View Full Version : Catacombs question

11-15-2004, 08:17 PM
Terminathare posted some screens from Catacombs here (http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/showthread.php?t=66501) which I really enjoyed, thanks for doing that.

It got me thinking about something that happened to me about a week ago. I was down in Barrows with my wizard, in what I think is the Fallens room? You know once you get past the main foyer and into the first hallway, if you go down to the left - that room. Anyway, I had hit F7 to target a loot bag and I noticed that I targetted something called "door." I couldn't see a door anywhere, but if I did a /face to it, it seemed to be in the center of the back wall where you usually stand to pull stuff in that room.

I remember reading that Catacombs will link all of the old world dungeons. Could this be some type of portal or "hole" similar to the one you used in Camelot to reach Catacombs?

Anyway, I was intrigued. Of course I'm a total geek about exploring new stuff, I guess I fall mostly into the Explorer type according to Bartle (http://www.brandeis.edu/pubs/jove/HTML/v1/bartle.html). :)