View Full Version : In defense of Jiminator...

11-15-2004, 02:04 AM
He got nailed pretty hard for his thread that got closed, and I admit that I didn't get a chance to view the link before it was removed. I don't live in the south though, so it probably wouldn't have offended me.

GM is a pretty small community, and it seems like nearly half of it is comprised of DAOC players. Which is fine. But DAOC posts are deadly boring for those that do not play the game. As are the endless SS and UT screenies (except to those who posted them and perhaps the poster's clan mates). Not to mention the mindless spam.

Off Topic is the only place where there is any lively discussions going on. And while the discussions can get a little heated, or be in poor taste, or otherwise controversial, at least they provide some entertainment value and keep people coming back. The popcorn smilie is there for a reason. :P

In his last thread Jiminator posted in the thread title that the thread may be offensive to some. And obviously it was. So it pretty much boils down to this: anyone who read the thread and viewed the link and became offended was warned. And should have avoided the thread. But instead I saw Jiminator being personally attacked for not only the link but for other views that he expresses in Off Topic by a DAOC player. In fact it got very personal and comments were made about Jim's personal life, and what he chooses to do with it, and Jim was even given a free psychological evaluation.

Let's face it. People like Jim, BIGG, Captain Keys, Slice, Thundar, and others keep GM interesting. While I'm sure the DAOC people would love to see everyone else leave the forums so they can grab their artis and zerg their milfs (or whatever it is that they do) in peace, that's not gonna happen. And it would be a sad day for GM if it ever did happen.

So how about the DAOC zombies stay out of the OT section and just ignore it, and the OT people will continue to stay out of and respect the DAOC sections. Sounds fair to me. :thumbs:

OUTLAWS high ping camper
11-15-2004, 02:10 AM
Somebody lock this lame ass post.

11-15-2004, 02:23 AM
I think SAL and Lev keep the site much more interesting with their love affairs.
As for your point, well yea he did warn people, but people aren't gonna just let that "controvercial" thread sitting in there without adding their "controvercial" veiewpoints and whatnot.
Ur dac comment is retarded, sho is a respectful member of the forums, and is very helpful in the hardaware/software forums.
SO how about the political people find OTHER FORUMS TO GO TO, and not talk about politics on a gaming forum.
The dac people were on the forums before you my friend and most of them didn't play dac until it became so popular, so if u have a problem with them (u seem like the only one that does to me) then go elsewhere and stop posing nonsense
sound good to u?

11-15-2004, 03:09 AM
No comment :rolleyes:

11-15-2004, 03:20 AM
I am honored and flattered that I was mentioned as one who keeps this place interesting. :D I think that contrasting points of view are what keeps people thinking in this great Country of Ours. I would have to agree with Schism and say that Jiminator took a personal hit from none other than Shogun who I always respected and still do. If you take a look at the content of these so called controversial posts they are basically harmless but there are a few who personally attack and flame individuals for their thoughts, ideas and feelings which results in repercussions that turn things sour.

11-15-2004, 03:28 AM
Perhaps you don't understand why the thread was closed. Please reread the rules of GM. Those types of threads are allowed but when people start to attack eachother and can't post in a civil manner then I will lock the thread. When people start to attack eachother what would you like me to do? let it continue for your entertainment? We have new people here every single day. They don't wanna read those types of posts.

How about this I play daoc and I am an Admin here. Part of my job is to see that the very simple rules of GM are followed. Plain and simple.
If they come from Daoc or not I don't care. They chose to come here and I want them to stay and enjoy themselves.

Off Topic is just that Off topic. Some post her some don't but when attacks are made posts will be closed.

11-15-2004, 03:29 AM
For anyone who doesn't like anyone else, use the ignore feature.

11-15-2004, 03:34 AM
SO how about the political people find OTHER FORUMS TO GO TO, and not talk about politics on a gaming forum.
sound good to u?

no, it doesn't

I know many of the people here. This is where we hang out. This is where we post our discussions. This is OFF TOPIC, get it? learn it, deal with it. If you don't like the topic, ignor it, if you don't like a persona that posts here, click the ignore feature on both posts and PMs.

I'm so sick and tired of people with little or no self control ruining it for everyone else. It used to be that you would have to get real damn nasty to have a thread locked, now the slightest sign, and here comes the the locks. It's pathetic.

Exe, if all you care about is game oriented stuff, stay out of OT.

11-15-2004, 03:38 AM
Yes Pure it is sad that it has come to that but people can't control themselves then thats what has to be done till they can.

I don't wanna lock posts. I have no desire to. But when people act like fools then the post needs to be locked.

11-15-2004, 03:40 AM
Perhaps you don't understand why the thread was closed. Please reread the rules of GM. Those types of threads are allowed but when people start to attack eachother and can't post in a civil manner then I will lock the thread. When people start to attack eachother what would you like me to do? let it continue for your entertainment? We have new people here every single day. They don't wanna read those types of posts.

How about this I play daoc and I am an Admin here. Part of my job is to see that the very simple rules of GM are followed. Plain and simple.
If they come from Daoc or not I don't care. They chose to come here and I want them to stay and enjoy themselves.

Off Topic is just that Off topic. Some post her some don't but when attacks are made posts will be closed.
I think you made the right decision in closing that thread. :thumbs:

11-15-2004, 03:55 AM
no, it doesn't

I know many of the people here. This is where we hang out. This is where we post our discussions. This is OFF TOPIC, get it? learn it, deal with it. If you don't like the topic, ignor it, if you don't like a persona that posts here, click the ignore feature on both posts and PMs.

I'm so sick and tired of people with little or no self control ruining it for everyone else. It used to be that you would have to get real damn nasty to have a thread locked, now the slightest sign, and here comes the the locks. It's pathetic.

Exe, if all you care about is game oriented stuff, stay out of OT.
i was making a sarcastic statement because schism said that people shoudl stay to themselves more
u noob :D
EDIT: i care about nothing.... :bawling:

11-15-2004, 04:07 AM
did we have fun without me???

i feel left out! hehe

::: DARK PSI :::
11-15-2004, 04:07 AM
Lev is dead.. get it right.. SAL and Psi. Done.

I think SAL and Lev keep the site much more interesting with their love affairs.

Death Engineer
11-15-2004, 04:21 AM
I back Whocares and the other admins here 100%. It's not easy trying to keep a site like this civil and orderly. They are admins for a reason and they each have shown excellent judgement IMHO. Congrats on a job well down folks.

To those who don't like the admins or how they do their job, I suggest taking that up with Sal.

11-15-2004, 04:42 AM
For anyone who doesn't like anyone else, use the ignore feature.
A handy feature.

Free Styler
11-15-2004, 05:05 AM
well all i can say being one of the top posters on these forums. Is that

I've been able to avoid lot's of problems keeping it cool and simple.

Wait.... i must be thinking of somebody else hehe.

Seriously tho... i do agree on the admins taking their decisions
base on the fact that they do a lot of work to keep this running in a
civilized manner.Better that then a open zoo of monkeys screaming at each other about spam lag sd's and politics.

Tho i will say, what i enjoy the most here is when theres tension in a thread.

Is it a good thing?maybe not.

I'm not reffering to this thread in particular btw.Actully havent even seen this thread.(the locked one that is)

Like i said the admins are doing a great job in general.

11-15-2004, 06:16 AM
Well who was the one who acted like a fool? Actually no one really. I may have biased my post against someone specifically, but I shouldn't have. Because that person had as much right to express their opinion as anyone else. OT is a place to talk about wierd crap, and a place to blow off steam. Good God the political threads got much nastier than Jim's thread but were allowed to go on. But then a DAOC member didn't object in any of those threads. And since three of the admins are DAOC players and in the same clan as the person who objected to Jim's post....

Well, nevermind. I did not really intend on targeting a specific person. In fact I have a great deal of respect for Shogun too. And in fact I genuinely like him a great deal. I was a bit shocked at his reaction because he normally is very reserved and tolerant, but it was also refreshing to see him get pissed. That doesn't happen very often, and when it does it's really hard not to cheer for him. But in this case I just happen to disagree with him. No big deal.

And I apologize for targeting the DAOC players. But sometimes they act like GM is only for them when in fact it is not.

Actually the whole thing comes down to the fact that one person I respect trashed another person that I respect, and I took the side of the person being trashed instead of the person trashing. I'd just like to see more tolerance here and less personal attacks no matter who they come from.

11-15-2004, 06:32 AM

11-15-2004, 09:11 AM
Perhaps you don't understand why the thread was closed. Please reread the rules of GM. Those types of threads are allowed but when people start to attack eachother and can't post in a civil manner then I will lock the thread. When people start to attack eachother what would you like me to do? let it continue for your entertainment? We have new people here every single day. They don't wanna read those types of posts.

How about this I play daoc and I am an Admin here. Part of my job is to see that the very simple rules of GM are followed. Plain and simple.
If they come from Daoc or not I don't care. They chose to come here and I want them to stay and enjoy themselves.

Off Topic is just that Off topic. Some post her some don't but when attacks are made posts will be closed.
While I take this stand, I truely agree with this. Yes some of the admins have gotten involved with DAOC that this no reason to think they aren't still here. For me personally it's be heart warming, to see a great group of peeps pull together and fight for what is theres. A lot of people talk down upon it, but honestly if you don't see what it truely is, then you can bark about it, DAOC isn't GM, hell I hope it's not. I'd like to see UT come in full formed and take off, and it has, maybe not as much yet as I'd like to see it.

OT has gotten out of contol with certain thread, and well I speak for all admins, we are all busy doing our own thing. It's hard to keep up with the latest happenings, and therefore that's what sometimes we ask to GM help. GM is what you make of it, your contribution, just make it a good one and try not to make it offensive which it hard at times. Make your point, and move on. Much more to gaming then bitching at people becuase they view things differently then you do, but that is life, you have to live with it, and I hope that you respect it. :)

11-15-2004, 12:05 PM
Just a quicky, I did not get to read the threah before is was axed..

Point on Jim...Well Jim has always been a gentleman when posting in our forum, I like the guy. Don't know what was posted..but like its been pointed out before, you all had a choice. Some of you remind me of a women we had here in the UK in the 70's 80's called Mary Whitehouse. She was obsesed with the wrong stuff been shown on TV here..drove people mad. At the start of a program we would be told that certain scenes may be offensive to certain types of viewers....1 miniute after the program finished she would be on the phone to the BBC complaining..Now having watched the program the first time, she would watch is again the next week!!!!! and complain!!!

I don't know most of you, and like i said i did not see the post...but for god's sake take a chill pill and get on with what your are supposed to be doing..

11-15-2004, 12:36 PM
Just a quicky, I did not get to read the threah before is was axed..

Point on Jim...Well Jim has always been a gentleman when posting in our forum, I like the guy. Don't know what was posted..but like its been pointed out before, you all had a choice. Some of you remind me of a women we had here in the UK in the 70's 80's called Mary Whitehouse. She was obsesed with the wrong stuff been shown on TV here..drove people mad. At the start of a program we would be told that certain scenes may be offensive to certain types of viewers....1 miniute after the program finished she would be on the phone to the BBC complaining..Now having watched the program the first time, she would watch is again the next week!!!!! and complain!!!

I don't know most of you, and like i said i did not see the post...but for god's sake take a chill pill and get on with what your are supposed to be doing..

:thumbs: that's what we need more of here!

11-15-2004, 12:42 PM
i would say jim was the most respected person here on gm:thumbs: i wish there was more people like him:thumbs: you should move to the uk jim,we have free speech and sheep:devil: thats here up north that is:thumbs:Don't they have free speech in the USA Hug's, I thought that was a democratic scociety..No Hugs i think you got it wrong..apparently it's their 1st ammendment, i checked it out look;

The First Amendment of the United States Constitution protects the right to freedom of religion and freedom of expression from government interference. Freedom of expression consists of the rights to freedom of speech, press, blah blah blah

So they do have free speech dude...it just hasn't hit GM yet:D(J/K)

11-15-2004, 01:09 PM
:thumbs: that's what we need more of here!
Maybe its already here........:D

11-15-2004, 02:05 PM
I have to say it did look like Jim was attacked and he did warn that it might offend people. I am from the south and it didn't bother me a bit. Maybe Shoggy was having a bad day? But I do also agree with Whocares you do have to stop the crap when personal attacks start to fly. If you want to fight with each other step out in the street or take it to email??? Who knows. I don't think Jim meant to make anyone's head blow off by reading it. Gamemecca is a good place to come after a hard days work and I have to say People like Jim keep it exciting. I hardly ever get time to come here anymore but still like to check in every now and then. This is one of the best fourms I have ever been involved with and is ran very professional!! All the admins are doing a great job.

Oh and i do not like DAOC!! hehe I have tried it and just never liked it. EVERQUEST RULES!!!

11-15-2004, 02:22 PM
Don't they have free speech in the USA Hug's, I thought that was a democratic scociety..No Hugs i think you got it wrong..apparently it's their 1st ammendment, i checked it out look;

The First Amendment of the United States Constitution protects the right to freedom of religion and freedom of expression from government interference. Freedom of expression consists of the rights to freedom of speech, press, blah blah blah

So they do have free speech dude...it just hasn't hit GM yet:D(J/K)


11-15-2004, 03:45 PM
Schism, just who are you anyway......You act like you know the history and the people of this forum rofl.

Let me just give you a quick recap for your amusement.........You're implication of DAOC vs GM separation is completely wrong and ignorant and the DAOC players aren't a new swarm of players that invaded GM. All the core 'long time' gamers here have been gaming with eachother for years and way before DAOC was even a thought. This community was started and enveloped by SSSE players and clans but unfortunately some people got tired of the issues with the game and looked elsewhere. (some still hoping and waiting for the release of Sam2) Personally for me, DAOC is holding my interest right now but I eagerly await the release of Sam 2, myself.

Let me ask you a question......Why are you here? You obviously have no interest in gaming as it's quite evident. You've even stated yourself here in this thread ----> "But DAOC posts are deadly boring for those that do not play the game. As are the endless SS and UT screenies (except to those who posted them and perhaps the poster's clan mates). Not to mention the mindless spam." Unfortunatly, to your distaste, this is what our community is about and its a melting pot of old and new friends. If you have no interest in any of the gaming sections in on a 'gaming forum' and feel the need to call them a bore, then I have to question why your here in the first place.

11-15-2004, 05:46 PM
Hopefully this clears up a few things.

Schism i'm kinda like Sep, I'm not sure why you come here, but anyways I hope you enjoy your stay here and think it's admirable that you spoke up, but you really need to get your facts and information correct before doing so. Listen to Sepra's post, she is wise. You are a "Johnny come lately" compaired to some of us that have known each other since the S! forum days. Your ideas in your post sounded a little too seperatist and was expecting you to say that peeps that play DAoC needed to ride in the back of the bus from now on. Trust me, DAoC has nothing to do with this at all so let's don't go there anymore.

This is the thread:

If some of you all have read it already and thought the thread that caused all this had been edited or deleted before you could see it, then what I said wasn't that bad and that's great because I hadn't intended it to be. I didn't intend it as an attack on Jim either and actually praised him in parts. Sorry Jim and whoever if they thought that was an attack or even my best effort at one.

I'm sorry but I wasn't having a bad dad, Normally i'm pretty quite and don't say much but I had enough of the bashing and negativity here from certain people and didn't see why someone would post a thread that they clearly thought would offend some people by even saying so in the thread title and serve to further seperate people here even more. To me it was stupid and wasn't going to do help anyone or do any one any good.

Since the REAL message behind that website was more political BS, What it all boils down to was that the SOME Democrats can't get over the fact that their candidate lost and now they have stooped to attacking people in some states where Bush did well in. In case you didn't see the headlines, America has spoken Mr Kerry, You are the weeeeeeakest link, GOODBYE!

Again, Sorry to Jim and whoever my post might have offended.

11-15-2004, 06:44 PM
This is in response to two locked threads. Apparently being on "24/7", I did not see these and get a chance to respond to the threads before they were locked. While the admins were kind enough to edit one of my posts, they did not feel the need to edit the attack posts that caused the threads to be locked.

i have asked jim to ignore my posts but he continues because he can not understand that he is pissing someone off. it seems that jim has nothing to do considering he is on this forum 24/7

well, here we have a prime example of wife-beater syndrome. biggs is not responsible for his own actions and is incapable of changing his responses, but instead everything is always caused by someone else. if you like more examples of Biggs infantile behavior, do a search for his name on his username on google, and see how many pages you can find where he is completely trashing other people. it isn't just this forum btw. and no, i didn't waste my time searching, someone else pointed that out.

all that being said, biggs has some great qualities. He does do his best in order to support people needing help and will share information to all that need it.

as the the offensive link, it was noted. you don't like it, fine, STFU and move on. It wasn't meant for you. If you don't like what I post, not a problem, this board has an ignore feature. use it.

I have some gay friends, and know more gay people (anyone posting here care to speak up? hmmm?), that were personally offended at all the gay marriage BS going on during the vote. The site makes some valid points regarding this. If you want to find the site, look in one of the quotes in the original thread, or take americas favorite word in the world, and add "thesouth.com" to it.

As for shogun, I don't know anything about you. you had pretty much quit playing sam when i started. i remember that you nuked one (or two?) outlaws and notified the rest later of your decision, and nuked another guy that wanted to get in because he dismissed you (but then hey, I guess I was right and he was really a nice guy after all, wasn't he?). You pretty much contribute nothing to the general forums, answer no questions, but hey, throw in a spam and your ass will be there bitching and moaning. Please don't bother replying, as you are "done with me" and I don't feel like reading more of your BS, besides, it may cut into your 24/7 DAOC time.

for my actions in the world, my wife was disenfranchised with her 90K corporate job, and I have been taking up the slack as she has gone back to school to get a degree and move into something more fulfilling that involves helping people instead of making money. "My part" is to support her and my family, and yes, 90K is a damn big hit.

For the canidates, none of them are mine, if you want reasons, go back and read the threads instead of making ASSumptions.

I have always looked to these forums as a place where we can have open and honest discussions about issues and topics. Sadly enough that appears to be no longer the case as things always revert to name calling, personal attacks, threats, etc. So whatever. Unfortunately I am probably as guilty as the rest.

as for the rest of you guys, thanks for your support.

for the admins, please feel free to lock this thread before anyone can respond. That way anyone reading it will see my response as the last response. thanks. :thumbs:

11-15-2004, 07:13 PM
i think its silly that the thread has upset people like this.
silly silly silly.

we are indeed a culture of men raised by women.

He Is Legend
11-15-2004, 07:17 PM
i think its silly that the thread has upset people like this.
silly silly silly.

we are indeed a culture of men raised by women.

:rofl: :rofl:

11-15-2004, 07:35 PM
Let me ask you a question......Why are you here?
the answer to your question is that old resentments last forever, and too many people are not able to put things in the past. you should be able to figure out the rest. another contributer shunned by those that contribute nothing.

11-15-2004, 07:58 PM
Lev is dead.. get it right.. SAL and Psi. Done.
oh well Psi is no more fun that Lev was. :D

Mad Fox
11-15-2004, 08:08 PM
Three Cheers for Jim

People are just plain petty

11-15-2004, 08:12 PM
Not sure if that 'another contributer shunned by those that contribute nothing' comment was a direct stab towards me but I can assure you that your mistaken.

I'm not one to shun people but quite frankly his comment basically said that Gamemecca sucks except for Off Topic and it pissed me off enough to post here. I've been here for quite a long time and have met many friends and some of them I've met in real life. Each section of this forum has time invested in it by both admin and members and whether or not your interested in that topic or not and deserves a little more respect. I was just curious why a non-gamer would frequent these boards if the gaming topics didn't interest him. I also didnt appreciate the constant generalization of 'DAOC players' which was ignorant IMO. I quote "But sometimes they act like GM is only for them when in fact it is not." How so? Please do tell me. In fact, how many DAOC players even post out of the Dark Age section of this forum? The statements have no credibility.

11-15-2004, 08:21 PM
no, not directed towards you, you are a great person... :thumbs:

11-15-2004, 08:26 PM
Seppi is Super Mom :thumbs: :wub:

me think Jim should come to LW and hang with the crew http://pages.prodigy.net/indianahawkeye/newpage08/12.gif

then again, "me think" is kind of a contradiction :rolleyes:

11-15-2004, 09:07 PM
Sepra rox, cept fot the fact that she doesnt play sam no more :P

11-15-2004, 10:31 PM
I had a bologna sandwich today for lunch............what did you all have???

11-15-2004, 10:32 PM
i can go pee pee by myself now.........nanana...

11-15-2004, 10:33 PM
There was this one time in band camp.....................

11-15-2004, 10:35 PM
Yo SCHISM,JISM ever what your name is.......nice going....i voted for you.....

solid snake295
11-15-2004, 11:19 PM
I had a bologna sandwich today for lunch............what did you all have???
i had microwave pizza... it was bad... it burnt my mouth :(

11-15-2004, 11:26 PM
I hate it when i burn my mouth on hot cheese pizza.....but damn its good...

11-15-2004, 11:49 PM
I hate it when i burn my mouth on hot cheese pizza.....but damn its good...
:rofl: good one LasH :thumbs:

11-15-2004, 11:52 PM
Go Chargers!

11-16-2004, 12:46 AM
Had to go find that web page that stirred all the controversy…made me mad at first, then when I took it apart from a southerners point of view I couldn’t help but laugh.
Now remember, as always, the statements in this post are not necessarily made by me while thinking rationally and are not to be taken seriously. I’m not even sure I am me (brings up memories of posts made by , brother neighbor, cousin, cousins dog, cousins dogs neighbor etc.)
So let me begin with a partial rebuttal to that web page.

1. While we (us southerners) do have a higher murder rate than up north I believe I can explain. It gets pretty durn hot down here and we do have a short fuse because of that. So anytime some Yankee comes down here and starts making fun of us we just shoot him. Don’t have to work up a sweat that way.
2. The divorce rate is pretty easy to explain also. We decided long ago, that to help out with the murder situation we would start granting divorces before Bobbie Joe shoots Bubba the next time she catches him with her sister Billie Mae.
3. Inbreeding, surely not. Our family trees just have fewer branches than most folks, that’s all.
4. The point about Northern tax money paying for our bridges was really funny. We had them installed so that the Yankees could get to Florida faster.
5. Assault rifle in my glove box…..get real! A true southern gentleman has it in his gun rack.
6. I will admit that the pickup truck line is real. You should come to a farm auction some time, it’s amazing how many folks come with pickup trucks. You don’t think we have them because it’s easier to haul stuff do you? I mean please, see #1 above. You put a dead body in the trunk of a car for more than 6 hours down here and you will never…I mean never get the smell out. Shoot, a couple of rains and your truck bed is as clean as ever.

Ok…that’s about it. All I can say is, you can say what you want about me and the rest of the southerners. We have a pretty tough hide, but kick one of our dogs and we will add you to the murder rate.

Go Jim....SHo....Sepra...and everyone else....Free speech for everyone!

solid snake295
11-16-2004, 12:46 AM


11-16-2004, 01:29 AM
yes, he does!! :thumbs:

11-16-2004, 02:06 AM
Goober it's a shame we don't have an real award to give you, but I would nominate that as post of the year! :D

11-16-2004, 02:21 AM
Here it's needs some background music

Big wheels keep on turning
Carry me home to see my kin
Singing songs about the Southland
I miss Alabamy once again
And I think its a sin, yes

Well I heard mister Young sing about her
Well, I heard ole Neil put her down
Well, I hope Neil Young will remember
A Southern man don't need him around anyhow

Sweet home Alabama
Where the skies are so blue
Sweet Home Alabama
Lord, I'm coming home to you

Asian Invasian
11-16-2004, 02:52 AM
i dont know what the deal with locking threads is about but sometimes you miss a few that just happen to piss me off yet sometimes lock ones that arent even that bad but a little chat and discussion which is what a forum is
a note on locking threads taht get out of hand heres a link to one that cought my attention--------------> http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/showthread.php?t=64301&highlight=asian

11-16-2004, 03:08 AM
i dont know what the deal with locking threads is about but sometimes you miss a few that just happen to piss me off yet sometimes lock ones that arent even that bad but a little chat and discussion which is what a forum is
a note on locking threads taht get out of hand heres a link to one that cought my attention--------------> http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/showthread.php?t=64301&highlight=asian
LOL, I don't think that was the original picture posted and it got replaced with that one because someone at the server it was on, discoverd that it was dead linked at these forums. So they replaced it with that nice bathtub scene for your enjoyment. :P

11-16-2004, 04:16 AM
OMG lol. NO that wasn't the original picture :D

11-16-2004, 04:32 AM
Had to go find that web page that stirred all the controversy…made me mad at first, then when I took it apart from a southerners point of view I couldn’t help but laugh.
Now remember, as always, the statements in this post are not necessarily made by me while thinking rationally and are not to be taken seriously. I’m not even sure I am me (brings up memories of posts made by , brother neighbor, cousin, cousins dog, cousins dogs neighbor etc.)
So let me begin with a partial rebuttal to that web page.

1. While we (us southerners) do have a higher murder rate than up north I believe I can explain. It gets pretty durn hot down here and we do have a short fuse because of that. So anytime some Yankee comes down here and starts making fun of us we just shoot him. Don’t have to work up a sweat that way.
2. The divorce rate is pretty easy to explain also. We decided long ago, that to help out with the murder situation we would start granting divorces before Bobbie Joe shoots Bubba the next time she catches him with her sister Billie Mae.
3. Inbreeding, surely not. Our family trees just have fewer branches than most folks, that’s all.
4. The point about Northern tax money paying for our bridges was really funny. We had them installed so that the Yankees could get to Florida faster.
5. Assault rifle in my glove box…..get real! A true southern gentleman has it in his gun rack.
6. I will admit that the pickup truck line is real. You should come to a farm auction some time, it’s amazing how many folks come with pickup trucks. You don’t think we have them because it’s easier to haul stuff do you? I mean please, see #1 above. You put a dead body in the trunk of a car for more than 6 hours down here and you will never…I mean never get the smell out. Shoot, a couple of rains and your truck bed is as clean as ever.

Ok…that’s about it. All I can say is, you can say what you want about me and the rest of the southerners. We have a pretty tough hide, but kick one of our dogs and we will add you to the murder rate.

Go Jim....SHo....Sepra...and everyone else....Free speech for everyone!

Nice Goober!!! LMAO!!

11-16-2004, 09:19 AM
Had to go find that web page that stirred all the controversy…made me mad at first, then when I took it apart from a southerners point of view I couldn’t help but laugh.
Now remember, as always, the statements in this post are not necessarily made by me while thinking rationally and are not to be taken seriously. I’m not even sure I am me (brings up memories of posts made by , brother neighbor, cousin, cousins dog, cousins dogs neighbor etc.)
So let me begin with a partial rebuttal to that web page.

1. While we (us southerners) do have a higher murder rate than up north I believe I can explain. It gets pretty durn hot down here and we do have a short fuse because of that. So anytime some Yankee comes down here and starts making fun of us we just shoot him. Don’t have to work up a sweat that way.
2. The divorce rate is pretty easy to explain also. We decided long ago, that to help out with the murder situation we would start granting divorces before Bobbie Joe shoots Bubba the next time she catches him with her sister Billie Mae.
3. Inbreeding, surely not. Our family trees just have fewer branches than most folks, that’s all.
4. The point about Northern tax money paying for our bridges was really funny. We had them installed so that the Yankees could get to Florida faster.
5. Assault rifle in my glove box…..get real! A true southern gentleman has it in his gun rack.
6. I will admit that the pickup truck line is real. You should come to a farm auction some time, it’s amazing how many folks come with pickup trucks. You don’t think we have them because it’s easier to haul stuff do you? I mean please, see #1 above. You put a dead body in the trunk of a car for more than 6 hours down here and you will never…I mean never get the smell out. Shoot, a couple of rains and your truck bed is as clean as ever.

Ok…that’s about it. All I can say is, you can say what you want about me and the rest of the southerners. We have a pretty tough hide, but kick one of our dogs and we will add you to the murder rate.

Go Jim....SHo....Sepra...and everyone else....Free speech for everyone!


I think my vacation to the U.S.A. is cancelled. :o

Very nice post Goober. :woohoo:

11-30-2004, 07:35 AM
Schism, just who are you anyway......You act like you know the history and the people of this forum rofl.

Let me just give you a quick recap for your amusement.........
Thanks for the recap, although it was not needed. So finally, here is the answer to who I am...

I am the one that was here before all of you but one or two.

I was a member of The first SS clan, ever.

I was here before the Outlaws or the Mercs existed.

I helped SALvation get the Mercs established on the Seriously! forums.

I was an Outlaw when the Outlaws only had 6 members.

I was here when GM was born. And I helped to build it by encouraging clans to join us and contributing money towards the first Christmas giveaway.

I became a Grim Reaper when Jag was the only one left, and together we built a noble clan.

I went through a very difficult time in my life and it came out in the forums, and the perception of me changed from a good person to a troublemaker. And with good reason. And I apologise for the things I said and did. And so I was was one of the few people to be banned from GM for life without any warning, or "vacation", or anything like that. In fact I asked to be banned at the time because I knew I was being destructive both to GM and to myself. When I asked to come back my request was refused. Twice.

And during the time that I was a bit out of control I have had an admin here formally declared that that for several hours anyone and everyone is allowed to bash me with no holds barred. And boy, it happened big time. And I had no defense against it. And yet that person is still an admin. Go figure.

And during the time I was banned there was another bashing session that came out of someone using my avatar to bash me. While admittedly I used poor wording in my email to SALvation, and it my have seemed like I had threatened a minor here at GM, that in fact never happened and in fact I never even had any contact with the person that was abusing my avatar. And I was also sort of ticked off that the personal email was posted in the forums. I don't care which forums it was posted in. That should not have happened.

The really sad thing was that messing with an established avatar was taboo here. Always. But the admins saw fit to allow it in my case. I'm not sure why. Especially considering the nasty things that went on during that period in GM history. An especially notable episode was when BIGGD01 posted my home telephone number, encouraged people to call me collect, and threatened to post my address. A certain admin thought that was humorous, and even said so, which was rather disturbing, but at least he had the good sense to edit the post. The other admins did nothing. Perhaps they didn't see it.

And since then I have seen BIGGD01 post additional (and very typical) threads threatening to hack people and to physically harm people, and in fact threaten to come to their house and do harm to not only the person, but his whole family. And yet BIGG lives on here.

And yet I have never done any of this. I have never threatened anyone in any way. No doubt I can be feisty. But hey, I'm a fragger. Ya kind of have to expect that from someone who plays games where the purpose is to kill everyone else. God forbid you people should read any UT2K4 forum, or play the game. If you think there is trash talk in SS then you ain't seen nothin.

So to get back to the point of all this, I have returned. And I have been here since the beginning of May. And I have co-existed with you all since then without doing anything to get banned. Even if you may not have liked some of my posts, I have not even come close to expressing the pure hatred, intolerance and bigotry that has come from others on this forum. In fact even during my worst moments in my past history I have never threatened to hack anyone, to physically harm anyone, nor have I ever slurred anyone because of their religion, race, color, or for any other reason. Like others, and specifically one other person has done here.

But hey, you must have guessed who I am by now. So certainly another banning is in order. Because after all, how can you forgive the fact that I.....um, hmmm. Well I must have done something absolutely horrible to deserve the treatment I have received. Something much worse than BIGGD01 has ever done. Maybe I didn't apologize like he does all of the time and magically make all the filth go away. Or maybe I didn't blame my actions on other people's posts like he does. Or maybe I don't know enough about hardware like he does. But whatever, somehow I am regarded as a much less desirable person than he is.

Wait, I know, some of you have met him in person and realize that he is a big obnoxious loud-mouthed guy who irritates everyone around him. Ahh. That's the problem. How can I ever compete against that sort of charisma?

Well sorry, this wasn't really meant to be a personal attack on BIGG, but he was such a good example of what GM has become. And no doubt I will get my home phone number and address posted by that idiot again. But hey, at least I am free now. And the phone number and address are no longer valid. Hehe. I checked. :P

Good luck to GM and all have made this a great forum. And I hope GM continues to prosper.


11-30-2004, 11:31 AM
Man........... :( sometimes using the default skin makes reading a bitch! :down:

Die Hard
11-30-2004, 12:36 PM

11-30-2004, 03:08 PM
unfortunately you happened to join then leave a clan that expects a lifetime commitment. they do not forgive, nor do they forget. They can deny it all they want, but your case is proof of it.

11-30-2004, 03:18 PM
Man........... :( sometimes using the default skin makes reading a bitch! :down:

:thumbs: :down: :thumbs:

11-30-2004, 03:18 PM
OK guys, after discussing it with sal, we're going to close this topic. Not because of what's been posted, just because we don't want to deal with what "may" be posted.

I think it's safe to say enough said and original reason for this thread has been dealt with and it's history.

Any complaints, please just PM them right to me.
