View Full Version : Why I love fighting mids

11-16-2004, 08:25 PM
Here is exactly the kind of stuff mythic needs to fix before coming out with expansion after expansion. Inside a tower we own, can't use oil cause of shrooms so I go up top, and guess what can't defend from roof either because shroom can reach me there too.

11-16-2004, 08:29 PM


11-17-2004, 12:55 AM
It use to be a bit easy for a scout and it should be but now caster etc are just too strong and if you don't have a good bow, it's not worth being a scout anymore and even that it's still very hard when in fact a scout being stealthed should be able to get the first shot in and make a kill before retreating.

It has become a casters war and TOA didn't help at all for scouts or Infil. Tanks etc are now not used as much and when i was in merlin as a mid no one was playing there warriors.

I play Guild Wars and warriors are extramely important in a group and so are the rest. Combo of every char is used in Guild Wars and it makes a big differents in Guild wars battles.