View Full Version : Pick your classes carefully.

11-10-2004, 04:05 PM
If anyone has ever questioned the value of picking your classes carefully, here's a good lesson. Having a boring prof will lead your mind to wander...and when your mind wanders, you let silly ideas run through your head...and then they get materialized...and the attached picture happens b/c it's either that or beat your head on the desk...Consider this a warning, those who are in college! Honest to God, I drew this in class last week...the man will put you to sleep (not that C is a fun and exciting language in the first place, but...) :P

Die Hard
11-10-2004, 04:18 PM
LOL I prefer mine!

11-10-2004, 04:19 PM
LOL I prefer mine!

ROFL...he he :thumbs:

Death Engineer
11-10-2004, 04:20 PM
If anyone has ever questioned the value of picking your classes carefully, here's a good lesson. Having a boring prof will lead your mind to wander...and when your mind wanders, you let silly ideas run through your head...and then they get materialized...and the attached picture happens b/c it's either that or beat your head on the desk...Consider this a warning, those who are in college! Honest to God, I drew this in class last week...the man will put you to sleep (not that C is a fun and exciting language in the first place, but...) :P

It's not fun or exciting....but it's what powers nearly every game that has come out in the last 10 years (including consoles). :thumbs: