you will aggro unwanted adds. Ultimately I farmed 5 of them in under a week. Two of which took under a half hour. The Train Storms are the only ones that drop it. Unless you go to ML 5 I think. Goodluck Storm Hunting. Cyp

11-05-2004, 04:17 PM
The 3 of 3 I got was dropped off a setian slave. The problem with getting it was similiar to what you described. The slave was way back in one of the forts. Even though he was blue to me he hard part was getting to him. I first had to clear out the other setians before I could pull him from a range then run out of the fort and kill him. It was a slow respawn time on the setians but it had to be done in a relatively timely manner. I was able to get it to drop in about 2 hours. May have just gotten lucky.

11-05-2004, 07:26 PM
ya i remember.. i was heading in and you where leaving with scroll.. i tried for days to hit a slave but couldnt do myself..

11-07-2004, 05:41 PM
Caerwynt > Market Explorer > Walk for 7 minutes > scroll.

11-08-2004, 04:43 AM
Caerwynt > Market Explorer > Walk for 7 minutes > scroll.
sure if you want to pay 15 plat

11-17-2004, 04:26 PM
It works it realy works. Of course leveling it now is a total biatch but at least it gives me a chance to help PL some scouts in POC.

11-18-2004, 06:26 PM
why not just farm the ml5 dungeon entrance mobs?
that way you get a whole host of scrolls including nahillas 3.. sure sounds easier imo

but merchant > all :P