View Full Version : some recent bigg's games

<<< Nano >>>
11-10-2004, 06:08 PM
well, i'm opening this thread cuz bigg asked me to do it, so if u've got sreenies of him losing, plz post them here, btw i never said " i've never been owned" like u, and if i use alias it's cuz i have no clan tags actually.

<<< Nano >>>
11-10-2004, 06:11 PM
hmmm, look at the last one, u joined really late, but the only thing u did was die 12 times :rolleyes:, and u can ask DE or DD, cuz they asked me who i was i simply answered " nano ", so i don't think that using an alias but saying ur real name is wrong.

11-10-2004, 06:16 PM
lol, ggz...

<<< Nano >>>
11-10-2004, 06:19 PM
i've got more of them, but i just format my pc, maybe alexis can post the one i sent her playing as ggam smile and owning u

11-10-2004, 06:31 PM
nano i will match those screenies with the ones i have taken during entering a game.

i do not see any games with your name in it. it's typical to be able to post sceenies of your aliases when no one knows who you are. how could anyone give you respect for that? i can say every alias that i played was you and would that matter?

this is what you have?

<<< Nano >>>
11-10-2004, 06:33 PM
as i said b4, DE was in some of those games, ask him and u will c that he knew who i was cuz he asked me

11-10-2004, 06:36 PM
by the way, sme of those screenies are recent which i have played all knife. i do not se any ownage there so where do you come up with that? and since you see my name in orange which is when i didnt have tags, i still used my name so you have a weak argument and most will agree that your claims are weak. and that undrgound name i believe you did win a full game with me in it which is fine but admit that some of those i entered late. weak argument and i await others.:down:

11-10-2004, 06:37 PM
as i said b4, DE was in some of those games, ask him and u will c that he knew who i was cuz he asked me
yes, he knew and i saw him ask you. that on hame and that one name. what about all the other aliases you used which i beat you? it's a weak point you are making. i can play with aliases for now on and say no one can beat me.

<<< Nano >>>
11-10-2004, 06:40 PM
L M F A O, maybe u can post some screenies of u joining late :rolleyes: , hmm weak argument???, u've been OWNED, look at ur deaths, that's the argument.

<<< Nano >>>
11-10-2004, 06:44 PM
oh, and i almost forgot, all of those games where in american server with + 300 ping

11-10-2004, 07:43 PM
nano, you are using all aliases. you know i have beaten you many times and i will get my screenies to prove it. i also think we can play now to see you own me. that would end this dispute. lets see you own me and back up this smack you are talking about. like i said, anyone can use aliases and it shows you use different ones all the time to prevent people from capturing the screenies. i will match up the names here you listed to see what i have but i am sure many people a gm know that there is no respect using aliases and posting them and not having a name behind them if you used the same alias all the time you may have a case but you don't so your argument is weak.

again lets just play until i get my screenies sorted because i have plenty to sort unlike you who uses the i just fromatted my pc bs. lets play, your server and mine and we will see who gets owned:thumbs:

11-10-2004, 07:50 PM
http://bainsidhe-sauron.bei.t-online.de/SomeSmilies/weird_thread.gif http://bainsidhe-sauron.bei.t-online.de/SomeSmilies/Nothing_funny_to_add.gif


11-10-2004, 09:08 PM
nano, i am waiting for you so lets just get the games over with. i want you to show everyone you can own me.

11-10-2004, 09:17 PM
lol nano
ur ping crap isnt worth a thing if all you do is throw grenades around, and shoot rockets, sure you use the shotty ocassionaly, but to me its more like "getting really lucky with the grenade launcher"
show me the demos instead of screenies that speak for nothing (if u want people to see how "good" you are)
and i think that you two should settle this with a nice 1v1 match =O

11-10-2004, 09:27 PM
exe, i have found that on the euro servers with ping of 200+ I just can't use shotty. the people jerk around too much and they are never where you shoot. more power to you if you can manage that. seeing some nano demos from the competition, he had quite a few perfect grenade shots on moving targets. that means perfect arc + timing. anyway it is unrealistic to expect someone from europe to mostly shotty. i know turbo does, but he is on another level... :D

Die Hard
11-10-2004, 09:29 PM
I do.

11-10-2004, 09:29 PM
i have found a few screenies but i must of not taking screenie of just entering. i usually will not take a screenie of all names i dont recognize and all aliases but i do remeber the games with de and dd. i entered all games late but not by far where i know i didnt have a chance to win. thats fine, i can except losing some but you didnt post the screenies of me beating you. the problem i have is i most likely played you several times and only you know your aliases you use. i have a few screenies with those names in your screenies but there is nothing i can say about the names i don't know of you used. you also dont mention the games you played where i was using just my knife that many regulars that played me that week will admit i was screwing around. even your friend alexis will confirm that. i will ask her for the emo also to see what you refer to as you owning me.

now i have screenies of me beating guys like dangerous dan and freestyler where i have won by more than 5. how do you think they would feel if i said to them that they got owned and i owned them. i would think tha what ever they thought of me would most likely be accurate for such a dumb comment.

11-10-2004, 09:36 PM
i cant say that anyone not american does not have a problem on an american server. i know that when i play on some of the non american server i am ok sometimes with 2 or 3 people on it but it is still laggy and at times i have to kill people 2-3 times before they are dead. i remember the other day i was playing someone called galleon or something and in fortress i sniped the person 3 times and he didnt die. i thought maybe he had 200 200 but after the 3rd shot, i knew there was a problem. anyway, we all know the game has lousy netcode. i wish people would not use ping as the problem though. i get good ping and i get alot of lag at times. it is something else but what i have no idea. the only time i go on european servers if there is no one on the american servers. i take a chance and if the game is unplayable, you can bet i will be leaving that game as i would expect anyone to do. i don't think that should be considered be owned.

11-10-2004, 09:36 PM
damn cant we all get along and play how we wnat without these damn rules made up by egotistical computer hippies?

<<< Nano >>>
11-10-2004, 11:59 PM
show me the demos instead of screenies that speak for nothing (if u want people to see how "good" you are)
hmm, i'll send the demo if someone can host it, maybe jim? :rolleyes:, btw i never said that i'm good, just got mad when bigg said that he never got owned.

11-11-2004, 12:06 AM
ahh btw nano, you pwn all ,mwhahahaha

11-11-2004, 12:29 AM
gg's nano:thumbs: btw can everyone just get along ;)

11-11-2004, 12:46 AM
hmm, i'll send the demo if someone can host it, maybe jim? :rolleyes:, btw i never said that i'm good, just got mad when bigg said that he never got owned.
owned is a very broad term, in those games he didn't really get owned simply because his score wasn't like -15/45 and im sure there were plenty of games that you've been owned in, but cuz u use an alias u simply wont admit it since there really isnt any solid evidence that it was you playing.

<<< Nano >>>
11-11-2004, 12:55 AM
owned is a very broad term, in those games he didn't really get owned simply because his score wasn't like -15/45 and im sure there were plenty of games that you've been owned in, but cuz u use an alias u simply wont admit it since there really isnt any solid evidence that it was you playing.
so IYO to be owned means a score like -15/45??, well, then i've never been owned either :thumbs: and i'm sure a lot of gm members haven't been owned yet

11-11-2004, 01:05 AM
nano, you know i came in late most of thise games and you use aliases. aliases are fine but you change so frequently. i will post all of my screenies frrom the last month and you can post your screenies the last month. i can show you what ownage is in some of my screenies. you also again fail to admit that some games i played all knife. look at your screenies. you did not beat me. you beat all the slackers in there. one of thos games also was on a european server which you lied about. you sound so gay when you lie. i would like to see the demo so if you want e-mail it to me. i would like to see this owning you speak of.

11-11-2004, 01:11 AM
gg's nano:thumbs: btw can everyone just get along ;)
yea i mean really cmon guys :)

11-11-2004, 01:18 AM
nano--here are some screenies

11-11-2004, 01:20 AM
some more. these were matched to your names that you just posted. i am sure i have more when i feel i have to find it. i will post my screenies for this month later on.

11-11-2004, 01:21 AM
the last one. you can not claim this is ownage:D

11-11-2004, 01:23 AM
here are some matches i fought with just a knife which was mentioned in the begnning of the game.

*i have to get them on my laptop so here is one for now

11-11-2004, 01:35 AM
yea i mean really cmon guys :)
read my poem again :D

Free Styler
11-11-2004, 01:43 AM

Now dont get mad at me bigg for what i'm about to say but......

I truly understand what nano is trying to point out.

The fact is you dont own 95% of your games ps:(please dont be mad at me)

I think publicly admitting that, is having no respect for other players.

Nano is better then you ps:(please dont be mad at me)

You dont see DD starting threads saying he owns everybody
if he did, he would not be far from the truth.
But id laugh at his thread.
As i always do when i see yours about owning...ps:(please dont be mad at me)

Basacly i think nano is pisset cause you take for granted that your better then everybody ps:(please dont be mad at me)
wich is not the case

i've played nano on a fair ping in euro and he is very skilled with shooty but like jim said good luck with 300 ping.

especially when i play even with a good ping i cant quite figure out why the heck everybody is moving like flys on acid.(not always but often)

Apart from that.Bigg your good...

But have a bit of respect for other players and stop assuming your on top of everybody.

I dont even think im on top of everybody.If i am i know i 'm on top and theres no point in to even saying it to anybody.For me anyways.

Btw im not on top now...cause i dont play.

The point is theres a mutual respect between players who have skill and think
breaking that respect by showing off pisses certain people off.

I know it did piss me off once(not anymore cause i dont play)

ps:(please dont be mad at me)

I'll say it again your a good player bigg dont get me rong.But i think lots of players out there are equal or better.ps:(please dont be mad at me)

11-11-2004, 02:26 AM
free styler, i am sorry but i am mad because you have not looked into this thread enough. first where does it say that i said i owned anyone? you think nano is better than me is your opinion. i think i am better then him and i will play him when he wants. i know he i a great player and that also i never said he wasnt or i ever owned him. if you reread this full thread which i didnt start you will see it was others that mentioned owning and it was based on me being owned which i asked name the person who said who can own me at sam. so while you repeat do not get mad or be mad, i am sorry because you are commenting on something that didnt happend and you are also saying he is better then me. how do you base that opinion or where or how do you think he is better?

11-11-2004, 02:28 AM
oh if you can quote where i said i own anyone or where i insulted anyone i would appreciate it.

11-11-2004, 03:09 AM
Chyl is the only person who truly owns ;)

Free Styler
11-11-2004, 03:13 AM
OK here it goes.....

First i base the fact that nano is better then you on..........

now bear in mind this is my opinion and i could be rong.......

My personal experience playing you and him.

him(nano on euro server)

you(on outlaw server)

Unlike you i base my games a lot more on death rates then you.
ok let me explain What i mean.

When i was playing more of this game in the past being very motivated to win.
i was has much motivated to win has to stay alive.
now i will say this is my opinion based on my personal experience and i could be rong.BUT considering what i have been able to accomplish doing what i stated above being staying alive and fragging.(i dont think im rong)

i have come to realize that on a 1 on 1 staying alive is what makes the difference between winning and loosing.(dhuuuuuuuu brilliant brilliant statement lol)

ok i'll continue hopefully clarifiying what im trying to explain.hehe

When i say staying alive i mean avoiding certain situations to basicly outsmart the opponent.ALL in all (defencive game play)I tend to be more of a aggresive player but.....If i stay to aggresive with certain players they take advantage of my aggresiveniss(btw total missspell on that word lol )and kill me.

I'm not saying in any way that your not a smart player just so you know.

i think you mentionned that your aggresive game play is one of your flaws
in a earlier thread.Well......I agree

That being said,that is why i think nano is better then you.I need to do more thinking (tactics)playing him then you.

Again i will say,you are a idiot because of this.oups i mean NOT a idiot.
that was really a joke btw hehe.inside joke to make it more of a interesting read hehe.

I think that if you correct this flaw.And i'm being very honest bigg.You would improve your game play trumendesly.You have the aim you have the reflexes
now you need to work on the patience.

Seing how you react to people in most of the threads...You have a lot of work to do.LOL i'm kidding that was really a joke also btw hehe.

Anyways about the saying owning.You did not say i own everybody out loud.

But my interpretation of what you said is basicly that i think...anyways....that
you underestimate a lot of good players when you say ....i win 95% of my games.

like i said in the last post your a good player.but i think i should of used a "good few players" are equal or better instead of a lot in the first place.

You often posted in the past and still do some games stating no ones beats you.NOT litteraly said that way,but thats the general image that people receive reading your posts about them.

Sorry bigg i have no references nor do i wish to contradic you in any way.

I'm not trying to laugh or make fun of you nor do i wish too.I'm not being sarcastic i ashure you.( i reread that phrase looks like a poem hehe)

OK basicly i know your a great guy bigg.

MY advice if you want to improve is to cut down your aggresive play and bring a bit more of defencive play.If you do that i truly beileive you can become one of the best.

Until that day quite a few players will own you.if nano and you would play in a lan party my money would be on nano for now...

That could change very quickly if you decide to bring that defencive game play in your game.

All in all that mutual respect thing i was bableling about earlier is something i value a lot.

I'm not saying you dont value it.

I'm just saying that posting and saying you own 95% of your games is a bit premature(rong term but you know what i mean)

And that tends to piss some people off even if your post in the first place was not intended that way.

I hope that explains it.

Free Styler
11-11-2004, 03:17 AM
Chyl is the only person who truly owns ;)

never seen the guy play.

I'll take your word on it.;)

Bring him in yodeller with me and DD.And let's see how he does.;)

I dont care much for players who most of what they accomplished is written in a forum.And by some miracle all the players(good ones that is.... i have played have never played him either.

kinda weird huh?

maybe he is good i dont know.
But like i said bring him yodeller with me and DD and let's witness a miracle.

11-11-2004, 03:21 AM
aight, but im telling you, he will wion and that is 100% fact i **** u not
Chyl is THE number 1 player of sma ever .
Those first sam palyers dr moerser, slayer, jacobs, w/e all are noobs compared to the good players out today :)
fs, cmon u cant tell me that u never had a 1 on1 wit chyl??
dontget mad at me for saying that lol
seems everyone gets pissed if u say anything about anyone being better than someone else =/
oh well some ppl are jstu stupid i guess
u fs are not one of them stupid folk ;)

Free Styler
11-11-2004, 03:48 AM
hey nitro....no i never had a 1 on 1 with chyl.
Like i said never seen him play.

You beileive what you want to beileive i personaly dont ***** a ****c.

Espacially with your ridiculous thread in gamezone 24 about bla bla being the best
and then saying where a all a bunch of loosers because we responded.

My bro had told me about it and i said my opinion on it.And you then say were all freaks and it was all a joke.

Well you know what....

phuck you
and you go phuck your chyl

that's what i think and i not mad, i'm honest.

11-11-2004, 04:03 AM
lol, i saw chyl in tomb once, he was being an ass and getting all the pups on the way to a perfect. i stuck around for 10 frags but just could not touch him. but then again that probably does not mean much considering that it was me....

Asian Invasian
11-11-2004, 04:18 AM
all i have to say is ive 1v chly at least 20 times and every time ive been in the negatives beacuse he times my rockets and every moves I BS YOU NOT EITHER hes untouchable on normal mode when he has a decent ping but once again i **** YOU NOT the best score ive ever had on chyl was -2 ..... [end of comment]
ps you all know how im a pretty good player so take me and times it by 10 and theres chyl =\

11-11-2004, 04:36 AM
lol, i liked you better on dialup, it was funny fragging you when you couldn't move.... :D

no more of that though.... :bawling:

Asian Invasian
11-11-2004, 04:38 AM
rofl :P i still suck dont worry ;) ;)

Free Styler
11-11-2004, 04:59 AM
you know what, whaterver.

The guy is the same guy who made the maps.

posted a few perfects WOW.

i have nothing against him thinking about it.

he said nothing bad to me.
so good for him good for you nitro and i'm soory about your -2 asian.

I suck at this game and have fun.
probably would lose at -5 if id play him anyways.

11-11-2004, 05:03 AM
ps you all know how im a pretty good player so take me and times it by 10 and theres chyl =\[/QUOTE]
very scary :eek:

Asian Invasian
11-11-2004, 05:08 AM
can we jsut stop this whose best chit chat?

Asian Invasian
11-11-2004, 05:08 AM
cuz we all know its lysozome so thers no challenge guys just admit it and take a deep breathe in and out :)

11-11-2004, 05:13 AM
the bottom line to what all of the originated from is this game is not the same and not the fun it use to be. there are no true winers in agame because someone is always getting lagged and there just isnt any measure of who is better. it all depends on so many things whic i hope in th enext version is just better. regardless, today the game is full of spam and aliases and to me which this is just my opinion, it stinks. i do miss the days where people actually played this game for fun and with their tags on and there werent any sneaks around. i am just fed up with the game and afte all these threads, i may nt play anymore. and if i do, i will not chat or have a name that anyone recognizes. i am sick of the drama and i am sick of other things i just won't get into. i have learned something here at gm the past month and with that i can understand why people that use to show face don't anymore and just stick to their inner circle. i think at this point, that is the best thing to do.

oh and i am sorry. when ever i here that name chyliniak, all i can think of is the rapping days. that had to be some of the funniest times here at gm. definetly a classic.

11-11-2004, 05:17 AM
cuz we all know its lysozome so thers no challenge guys just admit it and take a deep breathe in and out :)
haha, that is funny as hell. i know this is just a game but that guy and the kingsville guy just make me cringe when i play them. and the latest addition revren lovejoy who also gets to me. i have broken keyboards from them which is stupid but frustrating. i usually leave the game if there are 2 of them in one game.

11-11-2004, 05:23 AM
:hmmm: I have seen kingsville using all shotty recently... maybe it is his brother playing under his name....

Asian Invasian
11-11-2004, 05:24 AM
rev love joy is sirc and yes i hate him too for the record...

11-11-2004, 05:30 AM
no way, are you kidding me? that's sirc? i never saw him spam like that guy. sirc has always been a fair player and i, well thats it, you can not trust anyone anytime . it seems to be the nature of the internet.

Asian Invasian
11-11-2004, 05:33 AM
no its not sirc sorry i thought it was but i know its not now ;)

11-11-2004, 02:17 PM
I have had the pleasure to speak with SIrc and I will say this for the record.

He is a wonderful man and I have spoken to him many times on team speak.
I enjoy his company very much and so does my family.

I would advice you Asian with respect to leave it alone ok.

I have known you for a while and never once had any problems with you and so I say this to you ok. Please leave it alone and let it go ok.

I hate getting involve with any sh1T that I feel isn't worth it but Sirc I will say a few words and again I like him very much and you would be surprise if you would speak to him on Team Speak. He reminds me of Term and Goober very much well spoken and a good heart.

As for Bigg's he to is a good man because I talk to him many times on the phone. We are not perfect and many of us have made mistakes especially me.
I always like to make peace and always try to respect others and again I am not perfect but I will admit my mistakes if I know I am wrong and will apologies.

Please for anyone here at GM, do not let this go any further on this topic.
I say this with a peaceful intentions which I live by and would rather unit then to fight among each other.

I truely believe that everyone here is special and have good quality in ther hearts and souls and so I say please let's forget the past and leave everything behind.

Thank you all

The Crimson Centurion
11-11-2004, 05:21 PM
Chyl is the only person who truly owns ;)


that's a really funny one Nitroman...

11-11-2004, 05:25 PM
yup he trashed me hard like he always does and everyone knows its sirc he gave me the "you wil never change" speech hah look whose talking pff :rofl: and no sirc has never been fair for the record =\ at least not to me he banned me at exodus forums for some lame reason because he has the authority :P
Correct you, Frag Junky is the authority on the exodus forum :D

11-11-2004, 05:49 PM
:watchmovi anyone else want some?

where's Schism??? :P

Asian Invasian
11-12-2004, 05:17 AM
ok guys sorry but it was not sirc and i pmed him and he is a cool guy but whose rev though he told me he was sirc and trashed me so i still watn to know who it is :(

11-12-2004, 05:29 AM
hey nitro....no i never had a 1 on 1 with chyl.
Like i said never seen him play.

You beileive what you want to beileive i personaly dont ***** a ****c.

Espacially with your ridiculous thread in gamezone 24 about bla bla being the best
and then saying where a all a bunch of loosers because we responded.

My bro had told me about it and i said my opinion on it.And you then say were all freaks and it was all a joke.

Well you know what....

phuck you
and you go phuck your chyl

that's what i think and i not mad, i'm honest.

Why thankyou my good man. Can we get married?

11-12-2004, 05:33 AM

that's a really funny one Nitroman...
heehee thanks!!
look, i am rarely serious on any forum and alot of ppl make that mistake of takign everything i say soo dman seriosuly :P
Live life loosely, chil out, have a drink fondle anything you please!!
lets be merry and have fun
oh yea....and Chyl pwnz :D
hehe nitey nite dawgzz

oh and ai, for the record, I got a higher score thna u with my 1 vs 1 with chyl ;)
-1 biatch! :D

Free Styler
11-12-2004, 06:27 AM
hey nitro have fun playing the game.That's the last thing i will say in this topic.

and i'll pass on your offer thanks.

Asian Invasian
11-12-2004, 01:29 PM
I wish i knew how to play this game :(

11-12-2004, 09:31 PM
too bad me and ai are 2 dumbass noobs with pistols in our hands =/

Kenny Dope
11-12-2004, 11:13 PM
Do you know why i dont go to this forums very often?
Because too many trouble makers are still allowed to post here.
It just annoys me. I started playing Sam because its not that
overloaded like other games on the net. It is easy to get to know
people in Sam, because the community is that small.
So it should be easy to create a community full of fun normally,
which doesnt want to create charts of who is the best etc.
FragJunky does a good job in keeping our home clean of this by
banning them. This is the only way to keep our community free of
threads like this, because some people will never learn how sozial
life works until they get older, in other words: expierienced.

11-15-2004, 10:11 PM
Do you know why i dont go to this forums very often?
Because too many trouble makers are still allowed to post here.
It just annoys me. I started playing Sam because its not that
overloaded like other games on the net. It is easy to get to know
people in Sam, because the community is that small.
So it should be easy to create a community full of fun normally,
which doesnt want to create charts of who is the best etc.
FragJunky does a good job in keeping our home clean of this by
banning them. This is the only way to keep our community free of
threads like this, because some people will never learn how sozial
life works until they get older, in other words: expierienced.

:thumbs: :D

11-16-2004, 01:06 AM
and you are saying you are scared of anything that is differnt from your way of thinking?
then dont post if you dont want an arguement which is supposed to bethe best sort of discussion because it has 2 or more different opinions about a dcertain subject.
No argument and not controversy=boring and dull topics

11-16-2004, 11:05 PM
:thumbs: :D

Nothing to add

11-16-2004, 11:06 PM
and you are saying you are scared of anything that is differnt from your way of thinking?
then dont post if you dont want an arguement which is supposed to bethe best sort of discussion because it has 2 or more different opinions about a dcertain subject.
No argument and not controversy=boring and dull topics

This is a Kindergarten here and my last post too so bye bye
(dont take everything to serious)

Asian Invasian
11-17-2004, 12:30 AM
why do whenever i see some (not all sorry to the ones taht dont)exodus come to trash either GM or GZ what is it with that? the people that do that need to learn no your not better than us and yes we want you to go away :P

11-17-2004, 02:28 AM
why do whenever i see some (not all sorry to the ones taht dont) come to trash either GM or GZ what is it with that? the people that do that need to learn no your not better than us and yes we want you to go away :P
lol this aint real life and so its not that serious
if u say u leave then leave ;)
liberty is the best thing we ever had :thumbs:

11-17-2004, 02:28 AM
and now back to the subject of chyl being the number 1 sam playa in the history of sam :D

11-17-2004, 03:56 PM
Kindergarten class is now in session :D ........lool...........j/k ........SSeriously :rolleyes:

As one Johnny came l8trz, its dubious to say or to think who is "da best" in Sam as you, we, and I all know it !! "Admit it" Because in the general relative context/content of this game and the many identifed and the unidentified misc. "X" variables !!

We have all won and we have all lost. Let me be the first (for meself) to say here that I know I " pwnz "......"teh da nobody"!! I like to play =) and because of that O simple fact... I know I will win =) and I know I will loose =)

And ah plz itz ssssstill a freakin game........chill O chill..... the only thing teh take seriously about this game is teh for hving some funz :thumbs:

ringggggggg ringggggggg ......kclass is now dismissed!!! :D

Chill Cuz Yuz All Pwnz :)

11-17-2004, 04:10 PM
I am the best player ever and I have never been beaten ever!!!

when playing noobs...

11-17-2004, 04:16 PM
I am the best player ever and I have never been beaten ever!!!

when playing noobs...

Nice one Jim.

That aside, could someone close this stupid thread. :rolleyes:

11-17-2004, 05:46 PM
Kindergarten class is now in session :D ........lool...........j/k ........SSeriously :rolleyes:

As one Johnny came l8trz, its dubious to say or to think who is "da best" in Sam as you, we, and I all know it !! "Admit it" Because in the general relative context/content of this game and the many identifed and the unidentified misc. "X" variables !!

We have all won and we have all lost. Let me be the first (for meself) to say here that I know I " pwnz "......"teh da nobody"!! I like to play =) and because of that O simple fact... I know I will win =) and I know I will loose =)

And ah plz itz ssssstill a freakin game........chill O chill..... the only thing teh take seriously about this game is teh for hving some funz :thumbs:

ringggggggg ringggggggg ......kclass is now dismissed!!! :D

Chill Cuz Yuz All Pwnz :)

couldnt have said it any better. i would also add that in every game someone is at a disadvantage due to the net code. i am just happy i got my new mohaa game which has kept be busy for the past week along with a stomach virus. sam is a fun game to kill some minutes but in al fact, the game and it's players are not the same. we all are looking forward to the next game from croteam and we all hope that it will bring back those players that once dominated as a clan. really, the best part of the game for me is playing with other clan members.

11-17-2004, 09:05 PM
couldnt have said it any better. i would also add that in every game someone is at a disadvantage due to the net code. i am just happy i got my new mohaa game which has kept be busy for the past week along with a stomach virus. sam is a fun game to kill some minutes but in al fact, the game and it's players are not the same. we all are looking forward to the next game from croteam and we all hope that it will bring back those players that once dominated as a clan. really, the best part of the game for me is playing with other clan members.
hehe its not that serious! even though its called "Serious" Sam :)
1 R t3h 1337 $@/\/\ P\/\/nZ0r :P
whats yur best leet way of writing I am the elite owner.

11-17-2004, 10:07 PM
couldnt have said it any better. i would also add that in every game someone is at a disadvantage due to the net code. i am just happy i got my new mohaa game which has kept be busy for the past week along with a stomach virus. sam is a fun game to kill some minutes but in al fact, the game and it's players are not the same. we all are looking forward to the next game from croteam and we all hope that it will bring back those players that once dominated as a clan. really, the best part of the game for me is playing with other clan members.
All the way :thumbs:

I am the best player ever and I have never been beaten ever!!!

when playing noobs...

:thumbs: :D Ok Jim

11-20-2004, 03:10 PM
Cant believe this thread is still going....Nothing but whining about a game with **** netcode, disadvantages, pups, cannons, campers, spammers....damn peeps.....just play the damn game for fun...no one gives a crap bout winning or losing......

11-20-2004, 03:12 PM
why do whenever i see some (not all sorry to the ones taht dont)exodus come to trash either GM or GZ what is it with that? the people that do that need to learn no your not better than us and yes we want you to go away :P

im in aggrement with that AI

Asian Invasian
11-20-2004, 03:21 PM
thanks you :)

Alexis SC430
11-20-2004, 07:45 PM
I can't post jack-**** because I've been using (as I am now) Julia's computer, and all the screenies, demos, and whatnot I have are currently sitting in the backseat of my car inside my computer.

As for the screenies that have been posted, yeah, Nano (please **** me) does win vs. Bigg quite often with equal start times -- in fact, every time that I have been a personal witness to.

(Life ****ing sucks -- Julia went to work without telling me so I am stuck here with no way out and I am nervous to leave her room.)

AND YES JIM, **** CHYL AND **** ALL OF THE STUPID CAMPERS AND WANNABE-CAMPERS WHO ADORE HIM SO!!! The whole clan is ****ed and with the exception of just a couple of members that clan is lamer the flipping OVERLORDS as far as I am concerned (with the exception of a couple Overlords once again).

CHYL IS THE ONLY PERSON THAT TRULY OWNS??? You must be as ****ing drunk/high when you wrote that as you were when you said you were the Number One Sam player.

While I've never seen Mr. Polish Gangsta Rappah Wannabe pup, all he does (especially in Tomb) is spam, spam, SPAM!!! I mean NOTHING BUT!!! I have a couple of demos of him, me, and others in Tomb and OMG -- there is not a single corridor that he passes that he doesn't lob 10 grenades down, not a single time he passes by the hole in the center that he doesn't toss 20 grenades down, and he rockets every ****ing thing in sight... in fact the only time that he uses the shotty is when he runs out of rockets (seriously), or versus someone who just spawned, has already been injured, or has no weapon (and still its only usually when he has no rockets).

And I have another demo where I was one on one with Chyl in Tomb and actually did okay until time ran out. This was with a 150 ping disadvantage and of course I HATE that stupid, lame-ass ****ing map. Even still that little bitch would actually sit inside the rocket launcher spawn area Kingsville Boy style... AARRGGHH!!!!

And then whenever he dies a few times he mutters something about lag or whatever and leaves.

**** CHYL!
**** CHYL!
**** CHYL!
**** CHYL!

And need we even discuss the way he tries to sound like he's straight from the streets of flippin' South Central?!


Alexis SC430
11-20-2004, 07:54 PM
I just read page TWO of this stupid-ass thread (I replied after reading page one) and I am even more pissed off now...

I seriously need to calm down so I will reply later.

I really need to relax more, because at this rate I'm going to have a stroke by age 27.


And shut up AI... BS us not, PFFFFT!!!! What a load of BS...

OKAY LEXI... calm calm calm... bbl

Alexis SC430
11-20-2004, 08:04 PM
Time for something soothing... making funny-looking emoticons...

<=o) ... <=oI ... <=oD ... >=-O ... +oD

11-20-2004, 08:26 PM
must be that time of the year

11-20-2004, 08:54 PM
my butt itches, please stop!!!!!

11-20-2004, 11:09 PM
alexis, are you on medication? first of all don't make lies up and say that nano has won most of the games with me. if a player does not wear his name it means nothing. i know nano is a good player but you know very well how i feel about aliases. you know i never take them serious because i can not screenie it. while your click can do nothing but wear aliases, it only makes the people like me not take them serious. while you have nothing better to do but play sam, and demo all the games, i would think you knew better that i play serious when there are names in the game. i mean, i really could care less about the game, but you are an extremely weird person about it. you should of been here when it was a game. i think you missed the boat:) . i have no problem playing anyone. although i hardly play anymore, i would still join in on a challenge just for the fun. you are also late on this thread as you are on the game:rolleyes: .

honestly alexis, don't you think you have a problem:o

11-20-2004, 11:31 PM
:watchmovi interesting thread:D

Eternal Knight
11-21-2004, 12:40 AM
wow such anger by people who play this game.

11-21-2004, 12:58 AM
ahh lol i thought u wer tlakign about me.
ok carry on, but you are still wrong about Chyl :)

11-21-2004, 01:16 AM
nitro, stop ****ing with the ****ing word filters u ****

11-21-2004, 02:12 AM
nitro, stop ****ing with the ****ing word filters u ****
al****ing right i will stop to **** with the ****ing fliters you ****
end of **** **** ****

11-21-2004, 02:31 AM
al****ing right i will stop to **** with the ****ing fliters you ****
end of **** **** ****

Asian Invasian
11-21-2004, 02:47 AM
lol alexis i really dont care what anyone says because ive seen chyl play he owns me alexis ii own you its a vicious chain of events :P

11-21-2004, 03:29 AM
Hmmmm.....I thought the thread had reached a passive mode when it got to pages 7 and 8 but it seems to have flared up again on page 9. I don't mind unreasonable discussions of ownage, who da best and such as long as no personal attacks are made. So far so good I say. There were (still are) some players that truly owned, and by that I mean 35 kills and less than 3 deaths, and several of these players were on the far side of the Atlantic Ocean from the Outlaw server. That they were able to accomplish this (mainly with shotties) is nothing short of amazing. Y'all keep it reasonably civil and this thread will remain open until it dies the slow and agonizing death of apathy.

Asian Invasian
11-21-2004, 03:52 AM
lol :rofl:

alexis btw there is no such thing as spam in reality your directing all of it towards your enemies and if it kills them then hell its not spam it was directed at you succesfully there fore there is no such thing as spam because its always directed towards someone on the map sometimes you hit them sometimes not say for example shotty too if you miss doesnt mean you are spamming cuz its directed at your enemys and was unsucesful and i managed to do this all without any periods and probably makes no sense to any of you but me i suggest alexis you stop complaining cuz its not worth it no one is listening :P

11-21-2004, 04:11 AM
:watchmovi anyone else want some?

Where's Schism??? :P
Here I am! Did you miss me? :) :wave:

It basically sounds to me that everyone that still plays SS on the public rented servers is taking lessons from, and trying to emulate, Lyzosome (or however it is spelled). That's sad, but since I only play UT2k4 now I don't really care.

Erm, well I guess that's all I have to say. I wouldn't have even posted but PE rubbed my magic lamp and let me out. I love when PE rubs my magic lamp. :wub:

11-21-2004, 04:52 AM
Here I am! Did you miss me? :) :wave:

It basically sounds to me that everyone that still plays SS on the public rented servers is taking lessons from, and trying to emulate, Lyzosome (or however it is spelled). That's sad, but since I only play UT2k4 now I don't really care.

Erm, well I guess that's all I have to say. I wouldn't have even posted but PE rubbed my magic lamp and let me out. I love when PE rubs my magic lamp. :wub:
did he rub enough to make the genie cum out? :D

11-21-2004, 01:56 PM
did he rub enough to make the genie cum out? :D
thats gross :bawling:

11-21-2004, 05:45 PM
thats gross :bawling:
hey, he started it :P

11-22-2004, 12:15 PM
OK...this thread has gotten so far off topic, that it isn't worth keeping open anymore.