View Full Version : Modred toons

Cheap Bastard2
11-10-2004, 05:17 PM
Since the old mighty Igraine server is being upgraded I have been playing an enchanter on Modred today. The server is fun, but get getting ganked by lvl 50 toons (the real class of the world). What toons are the best for a server such as modred, and where can i go to get some fun for lvl 20-24.


11-12-2004, 09:56 PM
Abhoreal or Creeping Animists. Find some way to sneak to cotswold and camp people creating new toons. Bring lots of help, you will get run down quickly.
With the use of animists on pvp servers, the ammount of fun there died with SI. Either zone into a loc where ya get bombed by a zerg of bd's, or a shroom field; or zerged by some L50 team of whackos enjoying free kills.
Its fun for a while, but blue servers are where it's at for me.