View Full Version : Headline News: Arafat Dead

Caged Anger
11-11-2004, 04:02 AM
Wonder whats going to happen now in the world...hopefully not another big war. Though i fear it is inevitable...

11-11-2004, 05:01 AM
I am sure Bush will get involved now, since he couldn't get along with Arafat.

11-11-2004, 05:27 AM
Wonder whats going to happen now in the world...hopefully not another big war. Though i fear it is inevitable...
i also feel itis inevitable but it depends on the new leaders. i think his death will benifit the people. i sure am happy about it:D . i hope the new leaders will make sure they can stop the terrorist groups hamas and open up to talks with isreal. i also hope isreal opens up to talks for peace and put together a solution that both can agree on for peace. again, even if it is peace, it will only last for so long. there are to many radicals that just hate jews and americans. it all depends on the the new leaders and how much control they have. if this does turnout ugly from the start, it will cause all the muslim nations to throw salt in the wound. if that's the case, i say just let them go at it and get it done with.

OUTLAWS 9.99repeating^32
11-11-2004, 11:57 AM
The CNN story can be found here (http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/meast/11/11/arafat.main/index.html).

He Is Legend
11-11-2004, 05:40 PM

Say what?


one more time


11-11-2004, 05:44 PM
i also feel itis inevitable but it depends on the new leaders. i think his death will benifit the people. i sure am happy about it:D . i hope the new leaders will make sure they can stop the terrorist groups hamas and open up to talks with isreal. i also hope isreal opens up to talks for peace and put together a solution that both can agree on for peace. again, even if it is peace, it will only last for so long. there are to many radicals that just hate jews and americans. it all depends on the the new leaders and how much control they have. if this does turnout ugly from the start, it will cause all the muslim nations to throw salt in the wound. if that's the case, i say just let them go at it and get it done with.

Agree with Bigg :thumbs:

11-11-2004, 06:08 PM
this should be palestines last chance for peace. if they refuse it and continue to support and be terrorists, they should be extincted.

whne you hear the other muslim nations praising this guy, you have to realise they are all our enemies. they praise a terrorist leader. i am happy isreal is sticking to their guns and not allowing him to be buried in jeruselum. you really can not blame them.

11-11-2004, 06:29 PM
hmmmm, i wonder how you guys would feel if the government came in and told you that your entire state was going to become an indian reservation, pack your stuff and move, and this is after generations of your family have lived and worked the land. i'd love to see the middle east crisis resolved, but I don't see that happening. You know, it is amazing, I saw a movie last year that showed the nazis walling off a portion of a city for the jewish people. And now you have the jews doing the same thing to the palestinians. i just don't understand it. the terrorism as a means of striking back, that I can understand. I don't agree with it, but I understand the need to strike back at an enemy with superior everything. the US being involved in all this shi, that I don't care for. and all this is for a dirt hole desert in the middle of a bigger desert.... go figure.

Death Engineer
11-11-2004, 06:47 PM
this should be palestines last chance for peace. if they refuse it and continue to support and be terrorists, they should be extincted.

whne you hear the other muslim nations praising this guy, you have to realise they are all our enemies. they praise a terrorist leader. i am happy isreal is sticking to their guns and not allowing him to be buried in jeruselum. you really can not blame them.

Well that's not a stereotype at all is it? :rolleyes:

I personally don't believe that Arafat had peace as any objective other than to get what he really wanted (a slice of Jerusalem). I didn't agree the palestinian leadership on much of anything, but I wouldn't say that we need to kill all of the palestinians. Stereotyping a group like that just irritates me.

11-11-2004, 10:36 PM
I am amazed that someone who was a known Terrorist got the Noble Peace Prize and kept millions of dollars that were ment for his people for himself.
Personally I am glad he is Dead. May the gates of Hell (if it does exist) welcome him with open Arms.

Mad Fox
11-12-2004, 12:24 AM
Good another terroorist dead

Irsael needs peace

11-12-2004, 02:54 AM
I am amazed that someone who was a known Terrorist got the Noble Peace Prize and kept millions of dollars that were ment for his people for himself.
Personally I am glad he is Dead. May the gates of Hell (if it does exist) welcome him with open Arms.

Hate to say it, because I don't like to hate anyone, but I completely agree! :(

11-12-2004, 11:09 AM
hmmmm, i wonder how you guys would feel if the government came in and told you that your entire state was going to become an indian reservation, pack your stuff and move, and this is after generations of your family have lived and worked the land. i'd love to see the middle east crisis resolved, but I don't see that happening. You know, it is amazing, I saw a movie last year that showed the nazis walling off a portion of a city for the jewish people. And now you have the jews doing the same thing to the palestinians. i just don't understand it. the terrorism as a means of striking back, that I can understand. I don't agree with it, but I understand the need to strike back at an enemy with superior everything. the US being involved in all this shi, that I don't care for. and all this is for a dirt hole desert in the middle of a bigger desert.... go figure.

jim, point taken but this is very different. i am sure if you look into the history of palestine an dfind out how they were kicked out of a different country altogether you would undersand that the muslim or arab nations are hypoctrites. in fact, saudi arabia just a few weeks ago would no allow some palestines in their country. these people want this conflict fo an excuse to hate the jews. if there was a way for diplomcy, i would say go for it. i truthfully think it will never happend.

death engineer--not to sound like i am stereo typing but i would like to point this link out http://www.boston.com/news/globe/editorial_opinion/oped/articles/2004/11/11/arafat_the_monster/

i know i come off like i just want to kil but that's incorrect. i look at this whole picture and the way all these people think and come up with my opinion. i think that any country or gov't that supports this behavior should be put to sleep. it is sad and i don't like it one bit but you have to think how the people who were killed for nothing. i feel that this is cancer to earth and civilzation. my analogy is sometimes some people will get cancer and the only chance to live is to get rid of it comletely. now i know a person who had cancer on his leg. they cut his leg off so he would live from the cancer not spreading. i look at the bombings and i see the kids being killed or the parent and it sickens me. i put myself in that situation and wonder what i would do if my daughter was killed or my wife or anyone for that matter in my family. my feelings are that to many innocent people are being killed and it will continue if the cancer is not destroyed. war is ugly and just because some of us don't see it daily, there have been countrys being ruled by dictators that will continue to grow and kill innocent people. saddam was one of these people. hitler was one of these people, etc etc. america solved these problems and that is what trully makes our country numero uno.

Mad Fox
11-12-2004, 12:35 PM
I think Israel needs a little credit here... After WWII the surviving Jews of Europe were looking for a homeland of their own after 6million of their own had been killed. So where do they go their ancient home Israel. Within years of establishing a nation war fallen upon them by just about every nation in the middle east and they still survived. Then they turned Palestine a desert into one of the most lucritive areas in the Middle East and still tosday is. They aren't giving up anything aftet 2000 years of persecution.

11-12-2004, 08:00 PM
im glad he's gone.
maybe this will actually lead to SOMETHING being done about the current situation

11-13-2004, 04:00 AM
jim, point taken but this is very different. i am sure if you look into the history of palestine an dfind out how they were kicked out of a different country altogether you would undersand that the muslim or arab nations are hypoctrites. in fact, saudi arabia just a few weeks ago would no allow some palestines in their country. these people want this conflict fo an excuse to hate the jews. if there was a way for diplomcy, i would say go for it. i truthfully think it will never happend.

death engineer--not to sound like i am stereo typing but i would like to point this link out http://www.boston.com/news/globe/editorial_opinion/oped/articles/2004/11/11/arafat_the_monster/

i know i come off like i just want to kil but that's incorrect. i look at this whole picture and the way all these people think and come up with my opinion. i think that any country or gov't that supports this behavior should be put to sleep. it is sad and i don't like it one bit but you have to think how the people who were killed for nothing. i feel that this is cancer to earth and civilzation. my analogy is sometimes some people will get cancer and the only chance to live is to get rid of it comletely. now i know a person who had cancer on his leg. they cut his leg off so he would live from the cancer not spreading. i look at the bombings and i see the kids being killed or the parent and it sickens me. i put myself in that situation and wonder what i would do if my daughter was killed or my wife or anyone for that matter in my family. my feelings are that to many innocent people are being killed and it will continue if the cancer is not destroyed. war is ugly and just because some of us don't see it daily, there have been countrys being ruled by dictators that will continue to grow and kill innocent people. saddam was one of these people. hitler was one of these people, etc etc. america solved these problems and that is what trully makes our country numero uno.
Your analogy about cutting off the leg with cancer is just ridiculous and if the world thought this way we would all be dead now. You see them as a cancer they see you as one as well. You can't just eradicate an entire nation just because they have different beliefs. I guess I will never understand your mindless points you try and try again to make.

11-13-2004, 04:15 AM
We should put biggs in charge of "extincting" the palestinians.... :thumbs:

11-14-2004, 02:45 AM
Your analogy about cutting off the leg with cancer is just ridiculous and if the world thought this way we would all be dead now. You see them as a cancer they see you as one as well. You can't just eradicate an entire nation just because they have different beliefs. I guess I will never understand your mindless points you try and try again to make.

i know slice, my points mean nothing like my opinions. you know all. a yuppie from florida who proably doesnt know squat about the real world or to actually have to fight for wha they have. i know you broke your ass by yourself without mommy and daddy helping you one bit. you are completely safe with your luxury hotels and people like me are the evil in the world.:rolleyes:

you are and have to be the most ignorant son of a bitch in this forum. i don't ask people here to agree with me but i have the right to express how i feel as others do. you don't agree with it, that's your problem. i did'nt ask you to. you could'nt understand any analogy or any point i was making. that's because you are ignorant to try to understand where anyone comes from other than your little life. keep it to yourself or make your own point. your little sissy fits and attacks on me will not be accepted. you post in these threads since the political crap and yet have had nothing to input but comment on others posts. just because others do not feel as you feel or have different views then you does not make them wrong. what the hell do you know about any of this stuff? from any post you have made, it shows you do not know your history on this subject. people like you need to use google to find informaton out while others like me already know the truth and have done the research. if you think i am wrong for feeling the way i do, that's your problem. keep it to yourself because i will not stand for you to try to degrade me. you will never degrade me because i know i have accomplished more than you in life. i may not have mommy and daddys money but i have worked my ass, put myself through school, and support my family with no ones help. i have experienced more than you will never understand so before you comment on another, keep it to yourself.

got it punk?

11-14-2004, 03:07 AM

11-14-2004, 03:11 AM
you are and have to be the most ignorant son of a bitch in this forum.....
damn and I thought I held that title.... I also see that you forgot to threaten going down there and kicking his ass.... must have been an oversight... :thumbs:

11-14-2004, 03:51 AM
i know slice, my points mean nothing like my opinions. you know all. a yuppie from florida who proably doesnt know squat about the real world or to actually have to fight for wha they have. i know you broke your ass by yourself without mommy and daddy helping you one bit. you are completely safe with your luxury hotels and people like me are the evil in the world.:rolleyes:

you are and have to be the most ignorant son of a bitch in this forum. i don't ask people here to agree with me but i have the right to express how i feel as others do. you don't agree with it, that's your problem. i did'nt ask you to. you could'nt understand any analogy or any point i was making. that's because you are ignorant to try to understand where anyone comes from other than your little life. keep it to yourself or make your own point. your little sissy fits and attacks on me will not be accepted. you post in these threads since the political crap and yet have had nothing to input but comment on others posts. just because others do not feel as you feel or have different views then you does not make them wrong. what the hell do you know about any of this stuff? from any post you have made, it shows you do not know your history on this subject. people like you need to use google to find informaton out while others like me already know the truth and have done the research. if you think i am wrong for feeling the way i do, that's your problem. keep it to yourself because i will not stand for you to try to degrade me. you will never degrade me because i know i have accomplished more than you in life. i may not have mommy and daddys money but i have worked my ass, put myself through school, and support my family with no ones help. i have experienced more than you will never understand so before you comment on another, keep it to yourself.

got it punk?
First of all Bigg you know absolutely nothing about me. After this post I wonder what the rest of the forum community will think as to who is attacking who. You call me a yuppie yet I am probably the most down to earth person you will ever meet and if you were to ever see me in public somewhere you would never think I am some yuppie. I will bet my life I have worked harder than you ever have to achieve what I have now and it has nothing to do with my parents. I don't know what kind of crazy picture you have drawn in your head about me but you should burn it because it is absolutely false. Just because I have money you think I don't work my ass off? You think my family handed me over this money? Well guess what, since you think you are so smart let me take this opportunity to gloat and rub it in your face. Back in 1996 I took $100,000 and invested it and now it is worth close to $8 million. It wasn't stocks, it was property. I spent the last 10 years of my life building a business all from $100,000. So too bad for you that you worked your ass off and didn't make out as fortunate as me. However, don't think for one second I didn't work my ass off to make it happen. As for the punk part at the end, when will you finally grow the **** up?

11-14-2004, 04:15 AM
First of all Bigg you know absolutely nothing about me. After this post I wonder what the rest of the forum community will think as to who is attacking who. You call me a yuppie yet I am probably the most down to earth person you will ever meet and if you were to ever see me in public somewhere you would never think I am some yuppie. I will bet my life I have worked harder than you ever have to achieve what I have now and it has nothing to do with my parents. I don't know what kind of crazy picture you have drawn in your head about me but you should burn it because it is absolutely false. Just because I have money you think I don't work my ass off? You think my family handed me over this money? Well guess what, since you think you are so smart let me take this opportunity to gloat and rub it in your face. Back in 1996 I took $100,000 and invested it and now it is worth close to $8 million. It wasn't stocks, it was property. I spent the last 10 years of my life building a business all from $100,000. So too bad for you that you worked your ass off and didn't make out as fortunate as me. However, don't think for one second I didn't work my ass off to make it happen. As for the punk part at the end, when will you finally grow the **** up?
what a joke slice, really what a joke. i do not want to know anything about you but you and i differ in one thing. you claim yourself as fortunate and say i am less fortunate. i do not consider myself less fortunate because i didnt invest 100,000 dollars and turn it into 8 million dollars but i feel fortunate because i have what i have because i earned it myself. i also find myself fortunate because i have a healthy daughter and i am able to provide for her the way she needs. my fortune has nothing to do with a dollar sign. you say i have to grow up but i find that ammusing considering you have to continue to ruin threads with your crap. you find the need along with jiminator to make stupid comments and attacks on other members. you can say i attacked you all you want but lets look at this thread in full and see where the problem started. you are the one who has to continue with your bs and think your feelings or opinions are the ones to be heard and no one elses. i am tired of both you and jim and i will ignore you both and i will take it up with the council. i think that the both of you are nothing but trouble makers who can not respect the other members. i have asked jim to ignore my posts but he continues because he can not understand that he is pissing someone off. it seems that jim has nothing to do considering he is on this forum 24/7 while you atleast drop in occasionally to make a nagative post and attack others in the thread and ruin the thread because you object to what ever is said. that's fine, i will see what happends with this and let the council take care of this and the admins.

11-14-2004, 04:29 AM

11-14-2004, 04:36 AM
Guess what topic closed. Please reread the forum rules.