View Full Version : Half Life 2: The Flaws!

11-17-2004, 03:29 PM
Maybe some spoilers here so don't look and then blame me...

So I just beat it, and I have to say, without giving anything away, I thoroughly enjoyed it. As much as I love Halo 2 Online and Co-Op, Half Life 2 embarrasses Halo's single player. Now when XBOX fanboys claim that Halo is "the best game in the world" we can all chuckle quietly.

The graphics are amazing, and the sound is fantastic, especially the weapons and the voice acting.

As for multiplayer, I have absolutely no love for Counterstrike, and Counterstrike:Source is simply that with better graphics. I'm not even going to bother loading the thing up. It's a huge shame there wasn't a multiplayer element based on City 17, the gravity gun would of been awesome.

On the topic of weapons, I think they needed a few more. The Pulse Rifle owns so much, but too many of the weapons are recycled. The Crossbow is a bit useless. The only level 6 weapon is useless after Nova Prospeckt, as is the SMG after the Overwatch Combine show up.

Another problem is that, because of the whole piracy thing, you HAVE to go online to play a single player game. Whatever way you look at it, Valve and Vivendi will lose more money from people who can't play because they have no internet connection (and remember many thousands still don't) than people pirating software.

Also, because of the unexpected longer development, if you have followed the game close enough, they have actually released videos and pictures of pretty much every enemy and level (except the final two levels, which are excellent and different).

Lastly, the story bugs me. It answers no questions from Half Life 1, or gives any information about these new "Combine" aliens. The ending basically states there will be a sequel, but two major questions remain: "What is THAT!?" and "How did HE do THAT?"

But I'm sure you guys will find out what I'm rambling on about soon enough.

11-17-2004, 05:02 PM
no DM is a huge disappointment. Till they add it in a patch or something, Im gonna wait on this game (that and DS comes in 4 days!).

11-17-2004, 05:47 PM
I'll definitely agree with some of what you're saying, BurntheWitch. The opening, while visually stunning, it left me going "huh" right away, in regards to how long it's been since #1, what happened between the first and second game, etc. The game itself has blown me away thus far, however. Graphics are stunning...not as smooth as Doom 3, but Doom 3's graphics, while incredible, are so smooth they wouldn't feel real in a game like Half Life...the physics, and the interactivity w/ the game are absolutely awesome. And you only have to be on the internet the first time you play, I believe...after that you can do "offline mode"...i think...then again, I have broadband, so I guess i wouldn't know for sure!

He Is Legend
11-17-2004, 06:04 PM
lol half life owns and alll

but it doesnt come close to doom...not having a dm feature made me not even wanna fiddle with it mostly ;(

but when i played single player i couldnt stop playing..omg its one of the best games ive played

I love when this one dude was up real high and i shot him and he fell down like 5 stories and hit thousands of things..omg this game owns

11-17-2004, 06:34 PM
lol half life owns and alll

but it doesnt come close to doom...not having a dm feature made me not even wanna fiddle with it mostly ;(

but when i played single player i couldnt stop playing..omg its one of the best games ive played

I love when this one dude was up real high and i shot him and he fell down like 5 stories and hit thousands of things..omg this game owns

I'm not getting pissy about DM yet...yes, it was very very stupid to not release the game with DM. There'll be a mod soon enough. Let's cry if the mod comes out, and THAT sucks.

BTW, am I the only one just dying to know what Jim thinks?!

11-17-2004, 10:10 PM
I was told that you only needed to go online when registering, but whenever I tried to load up the game without my internet on, it gives me the whole "cannot connect to steam" thing.

Lots of people aren't liking the ending, but I still think it rocks. Too many questions are left unanswered though, and Half Life 3 probably won't be out till 2007 at the earliest.

11-17-2004, 10:46 PM
Here's a list of all the multiplayer/single player mods that you can expect im the future on top of the awesome single player HL2 has to offer.
Not close to doom 3, please it puts that game to shame.

11-18-2004, 04:50 AM
I was told that you only needed to go online when registering, but whenever I tried to load up the game without my internet on, it gives me the whole "cannot connect to steam" thing.

Lots of people aren't liking the ending, but I still think it rocks. Too many questions are left unanswered though, and Half Life 3 probably won't be out till 2007 at the earliest.

There's a property somewhere that you have to click...I think it's "remember my login" or something...as long as you tell steam to remember you, it shouldn't prompt for the internet...i believe.

11-18-2004, 07:30 AM
Here's a list of all the multiplayer/single player mods that you can expect im the future on top of the awesome single player HL2 has to offer.
Not close to doom 3, please it puts that game to shame.
who said every mod for half life2 would be good or even popular?

11-18-2004, 09:58 AM
I was told that you only needed to go online when registering, but whenever I tried to load up the game without my internet on, it gives me the whole "cannot connect to steam" thing.

Lots of people aren't liking the ending, but I still think it rocks. Too many questions are left unanswered though, and Half Life 3 probably won't be out till 2007 at the earliest.

Hey, BurntheWitch..here's a few things you can try to get offline...If you right click on the system tray icon for Steam, and click settings, on the Account tab, make sure "Don't save account information on this computer" is unticked...you want it to remember (otherwise you have to log into Steam everytime). I think that should do it, however, it's possible that before every run, the game is checking for updates. If you open the "Play games" menu, and right click on HL2 and click "Properties", you can then set automatic updates to "Do not automatically update this game". I would think that one of those is your problem.

Anyone else super pissed that not only did we not get a paper manual, but there's not even a PDF manual?!

11-18-2004, 10:21 AM
I'd also like to complain about the menu screen. While I think it's really cool that they have it fully rendered, and I think it looks really nice, I think it's pretty dumb that I have to sit there and wait while the [I]MENU[\I] screen loads for the love of Pete!

He Is Legend
11-18-2004, 06:15 PM
I'd also like to complain about the menu screen. While I think it's really cool that they have it fully rendered, and I think it looks really nice, I think it's pretty dumb that I have to sit there and wait while the [I]MENU[\I] screen loads for the love of Pete!

lol yea

It does take like maybe a minute to load

Thats kinda gay :/.

11-18-2004, 07:44 PM
who said every mod for half life2 would be good or even popular?
not me :rolleyes:
who said doom 3 multiplayer is good?

11-19-2004, 01:09 AM
not me :rolleyes:

well you obviously implied that since it had more mods that its better. That's just... dumb.

11-19-2004, 01:23 AM
well you obviously implied that since it had more mods that its better. That's just... dumb.
not really, because since its easier to develop for, and people see that its better to make their mods using Source as opposed to what doom 3 has to offer, them in a sense it is better.
Remember that CS was also once a user created mod for Half Life and it grew to become the biggest and most popular game of all time, so what's to keep history from repeating itself, the next big mod might not be cs, but i bet it'll be pretty popular. i don't know what that next mod will be (it might not even be on that list) but im sure that anything made well using Source technology can top what doom 3 multiplayer had to offer.

11-19-2004, 02:10 AM
Obviously everyone is entitled to their opinion, but it saddens me that Half Life eventually became known more for Counterstrike and other various mods than for the **** hot game it was. Half Life 2 is also near flawless, and yet, somehow I think it too will be consumed by mods.

11-19-2004, 03:54 AM
not really, because since its easier to develop for, and people see that its better to make their mods using Source as opposed to what doom 3 has to offer, them in a sense it is better.

how do you know its easier to develop for? Have you modded both games and compared them? Have you even looked at the SDKs?

11-19-2004, 07:48 PM
how do you know its easier to develop for? Have you modded both games and compared them? Have you even looked at the SDKs?
by the looks of it other people see that using source is a better modding alternative as opposed to what doom 3 has to offer, i do not see many people developing as many mod for doom 3 as they are using source.

11-19-2004, 08:35 PM
by the looks of it other people see that using source is a better modding alternative as opposed to what doom 3 has to offer, i do not see many people developing as many mod for doom 3 as they are using source.

before both games were even out a ton of people went to half life2 because of half life 1.

11-23-2004, 03:26 AM
I think their is too much storyline in my opinion. I really like to skip cut scenes and just get to the main objective. If I wanted to watch a movie it wouldn't be this. I will say this; the graphics are insane (better than Doom 3 IMO) and the weapons are pretty decent. I definately think the single player is way better than Doom 3. At least in HL2 the enviroment changes, in Doom 3 you feel like you are doing the same crap each level.

11-23-2004, 03:51 AM
I think their is too much storyline in my opinion. I really like to skip cut scenes and just get to the main objective. If I wanted to watch a movie it wouldn't be this. I will say this; the graphics are insane (better than Doom 3 IMO) and the weapons are pretty decent. I definately think the single player is way better than Doom 3. At least in HL2 the enviroment changes, in Doom 3 you feel like you are doing the same crap each level.

Too much storyline? Holy cow - that's my one complaint...there is virtually NO storyline! They leave us with that cliffhanger in #1 and they tell us NOTHING in #2! Well, that and the way too long airboat level. While the physics have blown me away, I don't really think the graphics are that stunning, overall. The facial expressions are incredible, but overall I think the graphics are solid, but nothing special. And there's no way that this is as good as Doom 3, IMO, but that's whole 'nother can of worms...

11-23-2004, 04:20 AM
Too much storyline? Holy cow - that's my one complaint...there is virtually NO storyline! They leave us with that cliffhanger in #1 and they tell us NOTHING in #2! Well, that and the way too long airboat level. While the physics have blown me away, I don't really think the graphics are that stunning, overall. The facial expressions are incredible, but overall I think the graphics are solid, but nothing special. And there's no way that this is as good as Doom 3, IMO, but that's whole 'nother can of worms...
I said storyline, not the content. I could care less what the story is about, to be honest. I will admit that Croteam did one thing right with Serious Sam, keep the story sweet and simple. I am not in to these cut scenes where you need to listen to all these stories and figure out clues as to what was said. This isn't supposed to be Myst. I want to be able to run around map to map and just kill. Sure throw some objectives in, but please do away with the pathetic character acting....

11-23-2004, 04:25 AM
I don't really think the graphics are that stunning, overall. The facial expressions are incredible, but overall I think the graphics are solid, but nothing special.

hmmmm, what type of video card do you have? Aside from all the damn shadows, because it is dark all the time, i think the graphics in HL2 are superior. sure the monsters are cool in D3, but usually (if you are lucky) they are too far away to really see much of....

11-23-2004, 05:17 AM
Slice, have you played PainKiller? There is a storyline, but you could pretty much just skip the cutscenes and still have a pretty good gaming experience. The cutscenes are worth watching though because they add a bit to the drama. But it's not like you have to scribble down clues. It's a lot like SS where you are overwhelmed by bad guys. In addition you can go after some secret stuff (much of which is extremely difficult to obtain) or accept other challenges as you play, like only using the stake gun for a certain level. But even playing without doing any of this it's a pretty good SP game. Cutscenes and all.
I have never played Painkiller but my point is I do not base games on their story. If I wanted a story I would read a book. I think that the new generation of games are trying to mix the 2 and in the cut scenes where the character speaks and interacts without your control the graphics are way better than the in game graphics, thus leading you to believe that the overall graphics are movie like. This is completely intentional by the developer as it has always been throughout the years. I am all for a storyline to set the mood but I don't really care to actually relate the story to the game itself while I am wasting stuff... In other words, I take no pleasure unless I am pulling my trigger.

11-23-2004, 05:39 AM
you have not played painkiller? damn man, go and download one of the demos (6 or 7 levels total available as demos I think). that is one of my favorite games, and I will be picking up the expansion pack when it comes out shortly...

11-23-2004, 06:30 AM
In reply to Slice, I'm not sure what you mean when you say "storyline, not content"...If you don't care about storylines, that's fine by me, I'm definitely not trying to get into an argument over this and that...for me, a video game is about the game, about the fighting, etc, but for me, it gets old quick if I don't have a story. That probably stems from the fact that I love to read, love stories, etc, and I like a game that grips me b/c I want to know what's going to happen. For example, I fully enjoyed the PDA aspect of Doom 3. I read every e-mail, listened to every Audio Log, watched all the video disks I picked up...not because I'm some super D3 nerd that HAS to know everything...but because I find it interesting, seeing what little bits of personality could be added to the game here and there. I personally love cutscenes - however I fully agree w/ your point...it's dumb to judge a game's graphics on how the cutscenes look...I was just personally more impressed by the graphics in Doom 3...but again, I personally think Doom 3 is my favorite FPS ever. I found the creepy, dark atmosphere to be fun. I can't talk if you didn't, more power to ya. Good for you for being your own person. And definitely don't get me wrong - I am LOVING Half-Life 2...I just haven't drooled over it quite the same way I did Doom 3 (except for all the kewl interactble stuff that you can do in HL2 - that's sweet!)

Anyway, i'm off to bed so I can get up a take a quiz...and then start a much needed Thanksgiving Break...talk to you guys lata...

And for Jim...vid card is listed in the signature.

11-23-2004, 06:43 AM
And for Jim...vid card is listed in the signature. well, i could turn those on, but I would rather live with the suspense... :thumbs:

11-23-2004, 06:45 AM
well, i could turn those on, but I would rather live with the suspense... :thumbs:

Oh my God, you're such a baby :rolleyes:

GeForce FX 5600 256 mb

11-23-2004, 03:43 PM
In reply to Slice, I'm not sure what you mean when you say "storyline, not content"...If you don't care about storylines, that's fine by me, I'm definitely not trying to get into an argument over this and that...for me, a video game is about the game, about the fighting, etc, but for me, it gets old quick if I don't have a story. That probably stems from the fact that I love to read, love stories, etc, and I like a game that grips me b/c I want to know what's going to happen. For example, I fully enjoyed the PDA aspect of Doom 3. I read every e-mail, listened to every Audio Log, watched all the video disks I picked up...not because I'm some super D3 nerd that HAS to know everything...but because I find it interesting, seeing what little bits of personality could be added to the game here and there. I personally love cutscenes - however I fully agree w/ your point...it's dumb to judge a game's graphics on how the cutscenes look...I was just personally more impressed by the graphics in Doom 3...but again, I personally think Doom 3 is my favorite FPS ever. I found the creepy, dark atmosphere to be fun. I can't talk if you didn't, more power to ya. Good for you for being your own person. And definitely don't get me wrong - I am LOVING Half-Life 2...I just haven't drooled over it quite the same way I did Doom 3 (except for all the kewl interactble stuff that you can do in HL2 - that's sweet!)

Anyway, i'm off to bed so I can get up a take a quiz...and then start a much needed Thanksgiving Break...talk to you guys lata...

And for Jim...vid card is listed in the signature.

I completely agree with you. There is in fact more of a plot in Half Life 2, which I am realising on my second way through. There is also a (albeit tenuous) link to the first game that explains quite alot, but its still a matter of opinion. I don't want to reveal it here though, for those who haven't finished the game yet.

11-23-2004, 04:05 PM
I completely agree with you. There is in fact more of a plot in Half Life 2, which I am realising on my second way through. There is also a (albeit tenuous) link to the first game that explains quite alot, but its still a matter of opinion. I don't want to reveal it here though, for those who haven't finished the game yet.

There is that...I haven't finished the game yet (probably not even close...I sure hope I'm not) so I can't entirely judge how they did w/ the storyline yet...but I'll definitely be talkin' to ya once I finish!

11-24-2004, 12:15 AM
Of course, the thing is multiple play throughs really shouldn't be required, but there are already guides detailing every time you seen G-Man throughout the game etc.

Also, you will know for sure when you near the end, because the final two levels are extremely different from the rest.