View Full Version : Internet

Mad Fox
11-23-2004, 09:50 PM
What is your ISP.. what would u reccomend

11-23-2004, 11:02 PM
Roadrunner/Time Warner @ $44 a month and works great. I'm a big Nascar fan and they give us a free service so we can listen to the drivers radios during the race and get race update in realtime. The up & down with RR/TW in my area smokes the Bellsouth DSL service. On a scale of 1-10, i'd give them a 9. :thumbs:

Bellsouth DSL is also offered in my town at about the same price, but because the way they have my area structured, i'm about 3000 feet too far from the nearest CO (Central Office) even though i'm well inside the city limits.

11-23-2004, 11:17 PM
Cox Cable (i think roadrunner's sister company) They offered a special with 3mb and 256k upload for 30 bucks a month for a year... but i dont think they offer it anymore. but anyway they are awesome and i never had one downtime and ive been with them for a year. (btw they email you asking if u want to continue the special for another year)

PS: Even though i ordered the 3mb down and 256k my test at bandwidthplace.com says i have a 4 mb down :)

11-24-2004, 12:23 PM
Mine is Videotron Ltée. I use cable: 5,1mbits 43$ :thumbs:

here is my result on bandwidthplace.com

Communications: 5.3 megabits per second
Storage: 641.6 kilobytes per second
1MB file download 1.6 seconds
Subjective rating: Awesome