View Full Version : ok, who's still up putting their kids presents together

12-25-2004, 07:01 AM
45 minutes and still not done with this "Lifestyle Dream Kitchen" for my daughter.:bawling:

what ever happened to opening the box and it was ready:( ?

solid snake295
12-25-2004, 07:10 AM
:rofl: some assembly required my ass!

i had to put together a gigantic bbq for my dad, it took like 3 F'in hours :eek:

12-25-2004, 07:11 AM
:rofl: some assembly required my ass!

i had to put together a gigantic bbq for my dad, it took like 3 F'in hours :eek:
I agree:thumbs: It has to be the most understated piece of text on the box:bawling: .

12-25-2004, 07:22 AM
Been there, done that :banghead:
don't have to do that anymore, my kids are grown and have familys of thier own, they are probaly still up putting thier kids presents together. :D

12-25-2004, 07:23 AM
:rofl: some assembly required my ass!

i had to put together a gigantic bbq for my dad, it took like 3 F'in hours :eek:LoL.. I did that last year. It wasn't for Christmas, but it was a BBQ and it took forever. I had to screw all these pieces together and ughh!

GL with the doll house.. Isn't your daughter a bit young for one of those?

12-25-2004, 07:24 AM
Been there, done that :banghead:
don't have to do that anymore, my kids are grown and have familys of thier own, they are probaly still up putting thier kids presents together. :DAhh, but don't you miss those times? Don't you miss your kids?

12-25-2004, 07:45 AM
Ahh, but don't you miss those times? Don't you miss your kids?

Yes and No, It got pretty frustrating at times when the instructions said all ya need is a pair of pliers and a screwdriver with a picture of a woman putting it together, and I had half my tool box a drill and bits on the floor tryin to put it together :(

missin the kids, no, they live close enough that we see 'em all the time, if ya mean miss them being kids, no, now its time for them to start thier own familys and time for thier mother and I to have some time for ourselves and spoil the grand kids and then send 'em home to drive thier parents nuts :D

12-25-2004, 08:44 AM
45 minutes and still not done with this "Lifestyle Dream Kitchen" for my daughter.

what ever happened to opening the box and it was ready:( ?LMAO, note to Bigg, buy the floor display, haul in truck, it's all put together and you just have to hide it :D Are you sure that isn't YOUR dream kitchen?? :P

I remember when my mom had me doing that stuff for my brother. While most of the stuff was easy and the instructions were descent, it was sorta fun, but not if you were tired. I think the instructions for kids stuff are way better then adult stuff, that it goes from one pic to another and you are suppose to figure out how it went together along with the order in which to do things and what screws to use out of the 200 you have of 10 different kinds, and not lose one :rolleyes:

Now better get to bed before Santa shows up. :cool:

12-25-2004, 03:38 PM
soooooooooooo whatd yall get me :D :devil:

12-25-2004, 03:43 PM
You're telling me. I'm still trying to put together Barbie's Dream Town for my son.

12-25-2004, 10:56 PM
It took me 20 minutes just to get the Bratz remote control car out of the BOX. There must have been about 15 twist ties anchoring this thing. Then I had to put the batteries through the sun roof into under the back "speakers". And what's with these screws. What happened to normal flathead and phillips screw heads. You have to be MacGyver to unscrew these microscopic things. I had to use the end of a nail file just to get the battery cover off.:banghead:

12-26-2004, 02:25 AM
Santa used to be kinda lazy back in the day. When I was about 8 years old, I got this model airplane that Mattel made that used these pre program disks to determine it flight route. Santa forgot to put it together and by the time Mom and Pop wokeup Christmas morning, I had already put it together and was out in the front yard flying it. :D