View Full Version : How Dare You Close A Thread When I Have Not Finished Screaming Yet!!!

Alexis SC430
11-24-2004, 08:41 AM
Okay, since Mr. Lavrenti "Goober" Beria (the Right-Arm of the Communist Party) went and shut down that meaningful and very worthwhile thread (and I think in a small way also shut down a little part of all of us) I was unable to continue screaming at people and calling them stupid (kinda like when my shift at Starbucks is over and they make me leave).

But, right now I am SOOOO messed and deprived of sleep I gotta be brief:

AI - Shut up... dork... lol :P

Danny - Whatever... \\//\\// ... lol :P

I'll write more tomorrow, mommy... promise...

Die Hard
11-24-2004, 10:28 AM
I'm not gonna hold my breath......

11-24-2004, 10:29 AM
I think you drink too much of that Starbucks coffee dude.


11-24-2004, 11:46 AM
OK.....since some folks, and I'm not pointing a finger just at Alex....who is a dudette by the way, not a "dude", can't seem to remember the name of this forum, I will remind them.
Serious Sam_ The First and Second Encounter

I tend to let some of these posts run their course and die a natural death, but the post I locked kept getting jump started and wouldn't go away. I don't mind a spirited, even bordering on ugly discussion as long as it pertains to the game and as long as no threats of house burning, dog kicking or other really personal attacks occur. The post I locked was not discussing the game anymore and had reached its usefullness, as has this one.
So remember folks, let us talk about Serious Sam in here and don't start posts that have nothing to do with it. That is what Off Topic is for.