View Full Version : Elite Combat

12-19-2004, 04:41 AM
Elite Combat

Are you tired of the ladders available today? Are you looking for matches with teams that measure maturity by character, integrity and sportsmanship? Are you hoping to find a place where the people who run the leagues listen to their membership and make the changes that they want? Are you looking to have fun, competitive, elite gaming again. If you’ve said yes to any of these questions, then maybe you are Elite Combat material. Elite Combat was started by gamers and is designed for gamers. It is not run by businessmen who don’t understand the issues we all deal with in the online gaming world today. If you think you and your team have what it takes to play with the elite clans then you should check out Elite Combat today.


Unfortunately, you may find unsavory characters from other ladder sites post in this or other threads trying to discredit this and any other site which offers a better option. This tactic has been utilized in the past and they will likely use it again. Please disregard their rhetoric and click the link above to find out for yourself. We’re confident you’re capable of making up your own mind.

solid snake295
12-19-2004, 08:01 AM
please sir, take your buisness elsewhere.


12-19-2004, 11:36 AM
I don't see any problem with someone advertising a ladder here, but we'll let Sal make the final call. Personallly, ladders would strengthen the clans here if a few would participate.. :rolleyes:

12-20-2004, 04:17 AM
Although this isn't as bad as the adbots we get, I still don't appreciate someone registering and using their first post to advertise their product. If you want to advertise, at least ask me first. Since its a legit site though, I'll just lock the thread giving you only a few days left of visibility. If you want to advertise anymore here, contact me.