View Full Version : ZeLL needs!!!!

He Is Legend
12-23-2004, 07:31 AM

Lol, It's the other way around now feelas huaeauhehuah

Anyway heres Brian's (Zell) problem

"My friends computer use to have blue screens and once i reinstalled the motherboard drivers they went away. Now they are coming back, with an error message code saying '0x0000007F' but no text after it. It also says at the bottom 'Dumping physical memory' with a number representing the percent of it dumped. This only occurs every now and then, but still i gotta fix it for him because i built his computer. Could it be bad ram?"

12-23-2004, 01:06 PM
Usually at the top of a blue screen you will get another message..something to the effect of Machine_Check_Exception. Have him look for that and post it.

BSOD messages are very hard to figure out without Microstink's help, but that little one liner is usually a good indicator of what the problem is.

12-25-2004, 02:01 AM
more specifically, heres the message


12-25-2004, 11:01 PM

Do you guys have any idea what that means?

12-26-2004, 02:18 AM
Used Google "IRQL_NOTLESS_OR_EQUAL" and from reading it looks like you have a irq conflict.

I would do like this guy did:

Ok fixed it I have just had this on one of my servers after upgrading to Windows 2000 SP4? There is a device drive conflict.... Boot into safe mode and disable as many devices as you can, Sound, Network Card, CD Rom etc etc then and reboot normaly and start adding the devices back and rebooting untill the BSOD returns, then you have the conflict device.. Reinstall the device with new drivers and maby after a reboot chkdsk and reinstall SP4 from your Hard drive
Taken from http://www.annoyances.org/exec/forum/win2000/t1075937355

Also read this thread, disreguard the crap about overheating.

Just in case, You might want to rule out a memory problem by just using 1 stick at a time and see what happens. I still believe this is a irq related problem and could be fixed using the method I quoted.

I luv Google ;)

12-27-2004, 01:11 AM
sh1t, so when i boot up in safe mode, where do i disable all these devices. I've never had to deal with this before so please be as elaborative as possible.

12-27-2004, 01:56 AM
Your signature doesn't list it and you haven't said which OS you are using so i'm assuming you are using XP.

OUTLAWS Behind You?
12-30-2004, 09:30 PM
That message can come from many places, but usually it is from the Graphics driver. With XP it is not an IRQ conflict. Have you updated any device drivers lately?