View Full Version : WAR THREAD! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK! 1st the prisons, now this....

11-16-2004, 02:48 PM
I wonder how long it will take for the press to blow THIS! (http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=578&e=1&u=/nm/20041116/ts_nm/iraq_falluja_investigation_dc) out of prorortion??

Glad the Marines stuck up for their brother!

also, keep this in mind
The report said the Marine had returned to duty after being shot in the face a day earlier. Stressed???? I think so

11-16-2004, 03:00 PM
this is vietnam all over again.... You have to understand that I fully support our troops, but I believe that they have been placed in a war that we cannot possibly win, because the people we are fighting view it as an attack on their religion...

OUTLAWS 9.99repeating^32
11-16-2004, 03:37 PM
Well I think the reason this story is getting so much publicity is because it has an interesting ethical question. If I read the article correctly a marine shot a wounded and unarmed POW. And why? Because he was faking his death, according to the audio on the video. I think it boils down to the question of when it is acceptable to kill prisoners.

I don't think the soldier was justified, espically if that article was correct in portraying what happened. The American soldier's life was not in danger. Yes, who he killed was an enemy soldier, but killing prisoners is something which is below modern ethics and is unacceptable. I do not believe our objective in Iraq is to kill every enemy soldier; in fact, I think that ideally the goal is to restore peace without killing anyone.

Brutality in modern war is nothing new. American soldiers were known to collect bodyparts of Japanese soldiers during WWII. Nazis were known to shoot "undesireables" as they piled themsevles into ditches with only one bullet each (they often were literally buried alived by the growing number of people piled on top of them). The Vietnamese's use of torture is well documented. All of these cases are members of a category which we as human beings would like to put behind us for the betterment of humanity, because human beings seek to avoid pain as much as possible. Hopefully one day war will become a thing of the past.

Unnecessary prisoner executions are something that in my opinion belong in the category of unacceptable war time behavior, and for this reason I believe this soldier (if this report turns out to be accurate) should be punished for his actions. I also do not believe that saying he was "stressed" is any excuse. It may be the reason, but it cannot be used as an excuse (is it OK to drink and drive if you're stressed?). I look forward to hearing more about this interesting ethical story.

11-16-2004, 03:44 PM
There's all diferent levels of stress, I do not think drinking and driving is a fair comparrison to being shot in the face one day, then cut loose the next day with a gun, and thrown right back into combat.

Should he be reprimanded? Yes, but in what way? What were the orders for that day? Because I know soldiers who were there and had days where you were basically ordered that shoot at will.

I too want to know more and want to see how this is carried out.

11-16-2004, 04:04 PM
As an X Marine all I can say is kill or be killed. I believe he had every right to shoot him. These people have no regard for life. They use and kill there own people for Christ sake. It would not surprise me to see that guy get up and set off a grenade right there in that hospital. If it were me and I saw my comrades getting blown away and I myself being shot at. I would kill Him too. Grated I might have drug his ass outside first and kicked him around a little. I do support our troops but I don’t like the idea of fighting them there. That’s what buttons are for

Simper Fi

11-16-2004, 04:56 PM
All is fair in love and War 99999999

were in the Geneva convention does it say car bombing is fair or killing innocent women and children. Not!

11-16-2004, 05:04 PM
Frag, if all was fair in love, there'd be a dead judge and a few people in family services near me ;)

But thanks for showing me your perspective, sometime I look at things too objectively, but without experience.

That whole situation in Iraq just sucks, and being politically correct wont get the job done, it'll just make a mess. Probably should've destroyed the camera while he was at it.

11-16-2004, 05:57 PM
Agreed :thumbs:

W A R = W-ithout A R-eason you all know the song "war what is it good for"

11-16-2004, 06:10 PM
you know, this stuff is going to happen in war, but it seems like everyone is just being oblivious or even posing for the tv crews. the results is that the video is going to be replayed on al-jazera tv 24/7 to recruit more people to their cause. = more dead soldiers.

11-16-2004, 06:21 PM
btw, a news report last night said that they had first captured the mosque and filmed the prisoners last night, and that the second round they found all the prisoners dead, except for the one who was executed. I am sure much more will come out on this, facts were probably misstated, but this all looks to be very ugly.

11-16-2004, 06:51 PM
I wonder how long it will take for the press to blow THIS! (http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=578&e=1&u=/nm/20041116/ts_nm/iraq_falluja_investigation_dc) out of prorortion??

Glad the Marines stuck up for their brother!

also, keep this in mind Stressed???? I think so

I'm not blaming the Marine for his action, especially considering he was just shot in the face the previous day, but I do think that it was very poor judgement to lose it in front of an embedded journalist and cameraman like that... Even if it was the right thing to do, that video surely doesn't make it look that way... :(

11-16-2004, 08:42 PM
Hind site is 20/20, and as far as I'm concerned, if the wounded Iraqi was playing possoum, then what else was he playing. He could have been sitting on a switch, a trigger, or a grenade, but, nobody would have known that until after he was put down. We weren't there and our Marine was. My fellow Marines are over there doing a very dirty job, and I'm not going to be second guessing their actions. As far as I'm concerned, a dead insurgent is the only good insurgent. Hey, they are the ones that want to die for their country, they want to meet their god, we are there to arrainge the meeting.

Semper Fi, do or die!!!!

11-16-2004, 08:43 PM
He should have pulled out a knife and cut his head off for the camera.

11-16-2004, 08:59 PM
OMG, I didn't even think of that!!!!

solid snake295
11-16-2004, 09:16 PM
the only problem i see with the whole thing is why the hell are there camera crews filming the whole thing? does anyone else find that the least bit ridiculous? all there doing is causing trouble. people at home dont need to see whats going on over there because most people wouldnt understand what there doing.

11-16-2004, 09:47 PM
The guy did what he had to do. We don't know if he was playing dead or not. It's fricken war. It doesn't matter if I agree with why they are there or not. The fact remains that guy was the "enemy" and what happens in a war u kill people. It's the nature of Humans.

11-16-2004, 09:52 PM
Should have shot the cameraman first...problem solved...

11-16-2004, 09:53 PM
Damm I would of slit his throat with a big knife and showed the rest of the b*****ds not to mess with us..war is war rules don't apply,(im taking my ball in) B**l**s let them do there job...remeber black hawk down...no mercy to them soldiers, so why should we be differrent..and im sick of loosers here in the uk harpin on about whats gone on...dont get me started on this subject or ill be banned from GM..

11-16-2004, 09:54 PM
Hind site is 20/20, and as far as I'm concerned, if the wounded Iraqi was playing possoum, then what else was he playing. He could have been sitting on a switch, a trigger, or a grenade, but, nobody would have known that until after he was put down. We weren't there and our Marine was. My fellow Marines are over there doing a very dirty job, and I'm not going to be second guessing their actions. As far as I'm concerned, a dead insurgent is the only good insurgent. Hey, they are the ones that want to die for their country, they want to meet their god, we are there to arrainge the meeting.

Semper Fi, do or die!!!!im with you on this fantum,the media are just trying to create some sh1t,i watched the video and if i was that marine i would of done the same,it could of gone the other way where the injured guy blows himself and all the marines there up,not much of story for the press is it

11-16-2004, 09:57 PM
Its WAR U muppets...(Press)

11-16-2004, 09:59 PM
how do soldiers killing each other solve the worlds problems?

11-16-2004, 09:59 PM
By all means Picard state how you feel. As long as we can keep it civil and clean I see no problems.

11-16-2004, 10:18 PM
how do soldiers killing each other solve the worlds problems?
it doesn't :down:

11-16-2004, 10:20 PM
"The shooting, which occurred Saturday, was videotaped by pool correspondent Kevin Sites of NBC television, who said three other previously wounded prisoners in the mosque also apparently had been shot again by the Marines.

In the Sunni Muslim areas north and west of the capital, at least five suicide car bombers targeted U.S. troops, wounding at least nine soldiers. Three of those bombings occurred almost simultaneously in locations between Fallujah and the insurgent stronghold of Ramadi, the U.S. command said.

The alleged shooting incident played out as Marines of the 3rd Battalion, 1st Regiment returned to the unidentified Fallujah mosque Saturday. Sites was embedded with the unit.

He reported that a different Marine unit had come under fire from the mosque on Friday. The Marines stormed the building, killing 10 men and wounding five others, Sites said.

The Marines said the insurgents in the mosque had been armed with rocket-propelled grenades and AK-47 assault rifles.

The Marines had treated the wounded Friday, he reported, left them behind and continued their drive to retake the city."

11-16-2004, 10:24 PM
the problem as I see it is they were captured alive the day before, filmed, left wounded for pickup and then found shot in the same places, except for the last guy, who was executed on the spot. That implies that they were all shot again and left to die, not that the mosque was retaken over. War is hell. It brings out the worst in people, but ultimately they are just trying to survive long enough to go home...

11-17-2004, 12:11 AM
I just saw the video for the first time and tried to come to an unbiased opinion. I can see where so many mixed emotions and opinions come from. What people need to realize is that these guys had have to face what appears as civilians that in fact turn out to be suicide bombers. Everynight it seems like you hear of soldiers being killed or injured at some checkpoint. As it turns out that this time he wasn't booby trapped, but how could they know for sure? There is no way. These guys have to make split second decisions, some of them could appear bad to people that weren't there.

I kinda feel sorry for the family of that dead guy, but he did choose to pick up a gun and fight. I'd say the American soldier was justified in his actions. Besides that was the same person that had the soldiers in his sights just minutes before he died.

First line from the famous "Patton" movie version speech:

Now, I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country.

11-17-2004, 12:27 AM
Iraqis interviewed Tuesday in Baghdad harshly condemned the killing.
"It is something forbidden in Islam, an American killed an unarmed Iraqi prisoner inside a mosque," said Abdul-Sattar Naji.

:confused: Apparantly they had no problem being inside the mosque in the first place shooting at US and Allied troops..

A pool report by NBC correspondent Kevin Sites said the mosque had been used by insurgents to attack U.S. forces, who stormed it, killing 10 militants and wounding the five. Sites said the wounded had been left for others to pick up..

wtf...I read somewhere today the insurgents were using families who stayed behind in Fallujah as human shields against the Marines..

11-17-2004, 02:24 AM
They've been using human shields for a long time, that's one of the things my buddy said realy pissed him off over ther, ****ing cowards was his remark.

"In true Islam, they don't kill women and young children. We only kill those who fight us and kill our people,"

yet they killed the Care worker. These people are animals, as long as we have to fight withing certain "rules" they will not ever be 100% defeated.

11-17-2004, 02:26 AM
war is stupid

Mad Fox
11-17-2004, 08:08 PM
Hey why are we balming the press for showing it...if people refused to talk about it or watch...it wouldn't be played

11-17-2004, 09:12 PM
I'm not sure it's good thing that the press is there anyways, those guys have enough to worry about without having to make sure some embedded cameraman is ok.

11-17-2004, 11:20 PM
it doesn't :down:
war has ended the reign of Nazism communism slavery fascism

and soon, vast networks of radical terrorism

but yeah its a damn shame we have to waist human life for such liberty's.

11-17-2004, 11:42 PM
did you mean to say ended or started? :hmmm:

(Villains) Crazy Idiot
11-18-2004, 01:23 AM
There are just 2 word's for Iraq war "Oil" and second one is "OIL", every smart person on this world know that, there are just a few bushmen that doesn't.:(

11-18-2004, 01:55 AM
just a few? you mean the "few bushmen" who got him elected?

Let me tell ya, we sure are seeing our economy grow because of the blood we spilled for that oil!!!! :rolleyes:

11-18-2004, 02:08 AM
i find it shameful that the nbc people that broadcasted that video and let it out to the public rather then let it be investigated before is nuts. already people have the soldier as guilty. i am not saying he is innocent or guilty but i am not there watching people get blown up when they try to help them or do i know what the deal is. from watching the videos of the people getting their heads hacked off, i find the insurgents pretty evil people and would not stop at anything killing another soldier. i am just disgusted that all you hear is how an american shot an innocent person when the person is an insurgent and probably killed one or more of our own. i think what this does is make america look worst and feel no matter what, americans regardless of the history wil never get the respect they deserve.

11-18-2004, 06:30 PM
[SMS]Warhead found this, and I felt it was a good read

Former Marine Blog (http://www.frontpagemag.com/blog/index.asp)

yeah, the site's extreme, I'm just posting about the main blog, not the rest.

11-18-2004, 06:44 PM
Just read that blog, and I concur 100%!!!!!


He Is Legend
11-18-2004, 06:53 PM
war has ended the reign of Nazism communism slavery fascism

and soon, vast networks of radical terrorism

but yeah its a damn shame we have to waist human life for such liberty's.

Noones not going to die in war

More people have died in past wars than this

War is about fighting for your rights, everyone knew before they set foot in war what their main objective was..

They knew they might die, but they still fought

It's war..Get over it

11-18-2004, 11:35 PM
Noones not going to die in war

More people have died in past wars than this

War is about fighting for your rights, everyone knew before they set foot in war what their main objective was..

They knew they might die, but they still fought

It's war..Get over it

I have to agree, People will die in war and there is no getting past that fact. The fact that this is the most succesful war bar none doesnt matter to the media though, they still to this day try to pin it down as a horrible failure. It simply isnt. But still its a damn shame we must have war... some believe there's never a need for war but apparently there is, otherwise America would still be a part of Europe (or worse, France. which im sure a few select frenchmen here in the states wouldnt have a problem with).. there would still be slavery.. there would be mass genocide.. the list goes on. But the point i was making is its a shame anyone should have to die for the ineherent liberty's that all should have at birth, ie: freedom safety & happiness

11-19-2004, 12:49 AM
some believe there's never a need for war but apparently there is, otherwise America would still be a part of Europeindia would still be a british colony? :hmmm:

war works if you have an enemy to fight, I don't know to what degree that is the case here. certainly they are killing resistance in various cities, but at the same time there are lots of random bombings and attacks that are not predictable.

unfortunately this snake has no real head that can be chopped off... probably for that they will have to look outside of iraq. is there going to be more war afterwards? :hmmm:

(Villains) Crazy Idiot
11-19-2004, 02:03 AM
So, after the war the Iraq will be American?

11-19-2004, 02:05 AM
mark my word, we will invade Iran sooner or later.

thankfully installing a democracy in these country's will kill the snake in its entirety eventually.

(Villains) Crazy Idiot
11-19-2004, 02:08 AM
ie: freedom safety & happiness
Tell me about a place like that in USA. (if you don't have a gun)

(Villains) Crazy Idiot
11-19-2004, 02:09 AM
mark my word, we will invade Iran sooner or later.

thankfully installing a democracy in these country's will kill the snake in its entirety eventually.Oh I forgot, they have OIL too. (This OIL is terrible terrorism)

democracy = money = OIL

(Villains) Crazy Idiot
11-19-2004, 02:18 AM
I think enough is enough! See for yourself CaptainKeyes!

11-19-2004, 02:21 AM
yes, and if we were there to bank off their oil.. we would be the one geting 13 cents a gallon, not them.
they are profiting and its costing us, we profit nothing.
so whats your point?

(Villains) Crazy Idiot
11-19-2004, 02:25 AM
yes, and if we were there to bank off their oil.. we would be the one geting 13 cents a gallon, not them.
they are profiting and its costing us, we profit nothing.
so whats your point?
13 cents a gallon today in Iraq in a few weeks 15 in USA (I hope in Europe too), but someone is having profit here, don't you think?

11-19-2004, 02:26 AM
I think enough is enough! See for yourself CaptainKeyes!

are you calling americans a bunch of tits? :rofl:

11-19-2004, 02:36 AM
13 cents a gallon today in Iraq in a few weeks 15 in USA (I hope in Europe too), but someone is having profit here, don't you think?
iraqis are profiting

11-19-2004, 02:46 AM
Oh I forgot, they have OIL too. (This OIL is terrible terrorism)

democracy = money = OIL
This country isn't a democracy it's a republic. On that note here is a man who ran this Country when we could still be thought more of as a democracy. The things that Clinton accomplished in his 8 years is amazing to me. http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory?id=263502 I have great respect for him and he is a very brilliant man. When your president can keep your Country peaceful for 2 terms of service how can you not respect him?

I hope some of you got to watch "A place in history" on ABC news with Peter Jennings this evening.

11-19-2004, 02:50 AM
I have to agree, People will die in war and there is no getting past that fact. The fact that this is the most succesful war bar none doesnt matter to the media though, they still to this day try to pin it down as a horrible failure. It simply isnt. But still its a damn shame we must have war... some believe there's never a need for war but apparently there is, otherwise America would still be a part of Europe (or worse, France. which im sure a few select frenchmen here in the states wouldnt have a problem with).. there would still be slavery.. there would be mass genocide.. the list goes on. But the point i was making is its a shame anyone should have to die for the ineherent liberty's that all should have at birth, ie: freedom safety & happiness
Your history knowledge is at a D- level at best.

(Villains) Crazy Idiot
11-19-2004, 02:51 AM
iraqis are profiting
Ok, I'll tell you, your military budget was allmost cut at half before sept. 11th, but after that it was even raised beacuse of terrorism, bush never showed any evidence about connection between Al kaida and Sadam, the main goal was OIL and the military budget, I wonder if this all wasn't planed. In this war will probably die more soliders than there were victems in tererorist attacks. (I certainly hope not) But dealing with people like that (which think that this is the war against religion) is not good I think. I could never think about geting myself killed to kill inocent people, but I see there are people like that. You must know another thing, that Us administration knew how many weapons were sold in Iraq because they sold them those weapons in late seventys, it was just before Mr. Bush Senior attacked them. But nevermind, I think war never brings anything good. (in war, there are allways just loses, only the people who sell wepons profit from the wars).

(Villains) Crazy Idiot
11-19-2004, 02:58 AM
And another thing, I certainly don't want to see 3rd World WAR becuse of those incidents, becuse what is next? North Korea, China? Nobody knows. Where will it stop?

11-19-2004, 03:03 AM
wars have been happening since almost the beginning out time, so its become part of our nature, to rise up and to prove that we are more powerful than anyone else, after all actions speak louder that words.
wars aren't good, killing isn't good, terrorism isn't good, but so are alot of other things.
Just think it over like this. Life is constant suffering. No one will ever be really happy because of someone else causing problems.
there more people there are in the world, the more problems there will be because people are always in conflict with one another, because we all believe in different things and when we express those beliefs and others hear us, they will challenge us.

(Villains) Crazy Idiot
11-19-2004, 03:04 AM
This country isn't a democracy it's a republic. On that note here is a man who ran this Country when we could still be thought more of as a democracy. The things that Clinton accomplished in his 8 years is amazing to me. http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory?id=263502 I have great respect for him and he is a very brilliant man. When your president can keep your Country peaceful for 2 terms of service how can you not respect him?
Sorry I was just trying to tell him about the connections with money.
I agree with you, Clinton was one of your best presidents, he made many things for USA, I respect him.:thumbs:

(Villains) Crazy Idiot
11-19-2004, 03:10 AM
wars have been happening since almost the beginning out time, so its become part of our nature, to rise up and to prove that we are more powerful than anyone else, after all actions speak louder that words.
wars aren't good, killing isn't good, terrorism isn't good, but so are alot of other things.
Just think it over like this. Life is constant suffering. No one will ever be really happy because of someone else causing problems.
there more people there are in the world, the more problems there will be because people are always in conflict with one another, because we all believe in different things and when we express those beliefs and others hear us, they will challenge us.
But 3rd WW can be nuclear, do we want that?

11-19-2004, 03:47 AM
Your history knowledge is at a D- level at best.
put me back on ignore, id rather not converse with someone who is limited to arguing with insults :thumbs:

11-19-2004, 03:49 AM
Sorry I was just trying to tell him about the connections with money.
I agree with you, Clinton was one of your best presidents, he made many things for USA, I respect him.:thumbs:
we are in **** with north korea because clinton had no balls.
im glad Bush had the balls to preempt a possible dillema with iraq, and im glad the ameircan people see that in him :thumbs:

11-19-2004, 03:54 AM
This country isn't a democracy it's a republic. On that note here is a man who ran this Country when we could still be thought more of as a democracy. The things that Clinton accomplished in his 8 years is amazing to me. http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory?id=263502 I have great respect for him and he is a very brilliant man. When your president can keep your Country peaceful for 2 terms of service how can you not respect him?

I hope some of you got to watch "A place in history" on ABC news with Peter Jennings this evening.

if you call peaceful ignoring terrorists threats (first world trade center bombing, ahem) and leaving north korea alone to play with their dicks (which is the reason they have nuclear weapons) then your definition of peaceful is the same definition i use for naive.

11-19-2004, 03:58 AM
put me back on ignore, id rather not converse with someone who is limited to arguing with insults :thumbs:
I am not insulting you. Oh wait a minute are you saying that when our teachers graded us in school with a letter that we were insulted? Well you might me right in some cases...

(Villains) Crazy Idiot
11-19-2004, 04:01 AM
we are in **** with north korea because clinton had no balls.
im glad Bush had the balls to preempt a possible dillema with iraq, and im glad the ameircan people see that in him :thumbs:Because of his balls and dillema many US soliders died and many will, I think their parents and familys don't see that in him.

11-19-2004, 04:08 AM
we are in **** with north korea because clinton had no balls.
im glad Bush had the balls to preempt a possible dillema with iraq, and im glad the ameircan people see that in him :thumbs:
Again I state your history knowledge is that of a D-. LOL, it is funny how you conform with the information fed to you. In your eyes, now it was a possible dillema with Iraq. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot. Need I say more... I think not. Funny how information changes a person without them even knowing.

11-19-2004, 05:29 AM
slice, you just cant argue worth a damn my friend
a rebuttal is not composed of "der your stupid! professors give you bad grades blahh" You need to dissect my argument with facts or you will keep looking like a ass

heheh, i dunno if the majority of people in your party are gonna be able to cease another election with all the name calling you guys have to resort to. You guys just dont get it :wave:
As was apparent with the last election :D
cant say that bothers me either
keep up the good work :thumbs:

11-19-2004, 12:50 PM
Hind site is 20/20, and as far as I'm concerned, if the wounded Iraqi was playing possoum, then what else was he playing. He could have been sitting on a switch, a trigger, or a grenade, but, nobody would have known that until after he was put down. We weren't there and our Marine was. My fellow Marines are over there doing a very dirty job, and I'm not going to be second guessing their actions. As far as I'm concerned, a dead insurgent is the only good insurgent. Hey, they are the ones that want to die for their country, they want to meet their god, we are there to arrainge the meeting.

Semper Fi, do or die!!!!
Its impossible to put your self in the shoes of that marine. As its being said he was shot in the face the day before and what has he witnessed in all the other days in Faluja. I thought they didn't help wounded opponents or remove dead bodys because of boobytraps. On one side i think don't shoot but on the other......
Walking away with your mates, the serious wounded guy could have blown himself and everyone there to peaces.

The geneva conventions applies to soldiers, i don't think its the same on terorists.

11-19-2004, 04:29 PM
For those of you who didn't read my "former Marine Blob"

It is also important to note that there have been reports that just five minutes earlier and a block away from this incident, another wounded insurgent blew himself up. He took the life of a marine and severely wounded six other marines who were trying to give aid to this insurgent.

shoulda shot him twice to be sure

11-19-2004, 04:49 PM
All war sucks. No good or bad guys, just people who bring other people in sorrow and misery. I quess we never learn. :down:

11-19-2004, 05:13 PM
The geneva conventions applies to soldiers, i don't think its the same on terorists.

that is probably the best point made here! :thumbs:

11-19-2004, 05:43 PM
I think this article by Thomas Sowell sums up how I feel about this whole thing. ............ it's not a long read

Support our Troops (http://www.townhall.com/columnists/thomassowell/ts20041118.shtml)

11-19-2004, 06:28 PM
I think this article by Thomas Sowell sums up how I feel about this whole thing. ............ it's not a long read

Support our Troops (http://www.townhall.com/columnists/thomassowell/ts20041118.shtml)
sums my feelings up too.

11-19-2004, 07:08 PM
I think this article by Thomas Sowell sums up how I feel about this whole thing. ............ it's not a long read

Support our Troops (http://www.townhall.com/columnists/thomassowell/ts20041118.shtml)
that was a great article and will agree that his how i feel. i will add that it is the our media such as nbc who should be accountable for even posting a video before it has been investigated. they are responsible for death on our troops and the moral of our soldiers. regardless of their reasoning, they have caused chaos and gave the terrorist something more to fight us on. nbc is also responsible for their bias views becaus ethey are still upset that bush won that they had to bring this video to public and point out how our marines are just killing innocent people in iraq without a true investigation. i could only hope that the next cameraman is asked to check on all injured terrorists instead of the chance of america losing one of their brave. it also amazes me that you see all these other countries bash america for fighting the same type of war we saved their asses from. i find it amazing that these countries have more to say about a terroist who was shot instead of an innocent civilian getting their head hacked off with a knife. i find even worst that people in america still act as this was a wrong war to get into when these people are terrorists which are all over the world. every country will be accountable and they should for harboring terroists and supporting them financially as saddam was doing when he was paying 10,000 dollars to the families who suicide bombed innocent people. through out the elections the military supported bush by over 80%. you have to ask yourself for what reason would these men and women do this. i am sure it wasnt that they enjoy war because no one in their right mind enjoys war. these men and women will become screwed up from the things they see and will see from this. we ould never imagine what they go through and seeing stuff on a big screen does not inform us enough. god bless our troops and may they return here safely with respect for their valor:thumbs:

11-19-2004, 07:21 PM
that was a great article and will agree that his how i feel. i will add that it is the our media such as nbc who should be accountable for even posting a video before it has been investigated. they are responsible for death on our troops and the moral of our soldiers. regardless of their reasoning, they have caused chaos and gave the terrorist something more to fight us on. nbc is also responsible for their bias views becaus ethey are still upset that bush won that they had to bring this video to public and point out how our marines are just killing innocent people in iraq without a true investigation. i could only hope that the next cameraman is asked to check on all injured terrorists instead of the chance of america losing one of their brave. it also amazes me that you see all these other countries bash america for fighting the same type of war we saved their asses from. i find it amazing that these countries have more to say about a terroist who was shot instead of an innocent civilian getting their head hacked off with a knife.

Did you mean like THIS!!! (http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=535&ncid=535&e=4&u=/ap/20041117/ap_on_re_mi_ea/arab_view_iraq_slayings_1) :down:

just shows what scumb bags we're dealing with

11-19-2004, 07:26 PM
Did you mean like THIS!!! (http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=535&ncid=535&e=4&u=/ap/20041117/ap_on_re_mi_ea/arab_view_iraq_slayings_1) :down:

just shows what scumb bags we're dealing with

that's exactly my point. it's that stuff that makes me so hatefull for these people. you know that these arabs/muslims talk about their mosques but you never here them talking about what they terrorists are doing in their mosques.

so to answer your question again, yes, nbc is responsible for that.

11-19-2004, 07:53 PM
But 3rd WW can be nuclear, do we want that?
then it'll be all over for the world
if we don't learn to resolve our issues, then thats what will happen.
we will cause our own destruction, for what other purpose were nukes invented?

11-19-2004, 10:16 PM
Hind site is 20/20, and as far as I'm concerned, if the wounded Iraqi was playing possoum, then what else was he playing. He could have been sitting on a switch, a trigger, or a grenade, but, nobody would have known that until after he was put down. We weren't there and our Marine was. My fellow Marines are over there doing a very dirty job, and I'm not going to be second guessing their actions. As far as I'm concerned, a dead insurgent is the only good insurgent. Hey, they are the ones that want to die for their country, they want to meet their god, we are there to arrainge the meeting.

Semper Fi, do or die!!!! It's really pi**ing me off that they say this guy was "apparently unarmed". Apparent to who????

That guy who wrote the "support our troops" paper was reading my mind!!!

(Villains) Crazy Idiot
11-20-2004, 02:28 AM
It is not about the troops, it is about the waste of small people, more the people more the waste. Adminisrtation never cares about small people (they are allways waste) Example: Infantry is allwys in the worst possition. But most of the US soliders in Iraq are infantry, they are on the streets, where the most fights occure.:down:

(Villains) Crazy Idiot
11-20-2004, 02:35 AM
I forgot to tell you that Iraqi soliders know that, I think that is why they attacked this way! Because they don't have any other choice.

But, nevermind Iraq, I hope I will live to see my 60's!!:thumbs:

11-20-2004, 02:55 AM
if you call peaceful ignoring terrorists threats (first world trade center bombing, ahem) and leaving north korea alone to play with their dicks (which is the reason they have nuclear weapons) then your definition of peaceful is the same definition i use for naive.
How about the fact that Bush and his administration had knowledge that terrorists were planning an attack using planes while he sat at his Texas ranch for several weeks after getting in to office. That dumb idiot probably never even read the report.

I can go own and disprove all of your nonsense but instead I will just put you back on ignore per your request because if I wanted to read tabloids I would have more fun at the supermarket.

Mr Clean
11-24-2004, 08:02 PM
There are just 2 word's for Iraq war "Oil" and second one is "OIL", every smart person on this world know that, there are just a few bushmen that doesn't.:(

If that was true then why didn't we take it twenty years ago? Why is Venezuela still a free country? We could own most of the oil fields in the world if we wanted to...

Oil production in the world has dropped, not gone up, since the Iraq invasion. If it was about "oil" we would have taken Saudi Arabia, or Siberia from Russia, their reserves are much much larger.

It is usually a good idea to have some knowledge about a subject before speaking about it...

Mr Clean
11-24-2004, 08:10 PM
[QUOTE=JIMINATOR]india would still be a british colony? :hmmm:

Let's look at this comment in the proper context. While Ghandi tried to achieve his goals through peaceful means, it was the immense pressure by many other foreign governments AND the inability of Britian to financially sustain their empire that led to the self-rule of India.

Mr Clean
11-24-2004, 08:40 PM
This country isn't a democracy it's a republic. On that note here is a man who ran this Country when we could still be thought more of as a democracy. The things that Clinton accomplished in his 8 years is amazing to me. http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory?id=263502 I have great respect for him and he is a very brilliant man. When your president can keep your Country peaceful for 2 terms of service how can you not respect him?

I hope some of you got to watch "A place in history" on ABC news with Peter Jennings this evening.

What, exactly, did Clinton accomplish? His major foreign policy move was NAFTA, which caused further erosion of blue-collar jobs to Mexico (something we call "outsourcing" today for which the liberal media has hammered President Bush on, yet that same media was strangely quite on when Clinton was in office). Clinton had several chances to take out Osama bin Laden but each time decided not to give the order. Despite the economical growth thanks to the American worker and American companies that caused the Treasury to overflow, Clinton refused to relieve the tax burden on the middle class (a specific campaign promise he made in 1992 and NEVER followed through on). He was going to fix education, yet it is Bush who overhauled the system (No-Child-Left-Behind bill). Where is the healthcare utopia he promised everyone?

ETC ETC ETC....Clinton will no doubt be judged as an average president blessed with a good economy but little real impact on the lives of Americans.

And that ABC link...what is that supposed to prove? LOL

11-24-2004, 10:06 PM
that's just to point out that you can't make absolute statements about war. Certainly non-violence would never work in the middle east....

11-24-2004, 11:00 PM
What, exactly, did Clinton accomplish? His major foreign policy move was NAFTA, which caused further erosion of blue-collar jobs to Mexico (something we call "outsourcing" today for which the liberal media has hammered President Bush on, yet that same media was strangely quite on when Clinton was in office). Clinton had several chances to take out Osama bin Laden but each time decided not to give the order. Despite the economical growth thanks to the American worker and American companies that caused the Treasury to overflow, Clinton refused to relieve the tax burden on the middle class (a specific campaign promise he made in 1992 and NEVER followed through on). He was going to fix education, yet it is Bush who overhauled the system (No-Child-Left-Behind bill). Where is the healthcare utopia he promised everyone?

ETC ETC ETC....Clinton will no doubt be judged as an average president blessed with a good economy but little real impact on the lives of Americans.

And that ABC link...what is that supposed to prove? LOL

Another thing Clinton did that affects me personaly, he raised the amount of your S/S payments that you have to claim for taxes, from 50% to 85%, so instead of claiming $8400 I have to claim $14280, add that to my union pension and I get hit a little harder.
He sure was looking out for us senior citizens, what a freakin jerk!!! :mad:

Mr Clean
11-26-2004, 01:59 PM
True Oscar, I forgot about that...

For all those who can't believe the "horrible losses" in American lives in Iraq, please remember that on average:

More Americans die on the US Interstate system per day...

More Americans are killed by their spouse or ex-spouse per day...

More Americans die of disease caused by cigarettes per day...

More Americans die of disease caused by alcohol per day...

More Americans die of illegal drug use per day...

Where is your outrage on these issues? Why are you not chomping at the bit on these? Maybe because you can't blame Bush for these........

11-28-2004, 02:28 AM
True Oscar, I forgot about that...

For all those who can't believe the "horrible losses" in American lives in Iraq, please remember that on average:

More Americans die on the US Interstate system per day...

More Americans are killed by their spouse or ex-spouse per day...

More Americans die of disease caused by cigarettes per day...

More Americans die of disease caused by alcohol per day...

More Americans die of illegal drug use per day...

Where is your outrage on these issues? Why are you not chomping at the bit on these? Maybe because you can't blame Bush for these........

What's your point? Talk to anyone who spent any time in Iraq fighting this "war"? ask them what they think?

At least you're admitting that Bush is at fault for the Americans who are dying in Iraq, now if only Bush could see that :down:

11-28-2004, 02:30 AM
Another thing Clinton did that affects me personaly, he raised the amount of your S/S payments that you have to claim for taxes, from 50% to 85%, so instead of claiming $8400 I have to claim $14280, add that to my union pension and I get hit a little harder.
He sure was looking out for us senior citizens, what a freakin jerk!!! :mad:
I see Bush has reversed that? He's had 4 years to right that wrong :hmmm: Oh that's right, Bush turned his back on issues in the USA to save Iraq :thumbs:

11-28-2004, 03:10 AM
What, exactly, did Clinton accomplish? His major foreign policy move was NAFTA, which caused further erosion of blue-collar jobs to Mexico (something we call "outsourcing" today for which the liberal media has hammered President Bush on, yet that same media was strangely quite on when Clinton was in office). Clinton had several chances to take out Osama bin Laden but each time decided not to give the order. Despite the economical growth thanks to the American worker and American companies that caused the Treasury to overflow, Clinton refused to relieve the tax burden on the middle class (a specific campaign promise he made in 1992 and NEVER followed through on). He was going to fix education, yet it is Bush who overhauled the system (No-Child-Left-Behind bill). Where is the healthcare utopia he promised everyone?

ETC ETC ETC....Clinton will no doubt be judged as an average president blessed with a good economy but little real impact on the lives of Americans.

And that ABC link...what is that supposed to prove? LOL
Yeah, you are right Bush did a great job overhauling the educational system. He overhauled it right in to the ground. As far as Osama Bin Laden goes Bush had the opportunity to take him out but was to busy choking on pretzels and playing at his ranch in Texas. Then once the U.S. finally did attack Afghanistan and had Bin Laden cornered he mysteriously gets away.

If you think that Clinton will go down as just an average President in history, please don't suggest any stock tips my way. The fact is, Clinton is already a legend, whether you agree or disagree with his presidency is a different story.