View Full Version : Painkiller Error

01-04-2005, 02:25 AM
So I recently bought the game Painkiller cause I wanted something to play and when i made it to the 1st boss i can fight him for awhile and then painkiller crashes. I think once I read something about a memory error but I still don't get it. I was able to run the game great till this happened. Its really cheesing my off cause I wanna keep playing the stupid game. Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

01-04-2005, 02:49 AM
make sure you have the latest DX version and also the latest drivers for your video card. that should pretty much fix everything. you can do the patch (1.35) if that doesn't help or if you have not done that already. if you have also gotten and installed the battle out of hell expansion, i would say to nuke that and reinstall PK only, BooH doesn't add much to the original SP game but it will make reloads to be teeth-grindingly slow....

01-04-2005, 05:00 AM
something i noticed was that pk is a vid card hogg
it was overheating my 9800 thus throwing me back into windows.
my solution was Arctic Cooling ATI Silencer 3 VGA Cooler
Efficient Memory Cooling: With this highly efficient heatsink the memories get cooled up to 6 times better than without memory cooling.
and i added a system blower that i placed 2 pci slots down..below the card and cooler..
only have a crash after playing online for more than an hour now which im fine with...cost 65 canadian before tax..


01-04-2005, 06:08 AM
Dang that sucks mod. I actually found painkiller to be pretty easy on my system compaired to Half Life 2 and even UT2k4. I am up to date with the painkiller patch and have the latest ATI drivers and running the direct x 9.0c and its still crashing.....ugh I wanna kill the boss already and move in this game is kinda cool. Reminds me of classic Dooming way more than Doom 3 ever did.....and I love classic Doom. Ahhhhh fidlesticks!

01-04-2005, 06:09 AM
Dang that sucks mod. I actually found painkiller to be pretty easy on my system compaired to Half Life 2 and even UT2k4. I am up to date with the painkiller patch and have the latest ATI drivers and running direct x 9.0c and its still crashing.....ugh I wanna kill the boss already and move in this game is kinda cool. Reminds me of classic Dooming way more than Doom 3 ever did.....and I love classic Doom. Ahhhhh fidlesticks!

01-04-2005, 06:09 AM
Sorry about that quote I meant to edit the post not make a new one.

01-04-2005, 06:49 AM
sounds like an ati issue but i am not familiar with the game. i may suggest seeing if something is running in the background or possibly you dont have enough ram and it's using your hard drive more which crashes because of low system memory. it could also be a heat issue like mod suggests and is very possible. you should check your system logs to see what is causing the error if it's even being reported.