View Full Version : Dreams

He Is Legend
01-04-2005, 09:13 PM
If anyone could have a dream

what dream would it be?

Mine would be to be the fastest metal guitarist player ever.

And Double pass pedal player

I'm in love with guitar...

01-04-2005, 09:19 PM
for a happy healthy son

01-04-2005, 09:24 PM
My dream would be to have enough money to buy my TVR T350 (see avatar) and to take my wife around the world.

01-04-2005, 09:28 PM
at this point in my life, a wet one would just be fine:D

He Is Legend
01-04-2005, 09:40 PM
Nice one bigs :p

Anyone else out there take up metal on guitar?

01-04-2005, 09:53 PM
no i wish i knew hot to play a guitar or actually any instrument. 2x:thumbs: for those who know how to. off the record i can play a few notes on my daughters chime box:)

He Is Legend
01-04-2005, 09:57 PM
no i wish i knew hot to play a guitar or actually any instrument. 2x:thumbs: for those who know how to. off the record i can play a few notes on my daughters chime box:)

*bangs head to biggs playing the chime box*

Rock on \m/

01-04-2005, 11:52 PM
I had a dream as a kid to drive a classic ferrari 308 around a race track at High speed.......After 20 years of wanting this, My girlfriend bought me a race day......

I went, spent a couple of hours in a classroom being taught about the car........... Went out with an instructor for a few laps......

Did 20 laps on my own........And then entered into a comp with 5 other drivers, Unfortunately, i came second......... But driiving at nearly 180mph in a ferrari is awesome!!!!!

Ill post some pics sometime...... Was great... Big thankyou to my beautiful G/F.

I also have a dream of actually owning 1.....

Also incase no1 knows the model of the car.....heres a pic

01-05-2005, 01:24 AM
I had a dream as a kid to drive a classic ferrari 308 around a race track at High speed.......After 20 years of wanting this, My girlfriend bought me a race day......

I went, spent a couple of hours in a classroom being taught about the car........... Went out with an instructor for a few laps......

Did 20 laps on my own........And then entered into a comp with 5 other drivers, Unfortunately, i came second......... But driiving at nearly 180mph in a ferrari is awesome!!!!!

Ill post some pics sometime...... Was great... Big thankyou to my beautiful G/F.

I also have a dream of actually owning 1.....

Also incase no1 knows the model of the car.....heres a pic
my uncle has the same car in black. he takes to the hamptons for the ferrari show once a year. sweet car:thumbs:

Alexis SC430
01-05-2005, 01:39 AM
The Dragunov SVD 7.62mm Sniper Rifle becomes accessable to the general public...

01-05-2005, 02:32 AM
Make it on the Fire Dept and be a PSL owner of Raiders game

01-05-2005, 04:18 AM
My dream would be to have all people have open minds and not judge others based on their beliefs. Material items are just that. You will not feel better emotionaly by having them. You may get a sense of joy if you obtain one, but that quickly fades away. Things that actually make me feel better is to hear how many people have donated to the victims of the Tsunami. So my dream at this point would be that all the displaced families can rebuild their lives and get through this horrible and devistating Global tragedy.

He Is Legend
01-05-2005, 04:34 AM
My dream would be to have all people have open minds and not judge others based on their beliefs. Material items are just that. You will not feel better emotionaly by having them. You may get a sense of joy if you obtain one, but that quickly fades away. Things that actually make me feel better is to hear how many people have donated to the victims of the Tsunami. So my dream at this point would be that all the displaced families can rebuild their lives and get through this horrible and devistating Global tragedy.

Best post I have seen in a long time

01-05-2005, 09:09 PM
My dream would be to vanquish all evil off the face off the earth.

He Is Legend
01-05-2005, 09:19 PM
My dream would be to vanquish all evil off the face off the earth.


01-05-2005, 10:06 PM
My dream would be to vanquish all evil off the face off the earth.
except pure evil right?:eek:

good post slice:thumbs: i agree, and i also feel, well, i really can not imagine what those people are feeling but my heart goes out for them. that whole event just makes ya think about how lucky we are.

01-05-2005, 10:47 PM
at this point in my life, a wet one would just be fine:D
the dry poop is a little hard to push out? :hmmm:

01-05-2005, 10:48 PM
The Dragunov SVD 7.62mm Sniper Rifle becomes accessable to the general public...
keep working on that crack-cocaine thingy....

01-05-2005, 10:48 PM
dream? umm
to find the best girlfriend, love her, *** her, never leave her.
I'd be very lazy BF ;D

01-05-2005, 10:51 PM
at this point in my life, a wet one would just be fine:D
thats a great idea :thumbs:

01-05-2005, 10:52 PM
Material items are just that. You will not feel better emotionaly by having them. You may get a sense of joy if you obtain one, but that quickly fades away.
My Dream is to be have the quickly fading sense of joy that comes from owning Slice's house, hotels, big screen TVs and so forth. :D

Oh and also for peace, love and happiness in the world.... :thumbs:
(like that will probably only happen when everyone is dead and the ghosts have faded also...)

Asian Invasian
01-06-2005, 05:26 AM
World Peace! LOL

Oh... and that alexis was a mute :|

01-06-2005, 05:08 PM
My dream would be to vanquish all evil off the face off the earth.
and there would not be any more ideas for great games.... such as violence games
we all would play tetris

01-06-2005, 08:36 PM
and there would not be any more ideas for great games.... such as violence games
we all would play tetris
Ok scratch that dream then.. =P