View Full Version : Mid and Hib equivalent of Necro?

12-08-2004, 09:23 PM
Necro's are the fastest, easiest class to solo level in Alb.

What class is the equivalent in Mid and Hib? What class would be the best/fastest to level using a buffbot?

12-09-2004, 01:06 PM
The Bone dancer do very well to level up and the Hibs is the one that implement the plants. I forgot the name but they level up very fast at the hibs. I have one that my nephews is using and it levels up quick by implementing plants and running around the plants while the aggro is being killed. It's funny believe me and you will be doing a lot of running around the plants trust me. LOL

12-09-2004, 01:08 PM

12-09-2004, 01:09 PM

I think so I forgot I would have to check it. But they are fun to use and to level up and you will not be bored because you will be running around a lot. lol

12-09-2004, 01:11 PM
BTW they do very well in rvr. There was one guy against 5 of us and he planted five of them by the tree and we killed him but we all died because he was running around the plants. It was so funny and I will never do that again because those plants have good damage.

12-09-2004, 05:55 PM
spirit master for mid and enchanter for hib...bd's are nice but can't compare to spirit master leveling like a necro. Enchanters are insane too like servant necros.

12-10-2004, 02:32 AM
spirit master for mid and enchanter for hib...bd's are nice but can't compare to spirit master leveling like a necro. Enchanters are insane too like servant necros.

Spirit Master are good but one problem. They get aggro a lot so you would have to hit with your guy and then have the Spirit master hit him when he gets there and the same with bone dancers. Either one will do fine and I fine Bone dancers don't get as much aggro compare to Spirit masters from what I have seen so far. It's a very slow processes but if you have a shammy with you these two can level up quickly and remeber if you don't have anyone to craft your things it will be hard to level in mids without a shammy.

As far enchanters they start off very slow to level up unless you have good armor because if you don't then the Animist is the best choice. Animist can really level up quickly if you decide to only do PVE if you study on Arborial Master(Arborial Path Specialization). Enchanters if you have or can get someone to craft your stuff then go with it but if you are alone without money then go with Animist.

Necro's I must say are the best to level up from what I have experience so far. There is nothing like a necro to level up in PVE and I believe there is no toon that can do better then a necro.