View Full Version : A small question

12-08-2004, 10:01 PM
Ok I am doing a project that is due tomorrow and I just started writing it up today. Yeah I know I shouldn't procastinate but its a habit. Well my question is what is it called again whe you have a pet but you don't want it to mate so you _____ it. I forgot how to spell the word in the blank. I know what the word is though. When I type in what I think its spelled like on dictionary.com the definition wasn't the one I wanted and the similar results came up with no luck. Thanks!

12-08-2004, 10:08 PM
What sex of a cat??

Female_ Spay
Male_ Forgot myself

OUTLAWS 9.99repeating^32
12-08-2004, 10:10 PM
Castrate? Spay? Neuter?

12-08-2004, 10:19 PM
Neuter, thats the word. But when I typed that in the dictionary it didn't come up with a result about what I was looking for. Oh well, I'll trust you, thanks!

OUTLAWS 9.99repeating^32
12-08-2004, 10:24 PM
No problem bud. For your own piece of mind, this is what Webster's Unabridged gives me (#10 is, I think, what you are looking for):

neu·ter (nÁÆtÃr, nyÁÆ-), adj.
1. Gram.
a. noting or pertaining to a gender that refers to things classed as neither masculine nor feminine.
b. (of a verb) intransitive.
2. Biol. having no organs of reproduction; without sex; asexual.
3. Zool. having imperfectly developed sexual organs, as the worker bees and ants.
4. Bot. having neither stamens nor pistils; asexual.
5. neutral; siding with no one.
6. Gram.
a. the neuter gender.
b. a noun of that gender.
c. another element marking that gender.
d. an intransitive verb.
7. an animal made sterile by castration or spaying.
8. Zool. a neuter insect.
9. a person or thing that is neutral.
10. Vet. Sci. to spay or castrate (a dog, cat, etc.).
[1350–1400; < L neuter neither (of two), equiv. to ne not + uter either (of two); r. ME neutre < MF < L, as above]

12-08-2004, 10:27 PM
Yep, thats it. Thanks!