View Full Version : For MEBIGGD01

Die Hard
11-23-2004, 06:44 PM
Well here you go, our first meeting since our little debate.

It was on the Outlaws Server and typically of late the inevitable happened so I'll give you the win! Oh well, looking forward to seeing you on the Euro Servers.

You know I love you really. :wub:

11-23-2004, 06:46 PM
GG Ping King :) :thumbs:

11-23-2004, 07:11 PM
Good game all :D

11-23-2004, 07:26 PM
D@mn hate that crap when taht chit happens !! GG DH :thumbs: n all :thumbs:

<<< Nano >>>
11-23-2004, 10:37 PM
gg man ;)

11-23-2004, 10:40 PM
gg guys ;)

12-01-2004, 06:46 AM
i don't see the screenie so i don't know what you are talking about. as far as me going on euro servers, i do once in awhile but it is too laggy for me. i know you said hat that's what you get bu tthe difference is the type of server running and the bandwidth provided. the outlaws actually have good systems but i don't know if that means anyting either. to be honest, i don't even know why i am posting this but anyway, as far as sam goes, i just can't get into it any more for what ever reason. maybe it's boredom or just all the aliases and chatting in the game. since i picked up mohpa, i hardly play sam anymore. oh, that game has lag also:down:

12-01-2004, 01:14 PM
http://pages.prodigy.net/indianahawkeye/newpage26/20.gif ????


I think DH was having elbo problems when he made that post!http://pages.prodigy.net/rogerlori1/emoticons/drink9.gif

Die Hard
12-01-2004, 01:18 PM
:funny: The screenie has gone now after the forum changes.

After about 25 frags or so BIGG was ahead by 2. I had a far lower deathcount though! [sticks out tongue]

I then had the 'Trying to Stablize Connection' which is where I took the screenie.

12-05-2004, 01:21 PM
Ah Ok But i Guess It Was a Good Game :cool: