View Full Version : Stupid Question

12-29-2004, 07:57 PM
I'm sure I'm missing something horribly obvious, but I'm an idiot, so what can I say? :D

I tried setting up a small server last night for 2004.

Used Host Game, Onslaught, server rules, checked 'Advertise Server', then set the name to Bingo's Server. Then used the 'Listen' option so I could join in as well, rather than a dedicated.

The other folks who were looking for it were not able to see it on the server list.

What am I missing??

All I was wanting to do was run a server for 1-2 people so we could run around a bit.

Thanks -


12-29-2004, 08:43 PM
I trust you're not behind a router or firewall?

Fragetti should have your answer if that's not it.

Keep in mind that a few of us have servers that we can set up for you that will give better pings for your friends and don't get used during off hours. If you ever need one, let me know, I can set it for you from work without issue.


12-29-2004, 09:39 PM
I am using Zone Alarm firewall. At first I thought that had to be it, but then I double checked and obviously, UT did have internet rights but I had also already set it up with server rights as well, so that can't be it. Unless there is another aspect to the Firewall that I don't know about.

12-29-2004, 09:40 PM
If you ever need one, let me know, I can set it for you from work without issue.


I didn't know about that, and I will certainly keep it in mind. Thanks! :thumbs:


12-30-2004, 02:52 AM
Try this

Do an ipconfig and get your ip address then setup the server and have your players try to join using your ip and port. 216.216.216:7777 I never tried to host a game on the rig I was playing on. If you like I can fire up my server at home for yas with a pass if you like. or pm me and ill give you guys acsess to ds-recon server. map vote is on so you can change game type and maps :)

buy the way it takes a while for the master server to update so you may not see your server right away. If your in the server it might be better for them to use the buddy thingy (add buddy) = -=(OUTLAWS)=-* and they will find you
just keep refreshing the list.
hope that helps