View Full Version : catacombs and /level issue

12-09-2004, 09:12 AM
Just heard tonight that if you create a toon using any of the catacombs toons or races, ect, you can't /level your toon, you have to traditionally lvl it up.

I think it was in the notes, but just heard someone trying to do it on ts. :rolleyes:

12-09-2004, 01:16 PM
Ya mythic said in some future release they would add them to the /level comunity. Sometimes I seriously question thier decision making.

12-09-2004, 01:22 PM
It happen with the Necro when they expanded and it took about a couple of months before you can level to 20.

12-09-2004, 01:27 PM
That was because /level was not implemented in SI at all when they released it ;)

From Herald:

The /level 20 command is not available for the five new classes. In my last post, I said "patch," which many interpreted to mean "the next time the servers go up and down and notes appear on the Herald." I am sorry for any confusion. We are currently on patch 1.73. The new classes will not be available for /level until a future patch number. Veterans of Camelot will remember that Shrouded Isles classes were not available for /level for several months, and the same will be true here. (Yes, I know, that's because /level didn't exist. Ook.) Again, I am sorry for any confusion, and I appreciate your patience.

Death Engineer
12-09-2004, 06:52 PM
Why would they want more people to get to 50 and realize that they have just made more useless classes and then /cancel?