View Full Version : MLUT2K4 CTF Season 1 Finals

11-16-2004, 12:35 AM
We won!


You can click on the map names for screens. It was Best of 5.

I played horrible on Grendel and Terra.. but part of that was becuase my partner on D (Thrice.. the highest valued player on our team) is soooo good hahah. He would make Z tremble with his awesome defense. He took a lot of the defensive points when he would swoop down on the flag carrier everytime they touch it. Was crazy. I didn't play nesseccarily "bad".. Thrice just always seem to get the kills hahaha.

I encourage anyone who DOES want to get in some CTF to give MLUT a shot next season (date to be announced later). It is easily the most well ran league/ladder I have ever played in. Aside from the PLAYERS sometimes not showing up and a team getting a forfeit.. the admins, players that DO play, and website are all top notch. So many times you play in these things and part of what makes players not want to play is the crappy way that its ran. That's not the case here. Rules are set and are not bent. Map lists and game times are known well in advance. Admins do their job the right way.

You play twice a week generally on Sunday and Wednesday nights. You get to meet some new people in the CTF community, play a bunch of really good new maps, play a bunch of old favorites, and just generally have a good time. I played defense the whole year and had a great time even tho I have always been an offensive player.

MLUT has been a round for a while, and seeing as how it's ran so good, I would think that they could even get some prizes to the winners in future seasons and hopefully make it even more competitive than it already is.

I encourage all players who like CTF to give it a shot next time.

11-16-2004, 12:58 AM
Congrats Smooth :drink:

Thanks for the linkage :)

11-16-2004, 03:25 AM
Congratulation Smooth :thumbs: