View Full Version : Two things on SC'ing

11-10-2004, 04:36 AM
In game today I did some sc'ing for Seveidfrid (aka Surgery/Gemfire etc.) I hope he/she dosnt mind me mentioning there name but credit is there's for a little trick about sc'ing that I didn't know myself. Imbueing a 5.5 oc on a MP Piece of armor dosn't have to be all 99' gems. Two 99's and two 98's will work. (only for MP armor though) if 99' quality armor is being used all gems must be 99. So obviously you'll want to try to hit 98's with the two more expensive gems as to save money and time. Some of you guys may know this I myself didn't so I'm just sharing a little trick Surgery was nice enough to share with me. Also I tested her theory on her own armor with no explosion. So it's true.
Also Blay told me that it is the sc'r that can indeed enchant armor using Dusts' from enchanting merchant. At my house i have an Incantation merchant and a npc Enchanter. So I did a test on which cost more to do "use enchanting npc merchant" or "buy the dust and do yourself threw sc'ing"
If enchanting high end Arcanium YES use Dust.. I dont have sc'r up to check off hand but it cost like 50-60 gold for the platnum dust that enchants the 35% we want for 51. If you where to take that Arcanium piece to an Echanting npc merchant it's like 130 gold or something like that. So for that armor it pays to have sc'r do it. but if its clothe, the npc enchanter can enchant them for like 30 gold and cheaper depending apon piece. So it veries alittle if your looking to save alittle bread.
Thanks again to Surgery and again to Blay for sharing.
And Blay (or anyone else that can answer) do you know what the other dust are for? or a site where i can go to see an explanation on all dust and uses?

11-10-2004, 01:51 PM
Yup if ya know your SCer its pretty easy to ogranize the duel 98/99's. if ya don't assume that they've never done SCing before and get alll 99's to make it easier on their wittle brains. Would be quite scary for them to accidentally toss triple 98's in a piece from not paying enough attention to detail.

11-10-2004, 04:32 PM
Yup if ya know your SCer its pretty easy to ogranize the duel 98/99's. if ya don't assume that they've never done SCing before and get alll 99's to make it easier on their wittle brains. Would be quite scary for them to accidentally toss triple 98's in a piece from not paying enough attention to detail.
ya thats bad hehe. And there are a few peeps out there already i've had the plesure of blowing up there armor for not paying attention to the overcharge because i imbued the wrong gem. Costly mistakes i've ended up paying for.
and then as you lay embarrassed and dead on the floor you have to say to the customer. "umm what kind of armor was that and where did you get it"? Far and few between but it has happened.

11-10-2004, 05:13 PM
LMAO Cyp. I've never blown myself up SCing but your description of a bad incident with a customer just made me laugh :rofl: That would totally suck. :o

11-10-2004, 07:42 PM
Cyp - check this link on dusts and enchanting.

Here's my sc'ing lesson learned the hard way. Whocares had me do a full set of armor overcharged, being new to the field I didn't pay attention to quality and promptly blew up, I died and lost the helm. I was so embarassed I ran to the market explorer found an identical helm and bought it for 500g. Not realizing what happened I blew up trying to imbue that one too! The worse part was that there weren't anymore in housing and I had to tell Whocares that I blew up his armor. He was very cool about it. It was at that point I decided to read up on spellcrafting :o.

Obviously I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed! :P

11-11-2004, 07:41 AM
No Blay... two wrongs don't make a right. But a very funny story though. I'm gonna check the site out first thing in the morning right now my eyes are burning.... (Probably because i don't blink very much when i play). catch you all tomorrow

11-11-2004, 07:45 AM
hey Blay..Just checking my reply and looking at the sigs i relized we both have the same crafting toons. I mean that dosnt mean we'll be taking windy walks threw the park or scrubbing up in the shower or anything like that..... just something i noticed. thought it was cool. lol j/k pal cya ingame soon