View Full Version : 3dMark03 error on hp pavilion 725n

12-25-2004, 08:33 AM
I just bought a ati 9600xt for a hp pavalion rig that I am using for daoc. I ran 3dmark03 and score a measly 226. I installed the card and tried to run it again to see how much adding a descent card would improve it and it gives me an error, that says, system info incorrect. Only option I have is to click ok, and it exits the program. All I did was install the new card.

It had an nVidia geforce 4mx integrated card. Would that have to be disabled in the bios maybe? The instructions that came with the 9600xt said nothing about disabling the intergrated card, but I am guessing or assuming that ATI thinks that you have another card in the agp slot and you will be removing it and replacing it with your new card.

The bios thing just came to mind, although I don't have that hp infront of me, I will check to see about that tomarrow or the next day, due to travel for the holidays. I am possibly thinking there might be a jumper setting on the mb that I need to change to disable the card completely.

Thanks for the help in advance. Your thoughts??

12-25-2004, 09:23 PM
grim, you need to check for two things.

in the bios, make sure no memory is shared to the integrated vga and look for a setting that disables the integrated video. there shouldnt be a jumper. you also should have system boot on agp instead of pci/integrated. a good way of seeing if the video card is still being used in xp is look at the amount of memory the system is reporting.

12-25-2004, 10:01 PM
Grims it appears that your's doesn't have to be disabled in the bios and or by jumpers, that's the 1st i've ever seen one that didn't. I guess the ASUS A7N8X mobo that it uses auto detects if you inserted another card and don't want to use the onboard NVIDIA nForce2.

Anyways, here is the info you need for adding a video card to a HP Pavilion 725n

12-26-2004, 07:12 PM
I just looked in the bios and I didn't find anything, and after reading Shogun's post I shouldn't find anything in there. Sho I went through the steps that you have a link to and when I go to the display adapters, it just shows the ATI ones in there. Bigg here is a pic of the system info and it shows that it's using the card, but still don't know why I can run 3dmark anymore :(

12-26-2004, 07:33 PM
You could try uninstalling 3DMark, reboot and then re-install. Maybe the old vid card settings are stuck in there.

12-26-2004, 10:32 PM
I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling and same thing. Might try it again and add a reboot in the middle and see how that goes.

12-26-2004, 11:26 PM
After you uninstal 3dmark make sure you delete the registry entries associated with the program. Also browse your hard drive and manually delete the directory if it still exsists.

12-27-2004, 01:35 AM
After you uninstal 3dmark make sure you delete the registry entries associated with the program. Also browse your hard drive and manually delete the directory if it still exsists.
Do you know the name of the entries that would be associated with 3dmark? I just searched the registry for 3d and it came up with nothing. :confused:

12-28-2004, 02:46 AM
grimmy, list the full specs of the hp system. is it a via chipset? if so there are known problems with the via agp driver and ati cards with service pack 2 installed. also look for a bios update for that machine. if it's nforce board which it probably is, i suggest uninstalling all the nvidia drivers including chipset, deleteing the folders on the c:drive and using the latest drivers from nvidia.com. you also need to use these drivers for your ati card http://www.3dchipset.com/drivers/ati/omega/nt5/omega_2597.php

12-28-2004, 02:49 AM
here are some other things you should use to get rid of the old drivers

Detonator Destroyer 1.2---http://www.3dchipset.com/utilities/nvidia/driver_removal/ddestroyer.php

12-28-2004, 05:30 AM
Well I just updated the bio on the hog, and 3dMark is now running WEWT! (you don't know the kicking and screaming I had to do to get it done though, it's not my rig, I just use it for gaming :D )

Will post results in a few minutes, when it's done, but it's working! WEWT! Now I just hope my game loads faster now, almost the same specs as my desktop, just 512 ram and amd 2400+ instead of a 2800+.

12-28-2004, 05:46 AM
Just got done rerunning 3DMark03 and HUGE difference. First time I ran it with the integrated vid card, got a whopping 226 :/

Installed ATI 9600xt and updated bios and got 3752. I'd say I am now happy, and with they rig, it's plenty for the specs it has.

AMD 2400+
512 RAM
Asus A7N8X-LA mobo


12-28-2004, 02:31 PM
grimmy, glad the bios update worked for you. the score still seems a little low and maybe you need to configure the bios a little better. as far as the integrated chip on that board, it is based on the mx core and does not have dx9 and actually not even dx8.1 compliant. those chips are basiclly for web use or office work.