View Full Version : minst help

12-07-2004, 07:28 PM
Just wondering how you go from running speed with a drum that is 2 handed to combat with a 1 handed sword without having to drag the item out of the slot.

Thanks for the help :)

Also if you have a quickbar set up that you like, please share. Reminder this is for a thid toon, lvl 20 :)

12-07-2004, 07:30 PM
I have the drum in the 2 handed slot and the icon in qbar, the sword in right hand and icon also on qbar and lute/flute in the ranged slot and icon in qbar. So if u wanna switch from drum to sword just hit the icon in the qbar. As far as i know there is no other way

12-07-2004, 10:21 PM
Yeah, I was like wtf when I found out the icons in the quickbar changes when you swap instruments but I found a nice setup that really works well for me.

SS#1 is my main quickbar
SS#2 is my second quickbar with stuff I dont use in combat
SS#3 is how I carry my items. (I swap my lute in when I need to run heal song, other than that it stays in my first slot)

The reason why I have all three instruments in the second screenie there is so when I drop my lute in, I dont have to worry about swapping icons. There's probably an easier way but being a Thid toon right now, I dont have anything else to fill the spots so it doesnt really matter :) When you want to swap to your sword to fight, drum to run or flute to mez, just click the icon in quickbar #1. You dont have to worry about having your lute on your body regularly because you only use it for medding really.

12-08-2004, 02:18 PM
Well, If you want to get really proficient as a minst you are going to have to use a lot of /Qbind and a lot of the Keys that are preset for you. If you look at your keyboard the following keys are already set up for fast switching.

"." Is set for Ranged
"," Is set for Two Handed
"V" I think is set for Regular weapon. I switch mine all around cause I dont like it being so close ot th "/" key. Which can mess up anyone that doesnt use a mouse to play. Well I use a mouse but in combat I press numbers and hot keys.

I currently have mine set up as Q, W, E. Which are right close to my Keys I have /Qbind for speed, and mezz. I have sprint as "B" on my ergo keyboard it is the last key in the first half of the row that I use most of my keys on so it is easy to hit. I completly change my keyboard around.

I use the mouse for anything dealing with inventory, and clicking on apponents that are either too far for F8 or at towers where Im trying to get LOS on someone. Once you get used to it you will see it will it will improve your performance 100%

12-08-2004, 02:30 PM
Pls someone explain how /qbind works. I probably would do that too but I have no idea how :(

12-08-2004, 03:16 PM
Using my first quickbar above for example......

If you want to /qbind your AoE mez, you'd just type /qbind 9 9 (bar 9/slot 9). Then it will ask you which key you want to bind and you select your desired 'hotkey'.

If you look at my sorc's RvR quickbar, you'll see she doesnt even have AoE mez on it. I have my AoE mez on my PvE qbar and just /qbinded from there. (It frees up a slot for something else too...active RA's and such)

12-08-2004, 03:29 PM
Ohhhh that sounds really nice :)) I need to do that with my cleric range increase spells and cures