View Full Version : Finally

12-02-2004, 09:33 PM
WOOOT right from the 1.73l patch notes : Linky (http://www.camelotherald.com/more/1809.shtml)

- Players may now apply dye to the following cloaks: Melos Pearl-Edged Cloak, Harpy Feather Cloak, A Healers Embrace, Shades of Mist, and Cloudsong.

12-02-2004, 09:36 PM
Another nice change :

Market Explorer Changes

With this version, you may now purchase items directly through the Market Explorer. However, the Market Explorer will add a 20% commission for the service of retrieving the item for you.

- At the Market Search Results window, you may now press the "BUY" button with an item highlighted to open a merchant page directly, where you can buy items at the higher price.

- The owner of the Consignment Merchant will receive the standard amount his item is priced for and the Market Explorer will keep the additional 20%.

- Items may be purchased at the normal price by visiting the player's house directly.

12-02-2004, 09:36 PM
WOOT :thumbs:

Black Rose
12-02-2004, 09:41 PM
OMG the DREAM :wootrock: :wootrock:

12-02-2004, 09:52 PM
the owner of the Consignment Merchant will receive the standard amount his item is priced for and the Market Explorer will keep the additional 20%.

wtf is mythic broke and need some plat? they can get a loan at The First National Bank of Jaggart :P

I think its a cool idea they have come up w/ but 20%? paleeze :down:

12-02-2004, 10:02 PM
That's some nice changes, but Mythic charging 20% is total bullsh!t imo! Then if it wasn't stupid enough already that they charge, they end up keeping the 20%.

Do like some of us did, /level a "go fer" Minst bot and store tokens on it. Thx Gharac or V or whoever it was for giving me the tip. ;) Shobang wasn't fast enough so I PL'd him to 24.

12-02-2004, 10:05 PM
I'll spend the 10 silver to run around. If you time it right you can find another speed merchant with ease.

12-02-2004, 10:11 PM
In-Game Map Changes

- You will now see pip indicators for your group members on the map window. These indicators will slowly update as your group members move throughout the zone map.

This is going to come in handy for peeps that lagoff. :thumbs:

There are now portal NPCs in the capital cities. Channeler Deng'ani, Channeler Garl, and Channeler Sidral can be found in the main hall areas of Camelot, Jordheim, and Tir na Nog, respectively.

About friggin time!

12-03-2004, 06:34 AM
This is going to come in handy for peeps that lagoff. :thumbs:

About friggin time!

Don't they already have that, called RADAR! :P