View Full Version : Question About Spellcrafting

12-07-2004, 09:54 AM
I am at 400 and not been able to move up and was wondering if I need to not only have Spallcraft at 400 and Gemcutting at 400 but do I need to level up any other craft that is bind to the spellcraft like JewelCraft, Alchemy, Herbcraft and Siegcraft. I know Siegcraft is not going to make a difference but maybe the others will help me level up spellcraft to 500.

Does anyone know exackly how I can move up or do I just continue with spellcraft? When I do spellcraft, Gemcutting moves up with it but again now it's moving very slow and was wonder if I maybe missing something in order to level up my Spellcraft.

I am aware of the quest for crafters and low Oj's and yellows to help move up but just need to know if anyone might have notice to help move up the spellcraft thank you.


12-07-2004, 10:58 AM
For Spellcrafting u only need to get up in Spellcrafting and Gemcutting.
The leveling process is very slow though. I used to craft gems about 5-10 levels higher than my skill to get up and it worked quite ok.
The crafting quest is said to help but for the first u need to be lvl 500 scing.

12-07-2004, 02:23 PM
For Spellcrafting u only need to get up in Spellcrafting and Gemcutting.
The leveling process is very slow though. I used to craft gems about 5-10 levels higher than my skill to get up and it worked quite ok.
The crafting quest is said to help but for the first u need to be lvl 500 scing.

Thank you

12-07-2004, 03:42 PM
yes i crafted high yellow's. When you get to 500 or 600 make sure you go on your trades skill quest's. Get the item that makes you smarter. not faster or high quality. imo faster is useless. high quality really isnt any use unless makeing a lgm weapon. good luck! if im in game and you need advice feel free to contact me. Blay and shades also know there stuff.

12-07-2004, 03:44 PM
when you do get to 500 i can take you on quest's it goes alittle faster if someone shows you.

12-07-2004, 04:09 PM
Thank you for the infomation.

BTW I am at Merlin and as a mid. hehehehe

12-07-2004, 05:24 PM
recently deleted my mids there to play hib. wanna duel in bg's sometime sas?

12-07-2004, 06:16 PM
recently deleted my mids there to play hib. wanna duel in bg's sometime sas?

Sure that would be fun. We can meet at a location depending which BG.
At the moment I been crafting on four skills and they are almost at 500 and like to get them to at least 800.