View Full Version : Setting up a VPN on Win XP Pro

11-30-2004, 09:17 PM
Has anyone here ever done it? Also the VPN server is going to sit behind a router and I know that I have to allow pptp on ports 1723 and 47 or something like that. How secure is a VPN? Will I be able to access all the computers on my private business network or just the one allowing VPN connections?

11-30-2004, 10:01 PM
right click n network places
choose create new conection
wizrd appears click next
choose connct to the network 2 workplace if you want to vpn into another network or choose advanced network for allowing incoming networks and set it for vpn.

the rest is pretty easy and you must set or mak sure you have user rigt configured correctly.

you also can purchase a router that supports vpn. yours most likely has it but must be configured via router. i suggest vpn throuh your router to be more secure.

12-02-2004, 04:14 AM
Well I set up the server at work and forwarded the apropriate ports in the router to the servers ip. I am able to connect to the server and my username and password work but when it trys to register my computer at home on the VPN I get this error. Any ideas? BTW I did what it said in that pop up balloon but no luck. I have a feeling that this error basically means that the computers are not able to send and recieve vpn packets between them.


12-02-2004, 10:59 PM
Ok after doing some research I figured out what my problem was and I got it working. :) The only problem is that I can't browse the servers I have to type the ip of the server \\ (for example) to get to the server and browse the shared files and devices. I guess it isn't a real big deal though as I can always map the drives and devices I will be using remotely. It's pretty neat, now I can spy on my employees from home muhahahaha.

12-08-2004, 08:56 AM
i forgot to tel you that you should be on same workgroup:( . what i mean is the vpn sender and receiver computers.

Caged Anger
12-08-2004, 11:04 PM
wow, this only gets me more nervous about going into a field where it can be that easy to spy on employees...lol