View Full Version : Ace Brand Heat Pads

12-31-2004, 12:24 AM
These things are awesome. I guess they are new on the market. It's a Heat pad that lasts 10 hours. I placed one on my neck this morning and all day long this sucker worked like a champ..

12-31-2004, 01:54 AM
I not sure if it was that brand but I put one on my back and went to bed after splitting 3 loads of oak wood and I could barely move after that, woke up the next day and felt better, still hurt but I have had worse.

12-31-2004, 02:05 AM
I not sure if it was that brand but I put one on my back and went to bed after splitting 3 loads of oak wood and I could barely move after that, woke up the next day and felt better, still hurt but I have had worse.
How come you are always splitting wood?

12-31-2004, 02:27 AM
go a little further north, and it isn't warm all year round.... :wacko:
some people like the smell, heat and sounds of a real fire (as compared to a gas fire).

12-31-2004, 02:52 AM
go a little further north, and it isn't warm all year round.... :wacko:
some people like the smell, heat and sounds of a real fire (as compared to a gas fire).
Thanks Grimmy. Can you shut up for one second and let him answer my question?

12-31-2004, 05:08 AM
Jeez, take a chill pill Slice. This is OT. Everyone jumps into all OT threads all the time. Besides, I doubt Grimmy will even come back to this thread. He probably only posted here at all because Whocares started it.

I think Grimmy lives on a fairly good size piece of land and probably has a lot of trees to maintain.
Again, I didn't ask you I asked Grimmy. Why is it that you people feel you need to answer a question completely adressed to someone else? If a post doesn't get a responce for a couple of hours it is ok you know......... It doesn't matter where Grimmy lives, I asked him not either of you.

12-31-2004, 06:22 AM
I wonder if those pads do anything for a hot head?

solid snake295
12-31-2004, 07:37 AM
Why is it that you people feel you need to answer a question completely adressed to someone else?
i dont know http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v296/snake295/shifty.gif

12-31-2004, 07:57 AM
i dont know http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v296/snake295/shifty.gifOmg.. :lol: This is so funny..

12-31-2004, 11:01 AM
How come you are always splitting wood?
I split wood every fall. I have a wood burning stove in the basement and use that to heat the basement and the woodshop down there as well. Moreso I use to to aid in heating the house and use a little less gas to keep the house warm. Works well when it gets really cold, as long as its cooking, it keeps the chill out. Plus it gives me something to do. And as always, campfires are fun. Great place to socialize or just get away from everything. Don't know what it is about a campfire, but you can stare endlessly into it for hours. Oh and you can drink a lot of beer doing that too :P

01-01-2005, 04:19 PM
Schism who are you and I was told that you are Sirc and if that is true then I am deeply Disappointed.:confused:

01-01-2005, 04:20 PM
I split wood every fall. I have a wood burning stove in the basement and use that to heat the basement and the woodshop down there as well. Moreso I use to to aid in heating the house and use a little less gas to keep the house warm. Works well when it gets really cold, as long as its cooking, it keeps the chill out. Plus it gives me something to do. And as always, campfires are fun. Great place to socialize or just get away from everything. Don't know what it is about a campfire, but you can stare endlessly into it for hours. Oh and you can drink a lot of beer doing that too :P
It's also keeps you in shape too man, excellent. . . . :thumbs:

01-01-2005, 05:16 PM
Back to the main topic :confused:

I should try that Who thx. I've been having terrible back muscle ache for the past week and a half so bad that it's plaguing my every movement :(

01-01-2005, 05:18 PM
Back to the main topic :confused:

I should try that Who thx. I've been having terrible back muscle ache for the past week and a half so bad that it's plaguing my every movement :(
Topic will change again sorry Sepra but try heating a pad and get muscle relaxer which should help and it doesn’t have any side affects btw ok. .

Your Doctor can prescript them for you btw it's very easy and if you know your pharmacist pretty well like I do then he will give them to you it’s not all that dangerous at all but please keep them always and out of reach of the children because he may give you 750 mg which should do the job. If it’s the neck and back then go for the 750 mg trust me nothing else will work accept rest and when you sleep make sure you have a pillow between your legs it will help balance your body and less strain on your back too.


01-01-2005, 05:25 PM
Yes I used to be Sirc, and I'm sorry that you are disappointed.
Sirc you are a better person then that ok and we are looking forward to having you with us at Guild Wars again. Many are looking forward to having you play but if you are not going to play then i need to know now because I made you the leader at Guild Wars and now you are not playing for Exodus but that doesn't change things but if does to you then I need you to step down with respect my friend and hope that you would come back to us at Guild Wars.

I need to know ok and you can PM me or email me ok.

01-01-2005, 05:36 PM
That is not what you said but what you said was that you didn't have experience and that is true but you pickup fast but that's ok I need you to come on at guild wars and step down and for now you can choose me until we the Exodus decide who will be the leader.

Thank you


01-01-2005, 05:46 PM
BTW Sirc if I am not there choose anyone of the guys to be the leader because I been having trouble with my connection.

I am not going to be the leader btw because we have better candidates then me for the job and besides Exodus from what I have learn and like so much is no one is higher then the other but this game requires a Guild leader.

Thank you