View Full Version : Servant Necro

Death Engineer
11-14-2004, 05:08 PM
After grouping with a servant necro a few nights ago, I am 100% positive that I want to respec my 47.5 sight necro. Couple of questions:

1. How much are single line respecs going for these days?
2. What is the best spec for a servant necro?
3. Is anyone interested in going on a dragon raid sometime soon?

11-14-2004, 05:13 PM
47 servant, 9 painworking, rest in sigfht and 50 enhance

11-15-2004, 07:45 AM
After grouping with a servant necro a few nights ago, I am 100% positive that I want to respec my 47.5 sight necro. Couple of questions:

1. How much are single line respecs going for these days?
2. What is the best spec for a servant necro?
3. Is anyone interested in going on a dragon raid sometime soon?

I got the feeling there is no single line respec at all avaible since they drop in caer Sidi and by Summoner only and those place lost a lot of interess since ToA is out. A Dragon Raid could be a good idea: Sidi Raid take TOO long time and not many ppl can be online for the whole raid+lotto duration. With the numbers OoD can field we should be able to run a Dragon Raid Alone so far as we can set it during a time when we got most members online.

11-15-2004, 11:34 AM
Summoners do not drop single line respec stones but RA respec stones.

11-15-2004, 11:45 AM
sidi can be farmed up to the first 2 keys with only about 5 people 3-tanks 2-healers takes approx2-3 hrs with so few though the keys will usally drop a stone every other kill form my experince

11-15-2004, 04:11 PM
you get a free respec at level 50 correct?

11-15-2004, 04:17 PM
you get a free respec at level 50 correct?

Nope so far as I know last free respec is at lv 40.
We can hope that with catacombs Mythic will give at last a single line free respec :)