View Full Version : HL2 Info

11-15-2004, 06:12 AM
Hey, did you guys hear that HL2 is for sale already at Best Buy? Unfortunately, you can only buy it...Valve won't start authenticating til Tuesday at midnight...but for those of you that are worried that it might get sold out...you can sneak in and buy it now!

Here's the article:


11-15-2004, 04:39 PM
So, I just went to Best Buy and found out that this article was only true for a few hours. They pulled the game just a couple of hours after then shelfed it, so I hope no one went to BB to get it today (like I did)...if you did, I'm sorry!

11-15-2004, 09:21 PM
Aw dang, oh well lol. Will get it tomorrow then.

11-16-2004, 09:23 PM
Ok so how is it guys? I will be getting it today or tomorrow. It might not be in EB today since it just came out today but I might check.

11-17-2004, 03:01 AM
I have it, running it on my Alienware with maxed out graphics :) I do not enjoy the fact that I needed to install Steam to run and authenticate the thing, but its worth it. I'm probably nearing the end already...but so many bits are excellent, like crossing the beach with the gravity gun without landing on the sand and awaking the ant lions, that reminded me of the film "Tremors"...good times.

If I have one criticism its that the story is non existent. Like in Half Life 1, its "do X, do Y, get to point X, get to point Y" without ever realising why you do it. You don't get told how long since the Black Mesa incident its been, you don't know who the combine are, or why they are controlling you, you don't know why Dr. Breen is in charge of the "government" etc. etc. You can't give story spoilers because there is no story.

11-17-2004, 03:40 AM
gonna try it out RIGHT NOW
omg im so excited

11-17-2004, 03:48 AM
I have it, running it on my Alienware with maxed out graphics :) I do not enjoy the fact that I needed to install Steam to run and authenticate the thing, but its worth it. I'm probably nearing the end already...but so many bits are excellent, like crossing the beach with the gravity gun without landing on the sand and awaking the ant lions, that reminded me of the film "Tremors"...good times.

If I have one criticism its that the story is non existent. Like in Half Life 1, its "do X, do Y, get to point X, get to point Y" without ever realising why you do it. You don't get told how long since the Black Mesa incident its been, you don't know who the combine are, or why they are controlling you, you don't know why Dr. Breen is in charge of the "government" etc. etc. You can't give story spoilers because there is no story.
Well we all know we play these games for the stories... Just like I buy Playboy magazines for the great articles. ;)

11-17-2004, 04:33 AM
My game keeps crashing to the desktop every 10 minutes or so. It seems a ton of people are having this problem. From what I've played it seems great.

11-18-2004, 12:20 AM
Well I just got the CE edition. I was dissapointed that there was so little. I thought the guide would be the Official Strategy Guide but it was only a 100 pg hint book with some artwork. The t-shirt is alright, lil too big for me but I can wear it fine. The good thing about the CE edition is that HL2, CS:S, and HL:S comes in one disk. I just played the game for about an hour, it is awesome! I am gonna try out CS:S a lil later.