View Full Version : So which portable should I get?

12-27-2004, 02:09 PM
Well I have a lot of money from Christmas and my birthday. I am wondering what I should get, SP, DS, or wait for PSP. The thing that that makes me not want to get the DS is how big it is and that it costs doubled the amount of SP. The PSP is kinda big as well, but thats not my main concern with it. I wished the battery life was longer, and I travel on long trips a lot too. What do you guys think I should get. I'm thinking about just getting an SP and wait for there to be something that will increase the battery life of the PSP.

12-27-2004, 05:13 PM
Most of the trips you'll take are in a car I assume? If that's the case, just by the cigarette lighter adapter and you can play for hours and hours and hours. And you could always buy 2 battery packs, and charge them before the trip...that should last all day...charge them in the motel at night and you're ready for the next day!

12-27-2004, 05:32 PM
Yep, a car. I always go to places like Canada, NY, Virginia, etc. So what do you think I should get? Also, if you have a DS and you want to play a Gameboy Advance game on it with a friend who only has an SP will it work you you have that cable thing? If not, I am probably gonna get the SP since most of my friends have it.

EDIT: Oh yeah, how far can two DS's be apart and still be able to chat and play in multiplayer smoothly?

12-27-2004, 07:34 PM
I'm getting the PSP, because it offers the best performance and graphics, probably plenty of third party support, and movies. As far as the DS goes, i dont think you can link one to a gameboy advance or sp. It does offer backwards compatability tho. I've seen the DS graphics and they are on par with n64 or PS1 graphics. The pictochat thing is pretty awesome too. As for the distance im guessing less than 10 miles but i may be wrong.

12-27-2004, 07:42 PM
I'm getting the PSP, because it offers the best performance and graphics, probably plenty of third party support, and movies. As far as the DS goes, i dont think you can link one to a gameboy advance or sp. It does offer backwards compatability tho. I've seen the DS graphics and they are on par with n64 or PS1 graphics. The pictochat thing is pretty awesome too. As for the distance im guessing less than 10 miles but i may be wrong. I always stuck with the PSP, but when I started thinking about battery life, I started to reconsider. I don't know what to get....I might just wait for the PSP.