View Full Version : LANwar 25 update

11-11-2004, 04:41 AM
For those that dont leave the OFF TOPIC.....

OK.......for the ones that are going here is the most important info you need....

Registration opens NOV,19 which is next Friday at 10:00 pm

The site you need to be at and most importantly.....have an account at.......is www.LANwar.com.

We will try to shoot for Section 2....Row 21...Seats 11 through.

The actual event will be held on JAN 15 and 16 of 2005. This will be held in Louisville,Kentucky.

For those that are going it is a must that you be on teamspeak 30min before registration. If you have to work or what ever please let me know so we can reserve you a seat.

As for the motel...we got away with haveing 4 people in one room last time.2 sleep an rollaway beds and 2 in the beds....was a little crowded but we made it....I say this for the ones that might not be able to afford the room but could make it...If you are that person me and Goober will gladly share a room with you at no coast...you just get to see Goober in his sheep pajamas...we would love to see a bunch show up but we cant afford to pay for everone.........so if you are intereasted then PM me ASAP....

So far its Me,Goober,Pure,BIGGD,Diss,PJ,and i think Stormy....