View Full Version : Google Suggest Beta

12-14-2004, 09:33 PM

Very cool. It predicts what you will search for along with giving results.

Death Engineer
12-14-2004, 10:13 PM
Wow. Very cool feature. Someone should have thought of that a long time ago.

12-14-2004, 11:06 PM
wow thats aweosme!
I made it my homepage :)

Caged Anger
12-14-2004, 11:08 PM
interesting feature, but i don't see how it would really be that useful as you usually know what you're looking for when you type something in

Asian Invasian
12-15-2004, 01:34 AM
ya but its faster and doesnt have to use cookies to save :P

solid snake295
12-15-2004, 02:47 AM
good idea, it dosent seem to be working too good though :hmmm: :rofl:

12-15-2004, 03:06 AM
lmao :P

OUTLAWS high ping camper
12-15-2004, 05:14 AM
Thanks, worked well. :)

12-15-2004, 05:15 AM
good idea, it dosent seem to be working too good though :hmmm: :rofl:
did you mean poor? What is por?

solid snake295
12-15-2004, 06:52 AM
i figured it would come up with "porn" on the top of the list since... thats what the internet was made for right? :dunno:

Mad Fox
12-15-2004, 12:14 PM
I like i like