View Full Version : Pedro Martinez - Good bye to Boston Hello to ?

12-14-2004, 10:58 AM
Pedro Martinez a New York MET

This is sad Pedro Martinez thinking of the money. Like I said guys money talks and bull sh1t walks.

The Game has become about money and as long as I live I will never buy tickets to watch a bunch of players that can't play for sh1t and rather watch College or High School Baseball.

Boston Redsox will hate Pedro Martinez as well as New York. You think Roger Clemence was bad news, this is worse for Pedro Martinez because they just won the WS and now they got sh1T and if lucky they can make it in third place in the American east division.

Pedro Martinez I am glad he didn't go to the Yankees because he was trying to get more money which you can't blame him because the baseball organization only cares about him throwing the fu8ing ball.

Major League Baseball to me is no longer the American Spot game but a money market. The good old days are gone with the love of the game that very few care for but only the fans, the true hero's.

12-14-2004, 11:33 AM
Pedro going to the Mets made my day
See------> :D

I'm also a little scared because I'm kind of agreeing with Sas again :P I'm not missing the.. uhh... hmmm :hmmm: NHL! Yeah that's it! I just go to Yale and watch their team. Granted, I don't get instant replay, but then again, I park for free, pay $10 to get in, no traffic, and best yet, the team skates their ass off!

As for baseball, I take my son to minor leauge games. They're fun, close, affordable, and child orientated.

It's got to be nice to turn down a job offer of 38 million for 3 years work....

12-14-2004, 04:25 PM
I'm afraid the days of a player choosing to start and end his career with the same team are gone. Sadly it's all about the $$$ these days. I'll bet the Boston fans think it's time for a new curse ... on Pedro's butt this time around.

12-14-2004, 06:25 PM
it's sad to see that this is what sports has become. we lose here. the market is huge and the players get paid because of it. if you ask me i still liked it when the nfl went on strike and they let nobody's play. we still got to watch good football and the players really played for the game. boxing is another sport that sucks also. it has to be the most fixed and dumbest sport today. when a boxer gets to choose who they fight, i find it dumb to consider anyone a contender. it all comes down to pay day. all sports should have the max of a 1 million dollar a year contract cap. i find it hard to belive to pay anyone over that worth the game itself.

what's even worst is seeing the players off the field and acting like a bunch of jerks and getting arrested. that's not being a role model in my books.

12-15-2004, 01:12 AM
It's the fans that makes the game not the players. Without the Fans they wouldn't be a Barry Bonds who take Steroids. I do not recognize Barry Bonds as a Homerun hitter because he is a Steroid freak and Only Hank Aaron and Babe Ruth are true home run hitters.

Mad Fox
12-15-2004, 12:15 PM
Good he is old anyways