View Full Version : Make your peace with God..

12-28-2004, 05:43 AM
* Nevermind *

He Is Legend
12-28-2004, 05:53 AM

these are everywhere..there bs

12-28-2004, 05:57 AM

these are everywhere..there bs
Of course they could be true. Remember the same thing could have easily happend on this side of the world.

solid snake295
12-28-2004, 06:17 AM
No matter, an asteroid is going to destroy the Earth on Friday the 13th, 2029...

that gives them LOTS of time to build a giant laser or somthing to take it out.
or maybe giant robots that have human pilots, they can fly up into space and fire teh r0ck3ts!

... im not to worried about it :P

He Is Legend
12-28-2004, 06:18 AM
Um, no. They're not. ;)

ya there is

there was the bible thing, then the prediction thing, then the millineium thing

wich all have failed..noone should really worry about it

12-28-2004, 06:35 AM
Even if the asteroid collides with the earth, not everyone will die and those that do would not have to worry about the hardships that may come after such a disaster where half of the earth's population would have to immigrate to the other side of the planet.
Asteroid hits the water: dozens of earthquakes and destruction
Asteroid hits the ground: giant cloud engulfs the earth creating a theoretical ice age

He Is Legend
12-28-2004, 06:52 AM
Erm, did you bother to read the links I provided? The Earth DID wobble a bit during the recent 4th largest earthquake in recorded history. And there IS indeed a newly discovered asteroid that has the potential of striking the Earth.

Are you burying your head in the sand, or are you trusting in God that we will be protected? The first is just silly, the second is cool if that's what you believe.

To #1-Didn't read the thing correctly, my bad

To #2-No im not burying my head in the sand,and i do trust in god that he will protect us

but gods not gonna save us, human science will

He Is Legend
12-28-2004, 07:00 AM
wow can you guys see my 3'rd post?

its like not there for me

12-28-2004, 07:19 AM
ah, a meteor. if one ever comes a long the way, it may be possible to prevent the strike, or maybe not. it isn't just a matter of blowing it up with a few nukes, you would still have the same amount of mass headed towards earth, and it would be the same degree of destruction, over a wider area. the best bet would be to deflect it, and even that would be hard. as for the global changes, anyone near where it crashed would be vaporized, many others gone by tsunamis and earthquakes, and most other people would probably not survive the few years it would take for all the dust to settle. there would no longer be any mass transit or mass migration or mass escapes. it would be pretty sucky overall to an extreme degree. on the other hand though, we could probably put all this religious war crap behind us....

solid snake295
12-28-2004, 09:38 AM
There is a huge difference between a single mass striking the Earth in one concentrated spot, and many smaller masses of the same total mass striking the Earth in multiple spots. The later would do far less damage overall because of the penetration factor and also because much more vaporization would occur upon entering the atmosphere.
word. thats where the smaller sentry robots with the infrared laser targeting capabilitys come into play. after there done with it, it will be no more then a small hail storm... but with rocks. :woohoo:

12-28-2004, 11:22 AM
PE is gonna read this and say "Hehe, he said 'penetration'". :P :D

to be honest with you, I would've missed it because about half way through the first page, I stopped reading the long winded , beer influenced posts :D

12-28-2004, 02:22 PM
funny thing here is after seeing what happend on th news in asia and taking a look at what has been going on in the world one has to take a closer look at what has been said in the past. it seems that the signs are true in my belief and regardless id the world ends in our lifetime or our childrens, we really have to admit that the way things are going it doesnt look good. i will not dismiss something because it may not happend in my lifetime especially when i am still alive but some of you really have to admit that the world has become pretty hatefull. i believe that because of the major negative energy we are soon to destroy ourself.

so maybe all of this stuff is a bit far fetched but i myself look at things in life as warnings or signs. regardless of the world, i think all of the world needs to look at what really is important and get closer to their religion. it seems that today no matter what your religion it is marked out as bad. maybe it's just me but that's the way i see things today in my life from the world. regardless of iraq or all the wars going on, most of us including myself ignore too many things because it doesnt effect our life at the moment. i can not help but look at what the world has become and realisticly see peace without disaster. you know the truth that many people who say they do not believe in god pray to someone when their life is in danger or about to end. if you do not believe in god you should give the respect to those that do. no matter what anyone's religion is or belief, i feel if someone prays to a statue regardless if i or you believe their religion, they are a better person than any of us.

when i saw this thread i found myself to be relating to the subject because how i feel about things lately in my life and the world. ofcourse it was dumb of myself to see something serious in this forum that didnt offend someone in some way. all i can say is that we should all imagine that the world is going to end tommorow and live today to the fullest.

Mad Fox
12-28-2004, 03:00 PM
We are all gunna die anyway... whats there to worry about?

He Is Legend
12-28-2004, 06:03 PM
We are all gunna die anyway... whats there to worry about?

Nicely said :thumbs:

12-28-2004, 07:24 PM
We are all gunna die anyway... whats there to worry about?
so why not just die now?
Is that your argument?
Well first of all, i believe that there really isnt much after death except death, so im not looking foward to it.
Second of all whats the point of dying anyway?
I'd rather go on living, and find what exactly i am living for.
We all have a purpose and i'd want to stay alive until my purpose is served.

12-28-2004, 08:19 PM
Everybody thinks that during their time the world is going to end. I mean look at history. People have been thinking that for centuries. You think that during the plague in europe people didnt think the world was gonna end? or how about wwI and wwII? Life is too short to spend it worrying about silly things.

12-28-2004, 08:22 PM
I'd rather go on living, and find what exactly i am living for.
We all have a purpose and i'd want to stay alive until my purpose is served.

I thought your purpose was to be Slice's bitch?????


12-28-2004, 08:31 PM
I thought your purpose was to be Slice's bitch?????

i was really hoping there was a higher purpose for me. :rolleyes:

12-28-2004, 09:03 PM
Meteor can not be nuked or it is not the way but landing rockets to redirect it will help and only needs to be moved alittle too. Now the question is can we detect it coming on time that is the real question because we do not have that many eyes looking up and that is a fact in Science.

Also if you really believe God will protect you then good luck because science to me will do the job. lol

religion is not the answer for me but science and we can fix these problems by less polution and etc. The only thing is needed is that we stop being greedy and get our as* up and get the things done. This genration is not going to do sh1t but the next one will because they have to live in it and it will not be too late if you guys read your Scincetific American Journal you will see and know why in what I mean.

READ!!!!!! and stop this bull sh1T about the end is near please it's sounds like a bunch of religion freaks that make prediction all the fu*king time for the past 1000 years.

We can fix it trust me and believe it or not Mars and the moon will play a major roll for us you will see.

He Is Legend
12-28-2004, 09:03 PM
i was really hoping there was a higher purpose for me. :rolleyes:


your purpose in life is to be his bish!

12-28-2004, 09:52 PM
I’m not a real religious person, but I do believe in God. I believe that he has plans for each and everyone one of us. I also believe that bad things happen for a reason, call it an act of God, fate, bad luck or whatever.

If and when we are faced with some event that could end the world, as we know it, I believe we can try as hard as we might, but in the end our fate has already been decided. Either we will succeed or we will fail, so do not waste the time you have, enjoy it!

Now where did that little chicken go? He was screaming something about the sky is falling. :P

12-28-2004, 10:20 PM
Well if an asteroid was going to hit the Earth and there was nothing we could do to stop it, then I say we have one last massive GM lan party and go out in style together. :wootrock: :wootrock: :wootrock: :drink:
I'm in!!!!!
Might even have a drink or two,eat fatty foods (with lots of salt) and drive there without wearing my seatbelt!

12-28-2004, 10:50 PM
Kiddies take Geology in college. You will learn a lot. :thumbs: http://www.seismo.unr.edu/ftp/pub/louie/class/100/plate-tectonics.html

12-28-2004, 10:53 PM
Option to me is the answer because if we apply ourselves to prepare then it can be alter but if we do nothing then we fall.

We can change what is ahead for us and that is to prepare and mostly explore.

We are made to explore not sit in one place as you can tell in our history it will be like it for the future to explore and find more answers to many things which includes about the earth and this universe. The answers are not only on earth but throughout the universe and the more we learn the better we can predict and find answers about us, earth and much more, including meteors.

We are at a small scale of what is yet to learn and to predict what can happen. It is common sense to know that if you do a bad thing it will hurt you like eatting or drinking too much etc, or when the clouds become dark and you know that it is going to rain and you ask yourself why, because from what we have learned that when it gets dark the clouds, chances are it will fu*king rain. lol

This applies to everything from Meteor's to Sun raid and waves that we get which also btw can effect the earth weather etc. The temperture is changing and we have some affect on it and remeber the earth changes too because many years ago the earth temperture has made changes not the ice age ok guys but the earth has changed for better and for worse at times. This is expected from the scientic but many do believe that we can help it not make it worse with this poplution. The Ozone is as wide as Australia and that isn't good and it is close to the south pole which if you remeber the ice is melting. WHY!!!!!!!!!! Very simple factories-population not helping matters making it worse and the only interest is making money which is going to hurt us and end up paying more for the damage...

BTW the ozone we have the technolgy to help patch it up. . . .

12-28-2004, 11:16 PM
One other thing we know that someday years to come that califorina will be under the water and many more. Earth quakes and everything including is part of this earth and it has it's moments to faulter because nothing is perfect.

The land expands and so the Plate Tectonics crash and guess earth quakes.

Many years ago the lands was once pretty much united as a big chuck of land and now you see 6 continents extented and so Plate Tectonics crash and until this day it is still moving and the sea plays a major roll.

Many years from now the earth will move in a direction and it is moving slowly but it will change the looks and weather of the earth for years to come not to worry you will all be dead by then anyway.

Now if you want to look far ahead the sun will one day shut down 5 to maybe 10 million years from now. The Sun will not actually shut down it will explored and buff say good bye to earth and the rest of the planets. lol

I am not surprise of what has been happening to earth from weather to quakes and etc because everything changes and there isn't a dam thing we can do now.

Wars is a thing that is in our nature because we have not perfected it and we probably will never because we would most likely kill each other. doh! I hope not.

12-28-2004, 11:52 PM
You people and your science. You disgust me. Technology is the evil that has put us in this position. Very soon now God will reach down from the heavens and smite us for turning away from Him and worshipping our precious cell phones and computers and widescreen HD TVs. Heed my words - THE END IS NEAR! :eek:

So which cables do I need to bring to the lan party? Should I bring my router? :hmmm:
Drag your ass to Lanwar on the 15/16th!

12-28-2004, 11:55 PM
You people and your science. You disgust me. Technology is the evil that has put us in this position. Very soon now God will reach down from the heavens and smite us for turning away from Him and worshipping our precious cell phones and computers and widescreen HD TVs. Heed my words - THE END IS NEAR! :eek:

So which cables do I need to bring to the lan party? Should I bring my router? :hmmm:

Yeah but..I don't have a cell-phone or a widescreen HDTV...So I'm OK !! :thumbs: :wootrock: :woohoo:

12-29-2004, 12:05 AM
The world is ending! :eek:

This past earthquake was strong enough to cause the Earth to wobble in it's rotation...


No matter, an asteroid is going to destroy the Earth on Friday the 13th, 2029...


..a 1 in 300 chance. I don't like those odds. Crap, that's just about when I'm planning to retire too. :mad:

Asteroids have supposed to be ending the earth for so long now. If we panicked everytime we heard something like that, then wed kill ourselves with worry... I say keep on living our lives and carry on regardless.

12-29-2004, 12:08 AM
As for making my peace with God/Jesus......

People say he is here, why isnt he helping the world he created??????

Why are there starving people when he can turn stone into bread????

oops.... he aint here......

When its our time, the REAPERS will come....lol

12-29-2004, 12:09 AM
so why not just die now?
Is that your argument?
Well first of all, i believe that there really isnt much after death except death, so im not looking foward to it.
Second of all whats the point of dying anyway?
I'd rather go on living, and find what exactly i am living for.
We all have a purpose and i'd want to stay alive until my purpose is served.

Our purpose, was to be born, go to school, work our asses of 24/7, get old and die!

12-29-2004, 12:15 AM
You guys really do worry to much..

12-29-2004, 12:26 AM
it's life, you live it until you die. and then who knows. but guaranteed you will find out. you look at the news tonight, 60K dead and climbing, as they continue to discover more groups of people that are dead. we in america are pretty much set up. take a devastating hurricane, 25 people dead, major relief efforts in place the next day, things back to normal for most in 2-3 weeks. for these people, things will take years to be rebuilt if not much much longer. add to that the predictions of more than doubling the death count due to disease.

12-29-2004, 12:44 AM
Ok both SAS and Shotgun have been jailed for double and even quad posting! Don't do the crime if you can't do the time! :P

12-29-2004, 02:06 AM
i do the time standing on my head m8.....lol

12-29-2004, 10:06 PM
Ok both SAS and Shotgun have been jailed for double and even quad posting! Don't do the crime if you can't do the time! :P
I will have more for you and I will pm you too ok. heheheheh:D

12-29-2004, 10:10 PM
You people and your science. You disgust me. Technology is the evil that has put us in this position. Very soon now God will reach down from the heavens and smite us for turning away from Him and worshipping our precious cell phones and computers and widescreen HD TVs. Heed my words - THE END IS NEAR! :eek:

So which cables do I need to bring to the lan party? Should I bring my router? :hmmm:
Well try cooking then because what you use is science and if it's evil then break out the wood and do what the boyscouts do to make fire. hehehehe:D

12-30-2004, 07:01 PM
Not when i was a boy scout I had to do it the old fasion way pal. LOL

12-30-2004, 07:02 PM
Ok both SAS and Shotgun have been jailed for double and even quad posting! Don't do the crime if you can't do the time! :P
Go watch TV ok. . . :D

12-30-2004, 07:03 PM
Ok both SAS and Shotgun have been jailed for double and even quad posting! Don't do the crime if you can't do the time! :P
Go play some games or something . . . :D

12-30-2004, 07:04 PM
Not when i was a boy scout I had to do it the old fasion way pal. LOL
lol, i don't think they had been invented yet back then.... :hmmm:

12-30-2004, 07:05 PM
lol, i don't think they had been invented yet back then.... :hmmm:


12-30-2004, 10:21 PM
I am lagging so badly and posting twice too. Fu*king cable company I have sucks big time and they own this area through a contract those as*holes.

The service sucks and the guys that come here to fix it i have to tell them how to do it right or correct them all the fu*king time.