View Full Version : Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

solid snake295
11-29-2004, 09:52 AM
yes, it is as good as everyone said it was going to be, if not better (not like that halo 2 garbage, that was bull****!)
all the cool stuff from the last game is still there but more refined, like hold ups and human shields and stuff. now the circle button, instead of just punching, is the "CQC" (close quarters combat) button. it can be used for stuff like punching, throwing and grabbing enemys from behind. when holding an enemy you can now interrogate him, give him an old fashioned choke or neck snap, throw him on the ground and do a ground hold-up, or if you dont like the answers hes giving you push circle a bit harder and cut his throat with your servival knife. another new concept in the game is the stamina bar, you will have to catch all kinds of furry animal creatures and eat them to keep up your stamina. theres tons of different "food", all of wich you can get info about from Para-medic over the radio. alot of the radio conversations are pretty funny, every time you ask about info on food, "Snake" always seems interested in one thing, "how does it taste?". every time he asks that it seems to piss off Para-medic even more, resulting in a hi-larious conversation. back to the stamina bar, the fuller the bar is, the faster you will regain health and if the bar gets too low you hands shake in first person view and your stomach rumbles alearting really close by enemys. another new thing is that you can actually get injured from all those bullets, explosions and what-not. in the pause menu ("survival viewer") there is a cure option, when you go into the cure option you will have a 3D model of "Snake" showing all his wounds and pokey things that are stabbing into him, like arrows and stuff. you can get an X-ray view also wich shows broken bones, bullets and other stabby things. (one time i got shot right in the package, it wasnt pretty) then you will have to opperate on yourself with all your survival items. heres what i would do when i get a deep cut (from killing hoards of enemys with my knife... im huge)
first use disenfectant, then use some stuff to stop the bleeding, i forget what its called and im not about to look it up. then you use a suture kit to sew the cut back up and top it off with a bandage. its a good thing. every once in a while it will show a little scene in a window off to the side of "Snake" fixing himself up, its pretty cool actually. you also get a random movie when you eat somthing. so far the only animal that i couldnt eat was an attack dog... i was dissapointed.... Para-medic yelled at me. theres tons (metric tons) more that i could write about, like the new backpack function, all the different camo or the really deep story line... but its almost 5:00 in the F'in morning and i need sleep (my stamina bar is quickly depleating)

i used to give ratings with the pirate head smiley but since thats gone now, i will use spam blocks.
i give MGS3 5/5 spams

and a bonus pop corn (its seriously that damn good)

11-29-2004, 07:55 PM
Yea i played it at a friends and its pretty cool.
We ate a snake, and snake liked it :P "mmm tasty"
Storyline roxors, and there's a ton of cool features, i think the only thing snake forgot to mention was the camoflage feature that reduces ur visibility, e.g. at night if u wear black with black facepaint and hide in the bushes then enemeis wont spot u.

11-29-2004, 10:02 PM
I would like to know if you would have to had play the first and second MGS to play this one. I'm not sure if you have to or not due to the fact that is takes place before the other two.

11-30-2004, 12:03 AM
I would like to know if you would have to had play the first and second MGS to play this one. I'm not sure if you have to or not due to the fact that is takes place before the other two.
nah not really u dont have to

solid snake295
11-30-2004, 01:59 AM
at the begining it asks a question and you can pick:
- i have never played any of the metal gear series before
- i like MGS 1
- i like MGS 2

the first time i chose " i like MGS 2" because i did like it... all except for raiden.
well, the opening scene plays, i parachute into the forrest and he takes off his mask... DAMNIT! its raiden! so i restarted and chose " i like MGS 1" :P

i think if you choose that youve never played it before it gives you a quick walk through. its really not that hard to get the basic controls down, it gives you lots of time to get used to it in the beginning mission.

11-30-2004, 04:55 AM
i'm a ****in MGS fan. The only reason i havent gotten snake eater yet is cause i'm broke and tired of spending my money on video games.
I loved MGS almost as much as i loved Final Fantasy 7, my all time favorite, but i hated the story in MGS2, although the action was cool as sh1t.
So i'm gonna wait for someone to get it for my birthday which is comming up real soon :)

don't put any spoilers in here without making warning first alright?

11-30-2004, 11:51 PM
at the begining it asks a question and you can pick:
- i have never played any of the metal gear series before
- i like MGS 1
- i like MGS 2

the first time i chose " i like MGS 2" because i did like it... all except for raiden.
well, the opening scene plays, i parachute into the forrest and he takes off his mask... DAMNIT! its raiden! so i restarted and chose " i like MGS 1" :P

i think if you choose that youve never played it before it gives you a quick walk through. its really not that hard to get the basic controls down, it gives you lots of time to get used to it in the beginning mission. Well I did get Twin Snakes awhile ago. It was pretty good but I don't know why I stopped playing it. Its lkie this way with all games. I play it like crazy, then I take a break for a day or I have to go somewhere. Then, when I return I can' tget back in the mood *shrugs*. It was pretty fun though. Does it only give you a walkthrough of the controls and crap? Or does it also tell some about MGS 1 and two. I'm pissed cause I accidently read a spoiler about

*spoiler* that snake is really a clone. >.<

Oh well... I might want to get this game, I kinda not wanna play MGS:TS even more now because I know that.

12-01-2004, 12:21 AM
*spoiler* that snake is really a clone. >.<

DAMNIT I'M AN IDIOT. I read right past the *spoiler* thing like it was nothin. stupid me. :(

solid snake295
12-01-2004, 06:52 AM
thats not compleatly true, there is only one solid snake, he is no clone.
all i can say is if you think you get the story line, you probably dont. hell, i had to play through sons of liberty at least 10 times and read all the books and stuff before i fully understood the story.
i just beat snake eater today and i kind of thought i knew what was going on untill after the credits rolled and you can hear ocelot having a conversation with someone over a radio or phone (you cant hear the person hes talking to) and what he says just threw me WAY off. i dont think its possible to get the story the first time around. alot of the websites that i came across have the story all mixed up and for the most part, wrong. the only real way to know whats going on is to play through the game a couple dozen times an pay attention to everything.

Solid Snake is not in Snake Eater, except for the bonus mission monkey catching.
the main characters code name is Naked Snake, everyone calls him Snake though. Solid Snake was not born yet (i dont think). Snake Eater takes place in the 60s during the cold war and the cuban missle crisis.

the main character is actually Big Boss, his is given the rank of Big Boss at the end of the game, after completing his mission wich was to kill the Boss, his mentor/ trainer.

12-01-2004, 10:16 PM
Oh ok, when I told my cousin that which is a big fan of MGS he said Snake isn't exactly a clone. Then, before he could explain to be I stopped him and said I didn't want to know more so that I won't know it completely. I accidently read the heading for it in PSM, Spoiler Page.

12-03-2004, 06:08 AM
at the begining it asks a question and you can pick:
- i have never played any of the metal gear series before
- i like MGS 1
- i like MGS 2

the first time i chose " i like MGS 2" because i did like it... all except for raiden.
well, the opening scene plays, i parachute into the forrest and he takes off his mask... DAMNIT! its raiden! so i restarted and chose " i like MGS 1" :P

i think if you choose that youve never played it before it gives you a quick walk through. its really not that hard to get the basic controls down, it gives you lots of time to get used to it in the beginning mission.

LoL did you ever go back and play while picking "I like MGS 2" again? Its just a mask Snake pulls it off shortly after you get your backpack I think. I agree this game kicks major ass dude I love it worth every bit of my 50 bucks.

solid snake295
12-04-2004, 03:43 AM
lol, i never knew he was wearing the mask, i was so dissapointed that i even looked like raiden that i just restarted right away :P

i was messing around a bit and found some funny stuff.
we an aligator opens his mouth you can throw grenades (any kind) into its open mouth and he will eat them, a couple seconds later it will explode and the aligator puff up like in a cartoon then die. also, you can feed them food. i fed one 3 pieces of aligator and he seemed to like it, because he kept walking in circles and didnt stop untill i stabbed him in the head. haha

another thing is wearing the box then calling Sigint (the weapons and camo guy)
its a pretty funny converstaion:

Sigint: Uh, Snake… what are you doing?

Snake: I’m in a box.

Sigint: A cardboard box? Why are you…?

Snake: I dunno. I was just looking at it, and suddenly I got this irresistible urge to get inside. No not just an urge – more than that. It was my destiny to be here; in the box.

Sigint: Destiny… ?

Snake: Yeah. And then when I put it on, I suddenly got this feeling of inner peace. I can’t put it into words. I fell… safe. Like this is where I was meant to be. Like I’d found the key to true happiness.

Sigint: …

Snake: Does any of that make sense?

Sigint: Not even a little.

Snake: You should come inside the box… Then you’ll know what I mean.

Sigint: Man, I don’t wanna know what you mean! Between you and Para-Medic, is everyone but me that is hooked up with the Major strange!?

Snake: …

Sigint: Yeah, well, anyway, I suppose even that dumbass box might make a decent disguise if you wear it inside a building.

also, playing in snake vs monkey mode, i got the best time on level 5 and i got a monkey mask :woohoo:

12-07-2004, 05:40 AM
Hey Snake (hee hee) I'm sure you fought The End by now right? How long did it take you to beat him and how did you do it? I read several on-line walkthroughs that said you can cheat by setting your PS2 bios ahead 1 week and when you come back he'll be dead. Also I didn't get to play the game for almost a whole week (damn final exams and that addicting Half Life 2) and when I played again the other day all my food was rotten and it gave me a stomachache that I had to cure.

solid snake295
12-07-2004, 08:21 AM
ah ya, i read that to. hes really not that hard at all, the second time i fought him it only took maybe 5- 10 minutes.
a few pointers:
-dont try to use the sniper rifle, use the shotgun like a real man! :D
-use the thermal goggles if your not being shot at.
- if you are being shot at, crouch up and down really fast, he always trys to get a head shot and if you keep crouching he will hardly ever hit you.
- if you get hit, pull out the dart right away so you dont have to keep eating to gain back stamina.
-on your map it will show all the sniper spots that he could be.
if hes shooting at you, go into 3rd person view and let him hit you, most of the time you can tell where he is by the angle of the blood spray.
-when you find out where hes shooting from, pull out your shotty and go after him.
- most of the time you can sneak up on him (use the directional pad, not analog) and if you want his camo, do a hold up on him, aim at him 3 times and he will give you the moss camo (its really good) right after he gives it up, give him a taste of the old boom stick. if you hit him he will fall over, once he gets up hit him again.
- once he starts running, put on your thermal goggles and his foot steps will be really easy to see, follow them to the next sniper spot.
- if he throws a stun grenade, look the other way or put on the monkey mask if you have it, it will block most of the effects of the flash.

so pretty much, chase him down with the shotgun or heavy machine gun.
also ive read that he gets pretty pissed if you kill his parrot, haha.
i recommend that you go for the moss cammo, its good for short grass areas and when you stand in the sun it regenerates your stamina.

12-09-2004, 04:38 AM
Hmmm I did hear his camos were da bomb so I'm gonna try and get them. Yeah I also used the directional microphone to find where he's hiding you can hear him mubbling to himself. Everytime I got near him he would run away and shoot me and then repeat so ill try using the directional buttons now.

01-07-2005, 07:30 PM
I loved MGS1 and MGS2 (though I was disappointed by Raiden), and I'll be getting this one as soon as my financial situation improves somewhat. Sounds like a blast.

Oh yeah - and FF7 is pwn. :D

01-10-2005, 06:06 AM
This.....is the end......