View Full Version : Did Kurt Angle get owned?

11-17-2004, 06:09 AM
Not that I'm a big wrestling fan but this caught my eye. On a WWE Smackdown they have a section called Tough Enough, where a WWE star challenges a regular joe from a group.
Welly, well. On this night Kurt Angle (WWE star) challenges a regular joe who happens to be not so regular. His name is Dan Puder and he's a mixed martial artist from the Ultimate Fighting Championship franchise. In this clip it appears that Angle pins him in about 40 seconds but in reality it is Puder who puts a submission hold called a Kimura (Keylock) and pulls him to the mat. If it wasn't for the ref's quick count Angle would have had a fractured right arm. You can see Angle yelling at Puder after the match for schooling him.
Is Tough Enough scripted? How could this have happened?


OUTLAWS high ping camper
11-17-2004, 07:34 AM
I'd love to see those two go again.
If it was scripted, there would have been some (fake) punches thrown, and some acrobatics off of the ropes. IMO :)

Die Hard
11-17-2004, 11:00 AM
It's all an act, surely?!?!

OUTLAWS 9.99repeating^32
11-17-2004, 12:22 PM
I don't think it was scripted, that looked real to me. Here's why.

First of all, when Puder has the "Keylock" submission hold on Angle, you can see Puder straining. If Puder is straining, that would imply that Angle was resisting, or that Puder was faking it. But I don't see the point of faking three seconds of the match when all of the other moves were basic and unspectacular.

Next, why would Angle bother to talk in person with Puder afterwards if what he said was part of the act? An act or script is supposed to be for the audience, and the audience does not like to feel left out. I cranked my volume all the way up and this is what I was able to make out of their conversation: Angle says, "Don't you know any better" and "Are you stupid" and "Are you that stupid", and finally, at the end, "Get out of my face" to which Puder replies "Yes sir".

Even though the match only lasted thirty seconds, they are both winded and out of breath. Those guys are obviously in great shape, so it seems likely to me that they were both actually trying to pin each other. They both seem to be former wrestlers and both seem capable of pinning the other one.

Finally, it seems that the announcers are not sure what exactly transpired. They do not highlight and make a spectacle of the conversation afterwards which probably means that they did not know it was coming.

Those are my reasons why I think the match was not fake. It would be interesting to see if any other details come out of this.

He Is Legend
11-17-2004, 06:06 PM

Kurt got pwned!

11-17-2004, 06:11 PM
i think it's all an act. if you noticed they had the big show messing with the same guy before that. i use to love wrestling but it has become so dumb and a repeat of the same story line week after week. i still think the undertaker owns all:thumbs:

Death Engineer
11-17-2004, 06:29 PM
Wrestling real....LOL. If you really think those guys are hitting each other, then where are the bruises and blood? I have to admit, it's entertaining though.

11-18-2004, 02:45 AM
Wrestling real....LOL. If you really think those guys are hitting each other, then where are the bruises and blood? I have to admit, it's entertaining though.
those guys actually do get hurt and suffer many bruises but it's still fake and entertainment. now the real entertainment is in the celebrity boxing:D where else can you see horseshack with gloves on:D