View Full Version : What do you think of a OoD Guild on a Large pop server....

11-30-2004, 04:00 PM
...while we wait for Igraine to get fixed? Just to have some fun and have something to do. Those past days where very boring with almost no RvR expeciality during Euro play time and now we just finished an uber RvR session where we saw 3 enemy at all.
WoW coming out had damaged small servers like Igraine a lot more that large servers. I'm sure sooner or later Mythic will do something to address low server popolation problmes but till that day what do you all think of a OoD guild on a large server? I don't say move on another server, just to have something to do when Igraine is dead and having another play option.
I would had liked to do a pool but I guess you need to be a guild officer to do it (or I'm uber noob and I don't know how to do :D)
If we got a very positive feedback my choise would be Hibernia Lancelot or Midgard Guineviere. Let's see what the guild think of it.

11-30-2004, 04:08 PM
Several of us tried to play Hib/MLF some time ago.

11-30-2004, 05:08 PM
Too bad you just can't move your 50's and LGM's :(

yep, and maybe the fix for small underpopulate server would be a charcopy with all you have on another server, I guess Mythic would do something :)

11-30-2004, 05:11 PM
I personally would go to Hib MLF. I've been playing there a bit in my spare time.

Jandar, Spike, Laurelle, Squirlie, Pixiie, Jag, Bain, (not sure about Sauron), Britonator and a few other OoD's have Hibs there. We have a guild house and Eric has LGM crafters on that server so it's pretty cool.

11-30-2004, 05:20 PM
Sauron too Sep

11-30-2004, 05:28 PM
Personally I have no real urge to leave what I have here and start fresh as do most of the people. I would ONLY move to a new server if all I had went with it just takes too damn long to lvl, MLs and artis to go through it again

Mythic will prolly only fix the problem long after most of us have given up and moved on to another game. If Catacombs is a flop DAOC will suffer big time.

11-30-2004, 05:58 PM
IMO from what I have heard catacombs will be a flop to DAOC. What good is a new PvE expansion doing to do for the game? I thought I heard back some time that Mythic was going to design something for 8v8 groups or something where you could set not to be zerged and bring steathers and tanks back into the game. If OoD totally moved to another server I'd sell both of my accounts and atleast get some cash for the 1.5+ years that I have put into my one toon that I play all the time.

I have a couple toons on hib/lance. Maybe I chould check out mlf and hook up with you guys and play there when it's boring, like last night. Till then I guess I can keep dying with my low lvl 20 toons, since it seems no one lvls anymore and just pls to 50. :/

11-30-2004, 06:11 PM
Where u heard that Catacombs willbe a flop Grimmy? From all the whiners on VN or from source that u can take serious?

And for leveling the leveling with catacombs will be a faster since u can do instanced leveling and stuff.

And from what i heard there will be a free RvR expansion sometime next year.

Now back to topic :

I totally agree with Jag. I only would move server if i could take everything with me! I doubt i could stand to start from the scratch again! I just put too much time into my toons on Igraine. Well i wouldn't mind leveling a toon on a diffrent server if it would only be the grind to 50. But getting all scrolls together again, get money again, get arties and ML's again. No sorry i doubt i could stand that again

11-30-2004, 06:21 PM
I'm ready to move.

To Cancun for the winter! :)

11-30-2004, 06:27 PM
Sure Grimmy just don't give the PvEers a chance too huh?

Comeone this game is PvE and RvR and there are really several people who actually like PvE too.

IMO catacombs will be a good addition to the game.
Ok, next time I will wait till everyone else has posted there opinions, and then I will post mine, how's that? Or maybe I just won't post anything here anymore, since I get bitched at no matter what I say :/

This topic the way I read it was RvR based, that's why I made my post. I stated my opinion based upon from what I have heard from others say, and how I felt, geesh, I don't even know why I bother anymore:rolleyes:

11-30-2004, 06:30 PM

Since it was off topic anyway: Forget what i said, my opinion is unimportant anyway and sorry if it insulted u!

11-30-2004, 06:58 PM
That is why I am playing at Merlin with my nephews besides they like to play the dam game. lol

Now most of you guys have done a great deal of work and DAOC should let you guys be able to move your account to different location on the server.

It doesn't pay to leave and start over again too time consumming.

Jag is right if catacombs fails DAOC will suffer.

11-30-2004, 08:39 PM
I think the problem with catacombs is they are making it easier to level. Big deal for most people. Being a level 50 toon is only half the battle. You still have no artifacts and no ML's. Until they make a change with the way that works, mythic will keep failing.

Personally, I wasn't too impressed with catacombs. It was cool and all with the new additions, but nothing so special that I would buy it. I have 3 accounts and don't feel like spending money on for an expansion that does nothing for rvr. Even mythic said it would have no effect whatsoever on rvr. Thats most peoples biggest concerns, pop imbalance, toon imbalance etc. There is a ton of pve in the game as it is with ToA and such. I think maybe instead of catacombs, they should have enhance classic and SI and made them better with better drops and more mobs.

DAOC is slowly dying. Its more and more obvious. Even Mythic said they realized they have neglected their casual gamers for the past three years in an interview. When I log on, I get bored really fast. I bought WoW and have enjoyed it so far. I was a huge DAOC fan and cracked on WoW all the time, but after experiencing it firsthand, I must say it is a welcome change. It is a lot of fun, and you can solo almost as fast as grouping. I recommend if you are bored with DAOC to give it a try. As of now my DAOC accts are cancelled, I went to log on yesterday but they had already closed. Just no interest in spending 85% of my time trying to find a fight. A lot of people, like myself, have been very faithful and very hardcore DAOC, but I just wanted to throw out something else out there for you guys to think about.

I do hope DAOC can make a comeback in some way, its been a big part of my life for the past 2 years, but mythic has a lot of work to do to make it more appealing.

11-30-2004, 11:00 PM
I have no desire to move to another server unless Mythic gives us the option to transfer everything over.

11-30-2004, 11:06 PM
Just a question, if u cancel ur account do u lose ur house? all the items on the merchant?

11-30-2004, 11:10 PM
not unless money runs out

11-30-2004, 11:16 PM
Hey Spike Can I bum your Bot account to see if I can run it on one machine?

11-30-2004, 11:17 PM
Just to clarify, I don't think Shura is saying that OoD should pick up and leave Igraine forever putting all our hard work behind us. For example...Brit has been lvling up and RvRing his animist on MLF and some other OoD's have been on other servers. I think he's just trying to say, we could all be on one 'server of interest' and still play together when Igraine is totally dead.

@ Spike. If you cancel your acct, your house will eventually become repossessed due to non-payment. If you have tons of money (months and months worth) on your consignment merchant, it will pull from that. When that runs out though, you're shiot outta luck.

11-30-2004, 11:20 PM
Hey Spike Can I bum your Bot account to see if I can run it on one machine?

sure I'll pm u the info now :thumbs:

11-30-2004, 11:22 PM
Hey Grimmy I'd heard the same think about the instant rooms in catacombs,that you'd be able to set rules for 8x8 rvr. I think they were talking about it at E3. I was really excited about that feature and then it wasn't mentioned anywhere. Oh well.

I'm with Jag, I'd only move if I got to my whole account too.

12-01-2004, 02:16 AM
NO @%$#ing WAY am I moving to another server after rolling four LGM toons here. Why on EARTH would I wanna do that. Unless ofcourse (as Jag stated) I could bring all my tools and stuff from here. Sorry guys... no can do. lol gonna miss ya's though.

12-01-2004, 02:20 AM
I won't leave Igraine, maybe play around with some hibs/mids somewhere but Igraine will be my main.

12-01-2004, 02:56 AM
Hey Grimmy I'd heard the same think about the instant rooms in catacombs,that you'd be able to set rules for 8x8 rvr. I think they were talking about it at E3. I was really excited about that feature and then it wasn't mentioned anywhere. Oh well.

I'm with Jag, I'd only move if I got to my whole account too.

Well maybe that might be added in the free RvR expansion they mentioned in one of the latest grab bags

12-01-2004, 07:35 AM
Guys, guys, guys!! Shura never said to move to another server. Untwist those panties! :P

A quote from the original post..........

"I don't say move on another server, just to have something to do when Igraine is dead and having another play option."

For example: You have that cheap, scratchy toilet paper in the closet. Now, you dont want to use it all the time cuz you have your Cottonelle toilet paper that you love wiping your ass with. But the good thing is, is that it's there for when the Cottonelle is out just as a filler till you buy more of that soft ass paper. Get it? Got it? Good. ;)

12-01-2004, 10:44 AM
Guys, guys, guys!! Shura never said to move to another server. Untwist those panties! :P

A quote from the original post..........

"I don't say move on another server, just to have something to do when Igraine is dead and having another play option."

For example: You have that cheap, scratchy toilet paper in the closet. Now, you dont want to use it all the time cuz you have your Cottonelle toilet paper that you love wiping your ass with. But the good thing is, is that it's there for when the Cottonelle is out just as a filler till you buy more of that soft ass paper. Get it? Got it? Good. ;)

Hmmm. . . . . Cheap scratchy toilet paper. . . . I rather spend money on a good toilet paper that I will not have to scarch put clean and wipe smoothly while reading a magazine. LOL hehehehe

12-01-2004, 10:55 AM
I like being a mid and since I was away for a while it helped to play the game again but again my nephews do like this game a lot.

Right now Guild Wars is a change for me and I enjoy it a lot. It helps to take a break from the game for a while especially when they have added new features to it and then come back.

Merlin or Lanc are the biggest servers that help to put some action or life to the game for me and that is why I recommended to my nephews to play there and now crafting is what I am doing for them but because merlin is consider one of the first servers up for the game and most popular one, it is why I will only craft and take sometime off to level up the craft skills etc in merlin.

I have always wanted to play as a mid but most of us went to albs and I also mention to play on merlin but was told that it was to many people playing there if so that would be a good reason why to go there in the first place.

Well it would be nice if they can have accounts transfer because many people I know have been complainning and have moved to merlin and still play at other servers but have been playing a lot at merlins.

12-01-2004, 07:38 PM
I know my English sucks big time :bawling: but I did not mean OoD moving to another server, hell I play Igraine from the fist day the server opened and I love it. I just put an idea of working on an alternative when Igraine is big time dead. Since i hear many had rolled some alts I wound maybe see if we can roll those adds all on the same server/realm. After all friendship is what keep a guild unite and what give a big boost to play a mmorpg imo and for what I see Daoc and OoD I wound have fun with you also zerging the lv 24 bg of a server while Igraine is dead and give no fun :)
That what I wonna said in the post, sorry my English is horrible I know :(

12-01-2004, 08:39 PM
I understood what you said the first time btw. I just wanted to post what other people said about different servers. The thread when in another direction for you and it happens a lot at GM. hehehehe

Like I said before I rather play on a server that has more players and lot's more action anyway. As far as friends I can always make more and I have and join on a guild that's been helpful. I like meeting new people with different ideas which makes the game fun for me.

Besides I have always wanted to go to Merlin as a Mid. I gave up my accounts because I wasn't going to play the game again but nephews like it and this time starting at Merlin as a mid like I wanted to do when I started this game.

12-01-2004, 08:52 PM
Its probably not to hard to find some of our guild on different servers and I think some already have some alts on different servers to avoid Igraine boredom sometimes.

But I think it will be hard to get most of our guild on the same alternative server together.

Death Engineer
12-01-2004, 11:24 PM
As far as friends I can always make more and I have and join on a guild that's been helpful.

Ouch! :confused:

12-02-2004, 06:46 AM
Ouch! :confused:

Hmmm. . . . Making new friends helps to become more notice and it will help in the long run if any of you guys decide to come to Merlin as a Mid. I have now good connections that can help and I crafted in four different skills at over 400. I am hoping to get it up to 1000 to help anyone who needs it especially you guys.

How is that DE better?

As far as friends I can make more I don't see how you can be confuse.
The more people I know the better for me and have been helpful so it will benefit anyone who may want to come to merlin.

That shouldn't be confusing to you now ok.

12-02-2004, 10:56 AM
I've played on several servers over the past 3ish years. The grass is always greener on the other side, let me tell ya. Especially in Hibernia, damn that grass is bright. They should tone down those damn colors imo.
Seriously, though Jay is making toons on hib-lance, if anyone needs a second home... would probably be humorous to see him PB bomb the albs this time. I've got alts on just about every server. Most recent was Mid-Lance, I've got a spiritmaster, a warrior and some bg toons there. Little bit of money to pass around, my sm's a tailor, and im sure starting with DF or crafted gear wouldn't be a problem. Also willing to help on the xp a little, would suggest trying out the toons in pve before ya ask for one PL'd to 50 though... want ya to know what you'd like in rvr:) Mids there are few, but rvr effectively as a unit. They've accomplished a lot there and hold relics due to pure will power, as opposed to pure numbers as albs do. (if you'd move, i'd help on exp and assests to help you start, would not really want to return to play there)
If hib-lance is your appeal, i've got low level hibs there too. Looks like disney land, sounds like new york city, and smells like wet firby. But to each their own.

There's always a helping hand if you need it wherever you choose to venture. [I'm most inclined not to move because the MLs are a pure evil that I dare not face again.]

12-02-2004, 01:44 PM
But I think it will be hard to get most of our guild on the same alternative server together.

You guys work so hard to get what you have accomplish especailly crafting, artifacts and ML's.

Mr Clean
12-02-2004, 06:12 PM
Mythic needs to consolidate some of the lower populated servers together, so that there will be more people on a server at any given time....which means more people to RvR with, level with, etc...

I started a Mid toon a couple of months ago but it is hard leveling it due to the lack of people playing Mids....

What's funny is a lot of the people in Mid starting new toons have their mains in Alb/Hib, and a lot of the new 20s I meet on Igraine have Mid toons...everyone is trying to see what the other side has to offer. That may be the problem though, no new people joining the game. I would hate to see DAOC die, but I suppose that is going to happen one day no matter what. I have noticed the total count on all the servers as consistently being 10,000 people less that before WoW came out(29,000 vs 19,000)...I am sure not many of them have cancelled their account yet, but if WoW continues to grow you will see them dropping like flies....

I think I agree with some of you on Catacombs, I may wait a bit to get some feedback about it before I pop for it.

12-02-2004, 07:58 PM
The problem with server merge is so many people see that albs dominate all servers, then hibs then mids. So if you merge two servers you will still have a tremendous amount of alb to hib to mid ratio. I think they should give albs an option to transfer over to other servers as mids/hibs as a possible solution.

12-07-2004, 03:57 PM
But therein lies a new problem. I'd be happy to change out my toons to a new realm. But would my XP, RA's, items transfer? How could they, that wouldn't be fair. Realm balancing should have been forced to servers long ago, only giving a 'window of opportunity' to roll to certain realms on servers, making the odds even. Special instatnces of friends wanting to play together could have been done by appeal, otherwise luring the other friend to reroll to be together. But alas, common sense means nothing to mythic, easier to just let the players pick and overpower their opponennts because of it.

Server merges may soon be necessary no matter the albion population. My solution would be: Make a 4th realm. The albs from an opposite server during a merge would move to that one. Kind of a 'civil war' in albion, finding a new realm area to expand into, there would be 4 locations for rvr now, but the population would be under control. Might be interesting technical issues, but it would respur the game play, as well as make a fun new expansion possibility. Then merely give each alb realm a new realm-specific hybrid designed to fight the other albions. One new class for each of the albion merged realms, so they would have some form of unique identity. Hib population up, mid population up, albion population under control.

12-07-2004, 05:50 PM
Not a bad idea. Send feedback. :)

12-07-2004, 06:27 PM
As much as I hate to say it. The option may be what nimblejack said. Create 3 new servers, allow anyone from the low 6 servers to reroll on a specific realm/server. Then when all is said and done.. Bamo.. can move your mids to one, your hibs to another, and your albs to the last. It may or may not work out. It would be nice to see new people in RvR that are high RR and know what they are doing. It could present some very interesting challanges. OoD is starting to really do some good things in open combat away from keeps/towers. There are others who are very good at it, and it would be nice to get rolled by those people.

And for the record 16 people is not a zerg!! I dont care what Medicaid says!!!