View Full Version : Advantages to Water Cooling

12-11-2004, 11:31 PM
So I accidently saw my dads email that said his product "AquariusII Water Cooler" had been shipped... :O
I didn't mean to look i swear. So now that i know i'm getting a water cooling system, i'm just wondering what the advantages are. Of course the cpu will run cooler and quieter, but can i turn up the multiplier or anything?

Just trying to take full advantage of the gift :)
here's the link http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc.asp?description=35-106-022&depa=0

12-12-2004, 12:59 AM
it's certainly possible, although the multipliers are probably locked on your cpu, still the fsb speed can probably be turned up, but the memory and board has to be able to keep up, so say 15 mult X 200mhz fsb = 3000 mhz cpu, for every point you turn up the fsb you see 15 mhz extra, so 225 mhz = 3375 mhz... but this won't work with cheap memory, and even some good memory sucks. it isn't enough just to be able to boot, you can still experience reboots and lockups if it is too high. download an app like prime95 to ensure that the board is stable, if the app reports errors, then time to notch it down.

12-12-2004, 02:19 AM
Yes you will be able to clock your processor higher. You can also watercool your graphics card and harddrive(s) with adapters.

12-12-2004, 02:24 AM
here ya go :)


12-12-2004, 08:45 AM
Got yah. I've done some of that before on my old XP 2000+ just to mess around with when I had my Valcano 7 on it. Got it to like 1.75 or 1.8 i think with it starting at 1.67. I'm just a little fearful of trying it with my 64 3500 you know? I can't exactly replace it easily.

So what I'm getting at is, what would you do if you were in my position?

I had that same problem when i got this new motherboard, cpu, and 2 sticks of 512. I forgot what order the sticks were in at first, but once i put them in the 1&2 slots (still dual channel) i got no more errors.

NO SH1T? I could really use the adapter for my 9700 Pro, that thing is starting to BAKE. How much do you think that'd cost? I hope this thing isn't too hard to hook up. :/

Thats what i was expecting to hear, but you know i'm not that hardcore overclocker, just want to be able to play with it a bit you know? I'd be happy if i could safely overclock by 100mhz :)

What would you all do?

12-12-2004, 09:34 AM
zell, i feel water cooling is for an enthusiast who wants to over clock but really i find it to be a waste of good money. you ave to consider noise levels on all parts in your pc and as for temps, maybe it will help there but over clocking the athlon64 will eventually hurt your parts regardless of what anyone says. if you has a prescot chip you should use something like that for cooling but the amd64 is pretty good.

as for extra speed, i suggest making sure you have very good memory. everyone thinks it's the cpu that overclocks tha makes the system faster but it's actually the whole subsystem suchs as ram, and ht will be running faster. since you have the 939 your cpu is already running a 2000 fsb compared to 1600 of socket 754. there are other tweaks to get that 5 percent boost. the only way to over clock your cpu is with the fsb because the multipliers are locked. you may need to down clock and then up the fsb and lower the ht to 800. you just better have good ram to be stable. i for one feel it's not worth to make anything unstable for a little extra boost that will not really be noticed unless you use a benchmark.

12-12-2004, 03:28 PM
zell, i feel water cooling is for an enthusiast who wants to over clock but really i find it to be a waste of good money. you ave to consider noise levels on all parts in your pc and as for temps, maybe it will help there but over clocking the athlon64 will eventually hurt your parts regardless of what anyone says. if you has a prescot chip you should use something like that for cooling but the amd64 is pretty good.

as for extra speed, i suggest making sure you have very good memory. everyone thinks it's the cpu that overclocks tha makes the system faster but it's actually the whole subsystem suchs as ram, and ht will be running faster. since you have the 939 your cpu is already running a 2000 fsb compared to 1600 of socket 754. there are other tweaks to get that 5 percent boost. the only way to over clock your cpu is with the fsb because the multipliers are locked. you may need to down clock and then up the fsb and lower the ht to 800. you just better have good ram to be stable. i for one feel it's not worth to make anything unstable for a little extra boost that will not really be noticed unless you use a benchmark.
I am running OC of 15% for over a year now, don't notice deterioration of any parts. FSB between 940-1000.
Even UT2k4 runs smooth, when it is said watch out for oc.