View Full Version : Thid toons

Cheap Bastard2
11-09-2004, 01:52 AM
I know several people play thid toons for fun. Can the more season players (addicts) give some advice how to spec for each class. Keep in mind dots and aoe spells are quite effective. Could someone breakdown how to spec for each class from 20-24.


11-09-2004, 02:07 PM
This is NOT a typical inf by any means.

Make a Brit. Have to have the strength and con.

Put 15 points to strength and 10 to con when you create the toon.
If you are going to level the toon past 24, then go with 10 str, 10 con and 10 dex.

At 24 here is spec:

16 +5 Stealth Just need see hidden.
21 +5 Crit Must have PA.
8 +5 DW Helps land third poison.
18 +5 Slash Yes, SLASH!! Hits way harder then Thrust.
17 +5 Envenom This gives you the str/con debuff.

Be sure to cap Strength, Con, Dex, Quick and Hits. Also, you must have the +5 on all above skills. For resists, I only cap slash, thrust and crush. If I have room I put some in the magicals but they are not that important. This is a awesome infil for thid.
I dont take toons into thid unless they are 24, so not sure how I would spec to get there from 20.

Sorc full mind

Reaver I went 23 soul rendering, 19 flex, 15 shield

I am happy with all these specs, I seem to do well with them.

11-10-2004, 05:53 AM
The days of /leveling a toon to 20, then getting that free armor and weapons in Cammy and going to Thid are over. Today you can find peeps wearing ToA armor with bonuses and even legendary weapons. You better have a pc'd and sc'd suit with everything maxed out, a buff bot AND bring plenty of healing pots as there are no played clerics there or either they are very rare. The best thing to do PL your toon to 23 and keep suiciding to loose xp until you get your free 24th level in 5 or 7 days. Stay out of the ck during a take if you are close, trust me it sucks to have to start all over.

These are specced & RA'd to stay in Thid. If I was going to lvl them further, I would do them differently.

I've played the Infils the most of the all 3 toons, they are a blast to play, especially if you get 2, 3 or more with you or you can solo with no problem. You just have got to pick your fights.

The Pally is fun, does quite a bit of damage. It takes a little more skill or takes more time to learn how to play than a Necro or Infil because of having to twist chants and still style swings.

The Necro is prob'ly the most fun, it is usually the last to die when grouped and gets jumped the least of all non stealthers toons. Well I take that part back, you gonna have some knuckleheads that will try and die. :D

2hand Pally:
Level 24
Slash 11
Chants 18
2H 24
Parry 9

RAs, In order:
Mastery of Pain
Mastery of Parry
4th ? (not enough points yet)

I've had 2 Thid infils and preferred the 2nd one best, Briton on both. I wouldn't even go until at least lvl23:
1st spec
Level 24
23 Stealth
21 CS
15 Slash
13 Envenom

2nd Spec
Level 20

Level 21

Level 22

Level 23

Level 24
DW:5 (Don't put any points in this until 24, supposed to help with offhand hits)

Realm Abilities, In order:
1) Mastery of Stealth
2) Aug Strength
3) Mastery of Pain
4) Aug Quickness

Inconnu (of course)
Level 24
D'sight 24

1) Wild Power
2) Aug Acuity
3) Aug Dex
4) Mastery of Focus

11-10-2004, 01:47 PM
Spec for each class? Do you want cookie cutters for ever class in albion? Try making your own fun template out, break from the common mold of cookie cutting:) If ya wanna try out new things, or even check out other people's cookie cutter specs... catacombs has been hosting a pretty uber character builder program for the past 2 years. LINKY!

Make your own, check out others, or hit the forums for discussions about them:) Pretty easy to understand, ability to make special considerations for auto training, checking final stats and abilities quickly and easily. GL:)

11-10-2004, 02:00 PM
Aug con for the pally as a 4th RA maybe? Costs 1 point so u should have enough :)

Dunno never really played one in thid and never really had a thid only toon

11-10-2004, 04:16 PM
i'd probably have went for aug con first, then aug str, mopain, then aug quick... the increased parry is quite effective in 1v1, but each opponent against you splits your parry down quick... as a tank assume 2 sb's are gonna double team ya when you're solo, that means 50% parry on one guy, 50% on the other... ouch... i'd rather beat the one dude down quicker, then swap out to sword and board and twist in some heals while engaging the 2nd one for a chance to 2v1 em, but that's just an opinion >_<

12-06-2004, 11:25 PM
I'm thinking of rolling a Scout just for Thid and need some opinions on Specs and RAs please for a level 22 and what it should be at 25. Also which race? Where to put the 30 points? Slash or Thrust? Yada yada yada ...

12-08-2004, 03:52 AM
Y'all take too long :rolleyes:

I went with Saracen and put 10 points each in Con, Dex & Qui.

Heartwood Longbow DPS/8.7 Spd/5.4
Fine Alloy Guarded Rapier DPS/9.0 Spd/3.5
Fine Alloy Exceptional Buckler DPS/9.0 Spd/2.8

Longbow 18
Stealth 13
Shield 8
Thrust 14

Longbow 19
Stealth 13
Shield 9
Thrust 15

Longbow 21
Stealth 13
Shield 9
Thrust 15

Longbow 22
Stealth 15
Shield 9
Thrust 15

Longbow 24
Stealth 15
Shield 9
Thrust 15

12-08-2004, 11:31 AM
You took the right choice imo ;) I think my saracen thrust scouty had the same spec at that level. And con, dex, qui sounds good to me.

Now to me:
I'm planning to roll a Cabby as soon as I have Catacombs. Need suggestions for a Thid spec there pls

12-10-2004, 12:42 AM
Scratch those specs, Stealthers kept jumping me too easy with only
13 (+5 Suit=18 total) in Stealth so i'm going to reroll and go with these specs.

Stealth 18
Longbow 18 (Crit Shot VI)
Shield 6
Thrust 9
Leftover 0

Stealth 18
Longbow 20
Shield 7
Thrust 10
Leftover 6

Stealth 18
Longbow 22 (Crit Shot VII @ 21)
Shield 8 (Stun)
Thrust 10
Leftover 1

Stealth 18
Longbow 23
Shield 8
Thrust 10 (Ratfang, Wolftooth)
Leftover 2

Stealth 19
Longbow 24 (Crit Shot VIII)
Shield 8
Thrust 10
Leftover 7

Mastery of Stealth - Modifies stealth detection and stealth movement
Aug Dex Increases - Raises Dexterity by 4
Falcon's Eye - Increases the chance of dealing a critical hit with archery by 3%
Mastery of Blocking - Increases chance to block by 2%