View Full Version : Killzone

12-06-2004, 10:45 PM
How do you guys feel about this game. GS and IGN didn't give it too good of a review, but PSM gave it a 9.5. I just got it as a pre-birthday gift from my sister since she can't come on my birthday. I've only played about 2-3 hours of it and this is what I think. So far, there isn't much weapon selection, but I hope there is more. The ones I have seen so far is : pistol, Human MG, Helghast MG, Missle Launcher, and a Sniper Rifle. I like the idea of the lighter the weapon, the faster you go, kinda like SS. The graphics aren't that good, the screenshots on IGN looks awesome though. Maybe its just my t.v. or because I am still in the early stages. There isn't any music, just the sound of soldiers giving orders and guns. It actually sounds quite well. Some of the cutscenes are kinda boring IMO. The controls are like any other usual PS2 game, right analog stick to move and left analog stick to aim. As you progress you get the ability to choose from different characters at the beginning of each chapter. There are 4 different characters in total. Depending on which one you choose, the missions will vary. So far its alright, not the best but not too bad.