View Full Version : Who Is Jr Villains Marine?

M a T R o X
01-03-2005, 12:00 PM
Just wonder who Marine is.
I look at Villains member list sometimes, and see peoples as I never seen before.
I have never seen she/he play sam or whats game she/he now play or never seen her/him write here in GM.
So I'm just interested who she/he is : ).

Die Hard
01-03-2005, 12:27 PM
One of our members members daughters I think :funny:

M a T R o X
01-03-2005, 12:58 PM
Lol Ok :funny:
whos daughters Picards? lol
Or your?
hmm Rancid Is your and Argl.
Marine too? lol

rancid monkey
01-03-2005, 02:37 PM
Lol Ok :funny:
whos daughters Picards? lol
Or your?
hmm Rancid Is your and Argl.
Marine too? lol

nope im not related...... i think :eek:

(Villains) Crazy Idiot
01-03-2005, 03:03 PM
nope im not related...... i think :eek:

Ask your father? Maybe he still remembers, it was ages ago.:rofl:

Die Hard
01-03-2005, 03:51 PM
Hmm, maybe it's Soph's?? :funny:

M a T R o X
01-03-2005, 05:27 PM
Nice Little Movie Rancid :D You Maybe Of Course Not Understand What I Mean With That. I Mean The Movie When You Jumped On A Slide Thing You Know What I Mean (Im Bad In English) Or Maybe It Calls Water Chute :D You Say: Hi I'm .... I Dont Heared Whats Your Name Was Lol And I Shall Jump At ... It Hear As You Say Flag But Its Of Course Not That And This Is Full Of Sh!t And You Had A Friend In Front Of You
And You Jumped Lol And Your Arm Was It Sh!t On, Ok In Begin You Saying Somthing But I Hear Wrong Nearly Every Time Lol You Sayed Not That But Lol Or Your Friend Say Behind With The Cam: He Shall Jump In It Of A KOOK. Lol That Kook Hears So Ugly, Your Friends Sound Hear So Ugly When He Sayed It Lol... And It Was At A Little Park So It Was Young Childs In Front OfYou Likes Played At A Thing And When You Jumped And Fall Down They Laughing, Lol. It Was A Funny Movie :D

rancid monkey
01-03-2005, 07:13 PM
Nice Little Movie Rancid :D You Maybe Of Course Not Understand What I Mean With That. I Mean The Movie When You Jumped On A Slide Thing You Know What I Mean (Im Bad In English) Or Maybe It Calls Water Chute :D You Say: Hi I'm .... I Dont Heared Whats Your Name Was Lol And I Shall Jump At ... It Hear As You Say Flag But Its Of Course Not That And This Is Full Of Sh!t And You Had A Friend In Front Of You
And You Jumped Lol And Your Arm Was It Sh!t On, Ok In Begin You Saying Somthing But I Hear Wrong Nearly Every Time Lol You Sayed Not That But Lol Or Your Friend Say Behind With The Cam: He Shall Jump In It Of A KOOK. Lol That Kook Hears So Ugly, Your Friends Sound Hear So Ugly When He Sayed It Lol... And It Was At A Little Park So It Was Young Childs In Front OfYou Likes Played At A Thing And When You Jumped And Fall Down They Laughing, Lol. It Was A Funny Movie :D

I have no idea what you just said... :confused: tell me on msn :P

rancid monkey
01-03-2005, 07:15 PM
Hmm, maybe it's Soph's?? :funny:

no she said she wanted to be called socket...i think :hmmm:

M a T R o X
01-03-2005, 07:48 PM
I have no idea what you just said... :confused: tell me on msn :P
yay man the movie, Villains Rebecca gived me the movie its just a 1 min movie you jumping at thing .its a playground.