View Full Version : Reflect

01-29-2003, 04:19 AM
This was posted on GODS forum by Valor (slice)....take a look:

Now that the dust has settled from the bomb that went off at Gamemecca a couple of days ago, I would like to state my opinions and feelings on the events that transpired. First and foremost I would like to apologize for my rude statements towards any of the members there. The situation quite clearly got out of control and I lost my temper. However I feel that myself and the other Gods actions were not unprovoked.

The result of those actions was that Gods left Gamemecca on very bad terms. It reminded me of the way the clans left Seriously and formed Gamemecca. When I think back to the rude comments and nasty posts that most of us took part in making towards Rodzilla and the off topic guys there, it makes me sad because it is almost like watching history repeat itself. We are supposed to learn from history and avoid repeating our mistakes.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Gamemecca for giving Gods a home. We enjoyed your company and appreciate your efforts in making a nice gaming site. The community there is a lot of fun and we enjoyed our stay.

To correct some misconceptions of our move, we are in no way trying to compete with Gamemecca! These forums were put up so that Our Clan can grow and restructure our forums to meet our needs. We wanted our own home where we could create chapters and categories for all the different games that Gods play.

I also in no way want an "uprising" or to harm Gamemecca in any way. The post that I made in our own forums, as childish as it may have been, was indeed a retaliation towards Grimmy. When he stepped in at Gamemecca and locked down our forums and wouldn't allow me to post a response I got extremely upset. As for the content of the conversation we had, I can assure you it is real. I do not know if such a thing exists or not, but I would not be surprised if it does.

In conclusion I would like to see Gamemecca and Gods still have some kind of relationship. The fact is, we are still going to be around and playing all kinds of games. It wouldn't make sense to hold a grudge or haste towards one another. Obviously I know that I have been banned from there, which is fine, but I ask only that Gods still be recognized and not tainted by the events and fallouts that took place.

01-29-2003, 04:24 AM
That was well put, a nice attempt! I give him some credit for posting that.

01-29-2003, 04:34 AM
phoenix, i had to check your name like 5 times. wow never saw you so serious and am glad to see you post what you did. you are a good person at heart although you may joke around alot we all should do the same to keep in good spirits. hold i just want to ck to see if you did post what you did because i am still amazed and suprised. damn you do have a serious side that most never seen before and the proof that you and i have come to terms and still speak to eachother is proof that we all can go a little nutty once in a while. i respect your post so much.

i too hope as mentioned i many posts that gods will not be tainted and welcomed regardless of the fallout. no one is at fault but everyone should do what they can to make it better.

phoenix again let me say again i respect your post and i am sure all who ever thought of you as the joker (i still do) see you have good intentions to the forum, the people in the forum, and the unity of clans which is the reason we are here. i see peace in the future

01-29-2003, 05:51 AM
I have always tried to remember the good things from people. Most people at times including myself see the bad thing that has happen but what is so important is to realize the good things that were done by us. It took a brave man like Slice to express so much heart with words of humbleness, which is very hard to do. I have always respected Slice and today even more for the brave words he has shown. In time wounds will be heal and all forgotten and continue the relationship that we all need from one another. I must say that I have been very lucky to have meant many good people at this forum and I am proud to be apart of so many interesting beautiful people at this forum. Grimmy who is also a good young man and slice, in which I like to see peace between friends one day when the time is right.

As for Phoenix, he has always shown good intentions with humor, which I like so much about him and a true spirit that dwindles in our hearts, a special young man and very bright.

We need to remember more good things that we have done and push aside the things that can be poison in our minds but look forward or ahead to a better future at home called Gamemecca. Salvation has done so much for us including the people who have helped and now we have a home. Very special moments to think about before we judge anyone but to take the time to think about it and only express what’s right by handling matters in a more positive way. We will have fights but if we didn’t then we wouldn’t care and caring is apart of misunderstanding which builds a better foundation from within and only try our best to make it, and improve and most importantly we have each other to help one another to prevail.

Everyone take a moment to think about the good things that were done by us. I believe you will see that there are more good things done by us then the bad things. Good always triumph over evil and I have always believed in that, and that will never change how I feel.

Thank you everyone. . . .

Peace to all. . . .


01-29-2003, 05:58 AM
Very well said Sas :)

01-29-2003, 09:49 AM
hey phoenix i thought you typed that but see it was posted on the gods forum. well atleast you posted and i hope now things will heal. :jammin:

01-29-2003, 05:07 PM
Originally posted by ME BIGGD01@Jan 29 2003, 09:49 AM
hey phoenix i thought you typed that but see it was posted on the gods forum. well atleast you posted and i hope now things will heal. :jammin:
LOL, I was wondering why you were complemeting me so much :P

01-29-2003, 05:15 PM