View Full Version : Just been browsin Download.com

Caged Anger
12-14-2004, 02:15 AM
Found some awesome programs that demand attention.

First off is the latest version of Diskeeper which is now up to 9.0. I myself was unwilling to download yet another program that offered to "MAKE YOUR COMPUTER GO FROM SLOW TO FAST!" or "GET RID OF THAT OLD DEFRAGMENTOR AND GET OURS!" Now, these are not direct quotes, but you get the idea. I was quite impressed with both the speed and efficiency of the program and seemed to work quite well. Yet it does have some troublesome features. Naturally, the fact that it is a trialware hits hard, but who can blame them for wanting money? Second is that it replaces the Windows Defragmentor. Its good, but I wanted to know what the windows one would say after using diskeeper.

Okay, last one was long so I'll keep the last one short. The newer versions of both Spyware Doctor and Spy Sweeper are available for download. Also, don't forget to update Zone Alarm and AVG as I noticed a number of updates.

12-14-2004, 03:36 AM
I love browsing that website.. So many cool things, but you have to be careful.. Some of their stuff has spyware and crap on it.. (I know it's not their stuff, but they give links to it!)

And, thanks for the update!

Mad Fox
12-15-2004, 12:16 PM
Thanks Caged