View Full Version : Me be liking Chinese food!

12-14-2004, 10:20 PM
Yummy! I want some Chinese food please (http://www.teklock.com/mike/chowmein.swf)

Where's my #13 :thumbs:

Caged Anger
12-14-2004, 10:57 PM
hmmm....so many cats, so few recipes...

12-14-2004, 11:41 PM
interesting concept:

"This legend is a classic example of xenophobia (fear and hatred of foreigners or that which is foreign). Asian culture is markedly different from Western culture, with language but the first barrier to be hurdled. Customs, religious observances, traditions -- all are wildly different from their North American counterparts. As with all xenophobic reactions, that which isn't the same is vilified. The Asian culinary practice of making a tiny bit of meat stretch to feed a family by cutting it up fine and making it part of a larger dish of vegetables or noodles is transformed by fear into a vehicle for "them" to slip something objectionable into our unwitting stomachs. Likewise, that the Chinese don't as a rule keep cats and dogs as pets becomes seen as a willingness to plop someone else's animal companion into the stew pot. Anything for a buck, says this legend, and if in the process one puts over on the white devils, so much the better.

Though the Chinese have been known to dine on cats or dogs in their homeland, it's not a widespread practice and by many reports remains limited to certain far-flung backwards regions. The Chinese certainly don't do this in Europe or North America where these animals are known to enjoy the exalted status of family pets. It is true, however, that dog is more or less routinely consumed in Korea where it's seen as a game meat. Yet even in Korea, Western sensibilities are catered to on this issue. When the Olympics were held in Seoul, every wire service ran stories about dog being one of the dishes that could be ordered in a restaurant there. In response, the South Korean government temporarily shut down more than 400 eateries where dog soup was a staple. It knew visiting cultures would never understand.

In North America, Koreans don't eat dog. (See our Hound by the Pound page for the story of an elaborate hoax about a Korean-American company approaching animal shelters with an offer to buy excess dogs.)"

Asian Invasian
12-15-2004, 01:31 AM
lol i cant really find that offensive because its so damn funny rofl but yes my family back in phillipines eat dog and im like "WTF NOOB GROSS"

12-15-2004, 02:19 AM
Hmmm, I don't know. I've never understood what the big deal about that is...I mean, what is it exactly that designates that it's so wrong to eat this, and ok to eat that (unless you're peta, then it's ALL a sin). I guess what I'm saying is, if I went over to Asia and had the chance to eat Cat, Dog, Horse...yeah, sure, I'd do it. I like food. Find me something new that I like and heck yeah i'll eat it...unless it's human or an animal excreted it.

Of course, you're talking to someone who's favorite food is Sushi, and someone who will not eat pepperoni, sausage, green peppers, mushrooms, bacon, etc on pizza, but loves Anchovies...

There, I said it. Now you can all think of my as one sick person. :P

12-15-2004, 02:32 AM
Hehe..I bet Pure knows this place on West Main Street...

When the wife and I lived in New Britain, we used to go to the same Chinese restaurant every weekend, got to know the owner and waiters pretty well.. One day, I asked our regular waiter.." What do you like to order from the kitchen; what's a specialty not on the menu that you'd like if you were sitting in at the table rather than waiting on it ?"

His answer ?? " I don't eat this crap...we all go to Bonanza !! " :funny: :doh:

hehe..Bonanza..that oughta tell you how long ago that was !! :thumbs:

Die Hard
12-15-2004, 09:42 AM
There, I said it. Now you can all think of my as one sick person. :PYou're one sick person!

12-15-2004, 01:42 PM
Hehe..I bet Pure knows this place on West Main Street...

When the wife and I lived in New Britain, we used to go to the same Chinese restaurant every weekend, got to know the owner and waiters pretty well.. One day, I asked our regular waiter.." What do you like to order from the kitchen; what's a specialty not on the menu that you'd like if you were sitting in at the table rather than waiting on it ?"

His answer ?? " I don't eat this crap...we all go to Bonanza !! " :funny: :doh:

hehe..Bonanza..that oughta tell you how long ago that was !! :thumbs:

Man, you hit the nail on the head! Remember when the Mandarin on RT 10 in Plainville got busted about 10 years ago for having cat in their freezer? Along with 6 other places :eek:

either way, that cartoon is funny! :D

12-15-2004, 03:44 PM
I would disagree with you there, you are stereotyping. For much of the world there is no control over the quality of meat in general, would you feel better if it was roaming pigs or chickens? if say korea features dog soup as a common dish, I would have to think that they raise dogs on farms for that purpose, and don't grab up fido, the wandering mutt.... like what type of guaranteed product would they have?

12-15-2004, 05:50 PM
that one is sucha old pure haha ;) smile

12-15-2004, 05:55 PM
Hmmm, I don't know. I've never understood what the big deal about that is...I mean, what is it exactly that designates that it's so wrong to eat this, and ok to eat that (unless you're peta, then it's ALL a sin). I guess what I'm saying is, if I went over to Asia and had the chance to eat Cat, Dog, Horse...yeah, sure, I'd do it. I like food. Find me something new that I like and heck yeah i'll eat it...unless it's human or an animal excreted it.

Of course, you're talking to someone who's favorite food is Sushi, and someone who will not eat pepperoni, sausage, green peppers, mushrooms, bacon, etc on pizza, but loves Anchovies...

There, I said it. Now you can all think of my as one sick person. :P

i just wanna throw up by reading this man lol haha i whould never eat a cat or a dog why? bcos they are animals i see as pets yuck cant eat them and i whould never be able to eat a rat either or a guina pig EW LOL they are to cuddle with =P not to eat

Die Hard
12-15-2004, 06:19 PM
"Dog and Guinea Pig Pie" is a particularly fine meal in the UK. The flavours sort of intermingle and the taste is sublime. The tail is to die for........

12-15-2004, 06:28 PM
"Dog and Guinea Pig Pie" is a particularly fine meal in the UK. The flavours sort of intermingle and the taste is sublime. The tail is to die for........

i hope a dog eat u lol

12-16-2004, 03:48 AM
good copywriting to the song

12-16-2004, 05:05 AM

Always check the cardboard box you receive with your order. If it's a Meow Mix box, there is a problem.

12-16-2004, 04:52 PM
lol i cant really find that offensive because its so damn funny rofl but yes my family back in phillipines eat dog and im like "WTF NOOB GROSS"

Hey Kumusta ka!

You are a filipino? My ex gf was a filipina so, i know some words in tagalog :thumbs:

Die Hard
12-16-2004, 08:10 PM
I think he's trying to communicate with you AI....